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marmistrz 2013-01-30 08:59

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by n900d-i-y (Post 1318944)
What do you mean by self adding?

After you delete it from the homescreen, it appears again

adytzu 2013-02-17 19:48

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
AccuWeather so it's best to install the phone or not?
is safe or break your phone?
I have downloaded the laptop but still do not know whether to install or not.

thank you!

Wikiwide 2013-02-17 23:07

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by adytzu (Post 1323493)
AccuWeather so it's best to install the phone or not?
is safe or break your phone?
I have downloaded the laptop but still do not know whether to install or not.

thank you!

I have it installed, nothing broken - yet. I don't use it much, but it's nice.

adytzu 2013-02-18 00:07

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
thanks bro
we have installed here in the post 2 "panjgoori"?
or can you give a links course, that app mannager not find it,

thanks again,

myname24 2013-02-18 00:15

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
download the deb from first post and use dpkg -i to install it .

adytzu 2013-02-18 01:06

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
tanks bro,

marmistrz 2013-02-18 08:14

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
I noticed that hourly forecast results are corrupt. At least for me. When the tempertature is ~ -4 deg. Celcius, it shows ~ +21. When I switch to Fahrenheit, it goes ~ +70. And always says it's "clear" - while it's cloudy since a week!

Anybody else experiencing this?

adytzu 2013-02-19 09:36

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
yes, and me...

gianko 2015-01-12 22:05

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
i was enjoying this app everyday, but recently it stopped to retrieve weather data. maybe api changed?

since is unofficial leaked app, we should delete definitely the app,or a miracle is still possible? someone who can look for a fix or write at ?

Wikiwide 2015-01-13 00:34

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Maybe, somebody has time to write an open-source GTK-Hildon weather app, which would accept plugins for different websites-APIs? I do not find it nice when you have to depend on one particular company for weather, just because it has the only-nice-app for the platform.

It would also be nice if back-end would be separate from GUI. So you can ask back-end to warn you when a storm, or a rain, is coming, and it notifies you (LED Pattern, Sound, whatever) without opening GUI.

accuweather: closed-leaked, not available in repositories, uses accuweather
omweather (and Omweatheroldstyle): nice (GTK-Hildon), free, uses
qtmobile-weather (and qtmobiledemo-weather): Qt, weather around the world
qtweather (and qtweather-qml): Qt, NWS weather from USA government for USA
weather: build failed, three years ago

omweather seems to be the most promising one.

Thank you. Best wishes.

Copernicus 2015-01-13 02:31

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1456369)
Maybe, somebody has time to write an open-source GTK-Hildon weather app, which would accept plugins for different websites-APIs? I do not find it nice when you have to depend on one particular company for weather, just because it has the only-nice-app for the platform.

I remember taking a look at weather apps before; the problem I always ran up against was that the data itself was never free. I _could_ find sites that would let you freely use data for yourself, but always required some sort of paid license to either (a) redistribute the data or (b) create an app that would allow others to access the original site. The concept of a generic weather app, accessing data from multiple sites, just didn't seem feasible...

Maybe I'm missing something?

Wikiwide 2015-01-13 04:41

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
Ok, Just trying to gather as much data as possible, on both data-formats and access to the API...
Cost: free, pay more if you use API too often
Format: JSON or XML
Cost: free?
Cost: free, limitation of capacity
Format: JSON, XML, ....
Cost: free
Format: JSON
Cost: free 1000calls/day, additional calls $1 per 10000 calls

Additional information, and-or correction, is welcome.

Thank you. Best wishes.

Copernicus 2015-01-13 10:32

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
Yeah, they've all got limits that pretty much stop any free api from being usable in a general app:


Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1456376)
Cost: free, pay more if you use API too often
Format: JSON or XML

Free: max 500 requests per day, 10 per minute.

Cost: free?
NOAA is interesting; they _do_ attempt to provide their data for free, but seem to have capacity issues. Ultimately, they suggest no more than 720 queries per hour in their documentation, and warn that their API will have issues with high-volume use... Still, might be an option.

