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dcastrog 2013-01-11 18:28

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
wow, very nice wondering what it is?

N9 is Harmattan which is Maemo 6 with Swipe UI and called "MeeGo" for marketing purposes.
Real MeeGo never got released as far as I know

So maybe this is Maemo 6 without Swipe UI. Have you trying adding widgets to the homescreen?

MINKIN2 2013-01-11 18:37

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Would it be too much to ask for a short video of the UI in action? (and maybe an app or two launching for transition effects)

Thanks :)

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-11 18:43

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Good, so good. Not so much nice, but still good enough :) this is early build, this needs to be saved! backup that!

real maemo6 based image.

udaychaitanya16 2013-01-11 18:51

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
First off Please answer Pali's query
contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

herpderp 2013-01-11 19:58

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by udaychaitanya16 (Post 1313838)
First off Please answer Pali's query
contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

You hope the repos it used are still available? Fat chance...

MAX9 2013-01-11 21:26

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Here a video to boot up a N950 proto, looks like MeeGo Images from here.

myname24 2013-01-11 22:31

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
one and only conclusion . harmattan was 1 year late .ux was ready in 2010 after this video it just needed some polish and that shouldn't take a year and half . Meego was good but something happened pre elop and after elop came .

munozferna 2013-01-12 00:39

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
The video looks quite different to the pictures from n950. Keep the pics coming :)

Akkumaru 2013-01-12 02:53

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
@Max9 That OS in the video looks like it was based on mer... Referring to the launching of apps. Or does MeeGo do it too?

Hurrian 2013-01-12 03:29

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Holy moly. Would you mind posting a tar of the filesystem?

Shot you a PM, I'd be interested in booting this thing on final N9 hardware.

n950 2013-01-12 04:22

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by dcastrog (Post 1313834)
wow, very nice wondering what it is?

N9 is Harmattan which is Maemo 6 with Swipe UI and called "MeeGo" for marketing purposes.
Real MeeGo never got released as far as I know

So maybe this is Maemo 6 without Swipe UI. Have you trying adding widgets to the homescreen?

How can I do?

n950 2013-01-12 04:24

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by Rusnak-COBRA (Post 1313836)
Good, so good. Not so much nice, but still good enough :) this is early build, this needs to be saved! backup that!

real maemo6 based image.

How to save the system without damage it?

n950 2013-01-12 04:35

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1313797)
@n950: now when you have device, can you publish text files stored in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?

How can I do with command line in terminal?

Sorry but I am at work now very busy.

Thanks in advance

n950 2013-01-12 04:41

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by MAX9 (Post 1313883)
Here a video to boot up a N950 proto, looks like MeeGo Images from here.

My Maemo6 System version is:


Very old release... not the same as your protoB2.

Mine is a protoS1.12

bandora 2013-01-12 05:58

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Well how about you post a video for the rest of us of it booting and playing with it.. ;)

My friend has one of those.. I saw it in person but I haven't seen it in action..

myname24 2013-01-12 09:59

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
according to this article this is the simple dali ui the second maemo ui and it mean't to be finished in late 2010 . We need a video to preview it as we don't know how it works but it doesn't have widgets as maemo 5 and just an application launcher(in the middle of home screen) and multitasking view .

thp 2013-01-12 12:00

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1313792)
Here is the jewel.

If you look at the EXIF data of these photos, they have been taken in late August 2012 (or someone forgot to set the right date on that WP device with which the photos were taken).

rainisto 2013-01-12 12:29

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
n950: your proto is pretty useless, as if I remember right B1/S1 proto hardware is too old to be upgraded to PR1.2 and PR1.3 (as newest firmware needs at least B2 hardware revision to be upgradeable), so basically you just have paperweight in your hands, hopefully you didn't pay much for that stolen hardware.

thedead1440 2013-01-12 12:31

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Any elaboration on what OS its actually running on? Is it still Harmattan with a different UI?

patlak 2013-01-12 12:36

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1314057)
n950: your proto is pretty useless, as if I remember right B1/S1 proto hardware is too old to be upgraded to PR1.2 and PR1.3 (as newest firmware needs at least B2 hardware revision to be upgradeable), so basically you just have paperweight in your hands, hopefully you didn't pay much for that stolen hardware.

He's a collector who wants the software that was running on the prototype at the time. Who cares if it upgrades or not?!

MAX9 2013-01-12 12:39

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by rainisto (Post 1314057)
proto hardware is too old to be upgraded to PR1.2 and PR1.3


on the proto well running PR1.3, even a downgrade to PR1.2 or PR1.1 is possible too.....


RR:~/N950-Dateien/N950-PR1.2$ sudo flasher -F img.bin -f
flasher 3.12.1 (Oct  5 2011) Harmattan
WARNING: This tool is intended for professional use only. Using it may result
in permanently damaging your device or losing the warranty.

USB device found at bus 001, device address 003.
Device identifier: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (SN: N/A)
Found device RM-680, hardware revision 0722
NOLO version 2.3.6
Version of 'sw-release': DFL61_HARMATTAN_40.2012.21-3_PR_RM680
Sending ape-algo image (7096 kB)...
100% (7096 of 7096 kB, avg. 12341 kB/s)
Suitable USB interface (phonet) not found, waiting...
USB device found at bus 001, device address 004.
Device identifier: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (SN: N/A)
Raw data transfer EP found at EP2.
Ping attempt 1 (250 ms)
Server application: 1.7.2
Found product RM-680 rev. 0722
Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8
Image SW version DFL61_HARMATTAN_3.2012.02-6_PR_RM680
Image moslo not present
Image mmc not present
Image tar skipped
Image config skipped

Battery level 43 %, continuing.

    image        [state    progress        transfer    flash speed]
[x] cert-sw      [finished  100 %      1 /      1 kB      NA    ]
[x] cmt-2nd      [finished  100 %      95 /      95 kB      NA    ]
[x] cmt-algo    [finished  100 %    789 /    789 kB      NA    ]
[x] cmt-mcusw    [finished  100 %    6008 /    6008 kB    3035 kB/s]
[x] xloader      [finished  100 %      23 /      23 kB      NA    ]
[x] secondary    [finished  100 %      94 /      94 kB      NA    ]
[x] kernel      [finished  100 %    2714 /    2714 kB    1852 kB/s]
[x] rootfs      [finished  100 %  758715 /  758715 kB  10117 kB/s]
Updating SW release

rainisto 2013-01-12 12:44

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by patlak (Post 1314059)
He's a collector who wants the software that was running on the prototype at the time. Who cares if it upgrades or not?!