Cost: free, limitation of capacity
These guys are better than most; 3000 requests per minute, and a total of 4 million per day, before you have to pay for a higher level of service. Might even be usable for the number of Maemo users remaining...

Format: JSON, XML, ....
Cost: free
Their free API maxes out at 4000 requests / day. Paid for more.

Which actually brings me to a question: are there any options left for commercial, paid apps on Maemo? None of these weather providers offer direct-to-user payment plans; their APIs all assume they will be getting paid by the app (or web) developer, and that person will be finding some way to generate revenue.

Actually, I've been mulling this over for another app I've been working on, so let me open a new thread for it. :)

Estel 2015-01-13 10:50

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
Copernicus, maybe taking over maintainership of the abandoned omweather would be a good solution? From all the programs, it still works, and would require only few minor bugfixes to be "perfect"... (Famous Last Words [TM]).


Copernicus 2015-01-13 11:11

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1456392)
Copernicus, maybe taking over maintainership of the abandoned omweather would be a good solution?

Ok, I've just downloaded the omweather source code, and taken a quick look. It appears that they were retrieving all their data from The Weather Channel ( However, it looks as though the service has been retired. So, in order to work again, omweather would need to derive its data from some other source... :(

EDIT: Aha, I see that omweather can access other providers; I'm seeing database for a Russian and a Norwegian service in the application manager. Still, not sure how those would work.

EDIT 2: Ok, I'm running OMWeather now, and oddly enough, it is pulling data down from just fine...

robthebold 2015-01-13 14:30

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456394)

EDIT 2: Ok, I'm running OMWeather now, and oddly enough, it is pulling data down from just fine...

I'm using OMWeather daily with on my N900, and it is still working fine for me. A really nice app, IMO. Has some usability/features that I kind of miss in Meecast. Never having looked at the code, I always assumed that it screenscrapes, which is why (again, I assume) it's such a large package.

Android_808 2015-01-13 14:35

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
I've always used (when needed) OMWeather without any major issues. UI is sometimes a little awkward with regards to clicking to switch between current, AM/PM forecast, hourly forecast.

Meecast was a successor IIRC so it may have a few ideas for anyone willing to take up the task of maintaining/updating/creating new app.

robthebold 2015-01-13 14:41

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456390)
None of these weather providers offer direct-to-user payment plans; their APIs all assume they will be getting paid by the app (or web) developer, and that person will be finding some way to generate revenue.

It's too bad they don't, and you have to be the middleman in that transaction. (I suppose if you had millions of customers like certain "Brand X" phones, you could turn a tidy profit by marking up the cost just a tiny bit for the user, but Maemo market is much smaller by orders of magnitude untold. :()

Copernicus 2015-01-13 15:00

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1456407)
Meecast was a successor IIRC so it may have a few ideas for anyone willing to take up the task of maintaining/updating/creating new app.

Ok, checking out Meecast a little bit, it seems they are using a couple of different sources: (which may be usable for a community as small as Maemo now is), (which doesn't seem to have an official free feed), and (a Russian-area site also used by OMWeather).

I think an app based mostly on is probably the most feasible choice for an open source app going forward; but still, once that limit is hit, service for all users will be disrupted until it gets restored...

Estel 2015-01-13 15:02

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456394)
EDIT 2: Ok, I'm running OMWeather now, and oddly enough, it is pulling data down from just fine...

I'm using omweather daily, and the data is working for me, too. f XML feeds have been retired, i'm not sure if it's doing it LEGALLY, though, but shhhhh ;)

Anyway, indeed, it (should) be build to support providers via "modules". BTW, if you're looking at source code (and will be able to determine where it gets its data...), it suffer from two odd bugs. First, between 0 and 6 AM (local time of user), the days in long-term forecast are shifted +1 from reality. So, if it is 3AM saturday, forecast for next day will be shown as "Monday".

Second, the length of day is bugged - it shows same sunset and sunrise for whole week. Then, at some unknown point, it updates (to, again, show the same, changed values, for whole week). Maybe it have something to do with changes, dunno.


handaxe 2015-01-13 16:09

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456410) (a Russian-area site also used by OMWeather).

Actually, that is the official Norwegian weather service and for those of us who live in the western parts of Sweden, they are often the best forecasters. Even further afield in Europe so I am told.

A quality source in that respect.

Mara 2015-01-13 16:51

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
One possibility is to emulate web browser and pull the HTML code from their sources, such as This would be similar to playon LUA scripts that loads the web pages acting like browser and then extracts the necessary information from the HTML code using search strings looking specific keywords. I have done couple playon LUA scripts (One of them as an example is "All iLive channels" at

The downside for the above method is that it may have large overhead of unnecessary data (packet data users may be concerned) due to loading everything what exists in real web page. Second issue is that if the providers keep changing the HTML web site layout it normally breaks these scripts.

marmistrz 2015-01-13 16:52

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
Copernicus: If you decide to maintain Meecast, I can help you a bit with making it run on N900. I managed to do it a long time ago.

You need to tweak a little with the graphics system and use updated MeeGo Touch from my repo. I'll give you the details if you're interested.

/edit: and as for the paid APIs - what about simply adding an option to use one's own API key, just as in wolfram alpha?

/edit2: @all: what's the best weather source for Poland, in your opinion?

Copernicus 2015-01-13 16:56

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1456418)
This would be similar to playon LUA scripts that loads the web pages acting like browser and then extracts the necessary information from the HTML code using search strings looking specific keywords.

Yeah, I've gotta admit I'm really not a fan of the "screen-scraping" concept. Not only is it fragile, it retrieves data in a way that the website owners really don't like -- you're bypassing their advertising (if they have any), and redistributing their data without their consent...

Copernicus 2015-01-13 17:02

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1456419)
Copernicus: If you decide to maintain Meecast, I can help you a bit with making it run on N900. I managed to do it a long time ago.

I'll look into it, but I'm currently consumed with another little project of my own... :)


/edit: and as for the paid APIs - what about simply adding an option to use one's own API key, just as in wolfram alpha?
That would be an optimal solution in the current environment; essentially, it pushes the interaction with individual weather data consumers all the way back onto the original data provider (which kind of makes sense). I'm not sure how weather service providers are identifying individual API users right now, but if it's something like a parameter sent in with each request, that should be pretty easy to manage...

marmistrz 2015-01-13 17:06

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456423)
That would be an optimal solution in the current environment; essentially, it pushes the interaction with individual weather data consumers all the way back onto the original data provider (which kind of makes sense). I'm not sure how weather service providers are identifying individual API users right now, but if it's something like a parameter sent in with each request, that should be pretty easy to manage...

WA simply needed an API key which was different for each user. Don't know much internals.

robthebold 2015-01-13 18:05

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456423)

That would be an optimal solution in the current environment; essentially, it pushes the interaction with individual weather data consumers all the way back onto the original data provider (which kind of makes sense). I'm not sure how weather service providers are identifying individual API users right now, but if it's something like a parameter sent in with each request, that should be pretty easy to manage...

Sounds crazy enough to work. If e.g., each user got a wunderground developer key and plugged it in themselves, 500 queries/user/day would be plenty. Whereas 500 queries/all applications users would be insufficient for a user base of more than 20 getting hourly updates for one location. Anyone using an N900 is practically a developer, right? I don't think that would be considered dishonest or abusive. Everyone here's at least written a one-liner shell script -- even if it's just to make a panic button to text the spouse in the event of alien abduction. It is a hacker phone, after all.

Copernicus 2015-01-13 18:16

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1456431)
I don't think that would be considered dishonest or abusive.