Well if he only wanted to collect old Harmattan OS firmware, then he might be happy.

Some people might want to run PR1.3 on silver device, ie. use it on daily life, if so, then he might not be happy.

rainisto 2013-01-12 12:48

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by MAX9 (Post 1314063)
on the proto well running PR1.3, even a downgrade to PR1.2 or PR1.1 is possible too.....

Your proto is B2 revision then, which can be freely flashed.

n950 2013-01-12 14:05

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build ?? (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by thp (Post 1314049)
If you look at the EXIF data of these photos, they have been taken in late August 2012 (or someone forgot to set the right date on that WP device with which the photos were taken).

I forgot to put the right date on my proto lumia 920 sorry.

Hurrian 2013-01-12 15:08

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1314058)
Any elaboration on what OS its actually running on? Is it still Harmattan with a different UI?

It's probably "Maemo 6". We'll know once n950 uploads the rootfs tar. It should be fun trying to boot it on modern N9/50 hardware.

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-12 17:45

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1313957)
My Maemo6 System version is:
Very old release... not the same as your protoB2.
Mine is a protoS1.12

S1.12 is already newer HW as B2. B2 is 0724, yours will be 1*** I think. S4.0 is already production one (the black DEVkit device)


Originally Posted by MAX9 (Post 1314063)
on the proto well running PR1.3, even a downgrade to PR1.2 or PR1.1 is possible too.....

Found product RM-680 rev. 0722
Server implements softupd protocol version 1.8
Image SW version DFL61_HARMATTAN_3.2012.02-6_PR_RM680

Your device is even a little older as "official" proto B2 as it was 0724 and you have 0722. So what version of FW did you try to run?

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-12 18:19

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1312130)

I just found a Prototype Build F1 (HWID: 0829) of Nokia RM-680. .

B2 was 0724 as I already mentioned above, S4 was 1124. Most old I have ever seen was 0420:

flasher 3.8.0 (Aug 31 2010) Harmattan
Found product RM-680 rev. 0420
Server application: 1.1.2
Device uses softupd protocol version 1.4
Overriding revision information given by board (to RM-680 rev 0420).
Image SW version RX-71+RM-660+RM-680+RM-690+RM-696_HARMATTAN_0.2010.35-5.001_RD_001

MAX9 2013-01-12 18:31

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by Rusnak-COBRA (Post 1314151)
So what version of FW did you try to run?


Yesterday PR1.3, now PR1.2.

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-12 18:38

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
interesting :)
should I assume the RX71 FW from pre-august 2010 was that one on your youtube video?
If so, how old is the build on "n950" user's photos :) oh!

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-12 19:05

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
n950, what is your HW build on that N950 S1.14 proto? need to know :D

n950 2013-01-13 01:58

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Here are the promise pictures for the best MAEMO community:

Why in qonsole (terminal of this sytem) the "devel-su" command doesn't work?
I think I am in RD mode now. I need to change with normal mode no?

I love this prototype device. The system is answome...
There are some applications already installed in others desktops.
I prefer it.
Wifi, BT work...
I will try to upload some videos...I am a little busy now but all your questions will have answers my friends :)


n950 2013-01-13 02:12

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by Rusnak-COBRA (Post 1314168)
n950, what is your HW build on that N950 S1.14 proto? need to know :D

It's a protoS1.12 HW0621.

Akkumaru 2013-01-13 02:32

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1314248)
Here are the promise pictures for the best MAEMO community:

Why in qonsole (terminal of this sytem) the "devel-su" command doesn't work?
I think I am in RD mode now. I need to change with normal mode no?

I love this prototype device. The system is answome...
There are some applications already installed in others desktops.
I prefer it.
Wifi, BT work...
I will try to upload some videos...I am a little busy now but all your questions will have answers my friends :)


For some reason I can't see ANY of the pics. Try imgur to upload the pics?

n950 2013-01-13 02:58

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
First video:

Landscape and portrait mode...

How can I fix this bug?
The battery runs out quickly because the screen can not be black.
Who have a solution for me?

patlak 2013-01-13 03:57

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Congrats on the video lenght!

n950 2013-01-13 04:13

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by patlak (Post 1314259)
Congrats on the video lenght!

Sorry next time will be better!

F2thaK 2013-01-13 04:14

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
nice, be sweet if it could run the N9 meego/harmattan OS.. h/w keyboard FTW!

thedead1440 2013-01-13 04:22


Originally Posted by Akkumaru (Post 1314253)
For some reason I can't see ANY of the pics. Try imgur to upload the pics?

Your ISP must be blocking them; try a VPN and it'll work ;)

n950 2013-01-13 04:23

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1314264)
nice, be sweet if it could run the N9 meego/harmattan OS.. h/w keyboard FTW!

I prefer this system version of Maemo6 instead of Meego Harmattan.

Akkumaru 2013-01-13 05:02

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
BTW, can this run apps made for Harmattan?

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