Ah, c'mon. ;) Considering the current Maemo userbase, It certainly wouldn't be abusive, but it's obviously violating the spirit of these API licensing schemes. The whole point is make websites and apps pay for using their data in actual production; and, considering the resources and effort it must take to continuously generate, store, and transmit all that data, I really can't blame them... :)

marmistrz 2015-01-13 18:51

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
Well, I guess that the spirit of the scheme is as follows - to stop people from making profit from not their own work. Or to limit unofficial apps (vide WA)

Mara 2015-01-13 21:26

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1456420)
Yeah, I've gotta admit I'm really not a fan of the "screen-scraping" concept. Not only is it fragile, it retrieves data in a way that the website owners really don't like -- you're bypassing their advertising (if they have any), and redistributing their data without their consent...

Agree with the fragile statement but if you have the "screen-scraping" script built into the end user application then there is no redistribution data? Also the claim that it prevents you seeing the ads makes browser plugins such as pop-up blockers and adblockers illegal?

Copernicus 2015-01-13 21:50

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1456453)
Agree with the fragile statement but if you have the "screen-scraping" script built into the end user application then there is no redistribution data?

You're taking a web page that someone has spent at least some time and effort creating, storing, and publishing on the net, ripping a bit of data out of the middle of it, reworking it into a different form, and displaying it to the user. So basically yeah, you are redistributing someone else's "intellectual property" in a new form, even if it is just a single redistribution...


Also the claim that it prevents you seeing the ads makes browser plugins such as pop-up blockers and adblockers illegal?
Uhm, if there wasn't a good reason to put the ads into a web page, nobody would ever do it -- everybody hates ads. If ad-blockers became truly universal, lots of websites would simply drop off the net, as they would no longer be able to generate any revenue. I've no idea about the legality of blockers, but I know that they work against the interest of the websites that use ads...

marmistrz 2015-01-14 07:37

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
Copernicus: And do you have any other option than scraping the web page if the service provides no API?

And I'd disagree - most people don't know about adblockers, and the main reason people use them is the intrusive ads.

And OMP works that way due to no API

handaxe 2015-01-14 10:07

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1456419)
/edit2: @all: what's the best weather source for Poland, in your opinion?

Go to and search on Poland and see what you think for a few days.

Then see if the yr source in OMW works for Poland.

Copernicus 2015-01-14 12:29

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1456516)
Copernicus: And do you have any other option than scraping the web page if the service provides no API?

Basically, I consider web page scraping generally along the same lines as, say, recording a TV show and uploading it to the internet. Sure, the service provider was already broadcasting the data, but they didn't intend for you to use their data in that manner (foolish as that may seem).

If the service provides no API, I'd suspect that means the service doesn't want you to use their data outside of their web page. That's all I'm trying to say here...


And I'd disagree - most people don't know about adblockers, and the main reason people use them is the intrusive ads.
:) I'm not really disagreeing with you here. I'm just saying that if adblockers became common, ads would change. (There's no point in creating an ad that nobody will ever see.) And if ads went away, lots of websites would also go away...

gianko 2015-02-02 15:07

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1456411)
BTW, if you're looking at source code (and will be able to determine where it gets its data...), it suffer from two odd bugs. First, between 0 and 6 AM (local time of user), the days in long-term forecast are shifted +1 from reality. So, if it is 3AM saturday, forecast for next day will be shown as "Monday".

Second, the length of day is bugged - it shows same sunset and sunrise for whole week. Then, at some unknown point, it updates (to, again, show the same, changed values, for whole week).


Exactly! I asked vasvlad the dev of omweather for a fix in the official thread
but he said is busy working at meecast for sailfish at the moment.
BTW he release latest omweather with debug mode to check what's wrong, but no clues. Anybody knows how to patch the code?

Malakai 2016-09-08 09:52

Re: N900 forgotten Accuweather
The problem with the shifted forecast still exist today...
Also doesn't work for my city, only works but the forecast isn't as accurate and as detailed (by hours) as

Installed the version from extras (I didn't test the ones from testing and devel).

Is there a fix to this, or should we live with it like this (sad, as omweather was working really nice on my previous dead N900 some months ago).

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