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mrsellout 2013-03-12 12:28

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Are you getting the location from the ISP? Neither of the N9s in Manchester are where I am. How about using GPS/aGPS to locate?

thedead1440 2013-03-12 12:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1328534)
Are you getting the location from the ISP? Neither of the N9s in Manchester are where I am. How about using GPS/aGPS to locate?

It was said that accurate location is not reported for privacy reasons maybe that's why your location is off ;)

gsalone 2013-03-12 12:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Care to explain how it works? Share the code? Screenshots?

Hariainm 2013-03-12 12:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Well, what about getting the position from the cell tower? Is that possible? Also, are we listed ourselves in the map?

flotron 2013-03-12 15:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
What we see in the map? n9 users?

But how they are located? the red spots are the people who installed this app? i don't understand. How do you know?

Morpog 2013-03-12 16:01

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Yes, every dot is a N9. Dots that are more intense red are severall N9s in same area.

Wait for next versions for more features and more detailed views.

Garp 2013-03-12 20:45

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by morpog (Post 1328582)
yes, every dot is a n9. Dots that are more intense red are severall n9s in same area.

Wait for next versions for more features and more detailed views.

how to registrate your n9 on the map?

Artyom 2013-03-12 21:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
it automatically adds you in the map when launched.

rob_kouw 2013-03-12 22:37

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
So 10 N9's in The Netherlands. It wasn't sold officially here, so I got a Danish phone instead. Maybe that's why there are 10 Dutch dots and only 4 Danish ones?

Also my location is not recognisable, not even after starting GPSMeeFo. Maybe located through ISP indeed.

Garp 2013-03-12 22:40

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by Artyom (Post 1328639)
it automatically adds you in the map when launched.

It should maybe but it doesn't:confused:

knobtviker 2013-03-12 23:01

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
It should and it does.
How can you see that you are NOT on the map if you overlap with somebody elses dot?
Like I said, location is geo reversed from IP and rounded to nearest bigger city for privacy sake. Your own privacy, not mine.

In other news, some jokster tried to connect with blocked IP.
My message is, nothing happend but you provided me with a valuable exception. Thanks, you still got tagged and connected. :)

Next update will have nicer graphics instead of the red dot so maybe overlaping situations will be clearer. Plus, I can detect the color of your phone and 16/64GB. Just have figure out what to do with users already connected but without these two new infos.

Overall, server side is stable now and I can work on more features for you. :)

unoace 2013-03-12 23:30

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Connected!, guess I might be the only n9 owner in my state.

Hariainm 2013-03-13 00:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by knobtviker (Post 1328663)
Like I said, location is geo reversed from IP and rounded to nearest bigger city for privacy sake.

Well, almost all the IP-location based services (including this app) put me in the map in Madrid (Spain), but I am living far away in the top corner of the country, at 600km from that point, so... not so accurate :(

I suppose my ISP have the central offices in the capital (Vodafone Spain). So, you know, do not believe in what this app or IP-based location services tell you, 600km is pretty big distance. Just sayin'

knobtviker 2013-03-13 06:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Main point of this app is to connect all N9 devices.
As long as you pinged on the map, that's important.
Future updates will have a way of correcting your dot.

hood 2013-03-13 08:29

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
do I need to ran Connected app to see my location and count me or you remember at server side once running app and it already in the database?

zlatko 2013-03-13 09:00

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Will be great if you find a way to distinguish color/disk size of the already connected users' devices. May be reset DB and start over again when first official release?

knobtviker 2013-03-13 09:13

Running once is enough. Server remembers you. Next time you run the app you are just browsing the map, for now. :)
Yes, easy way would be to reset buy I'll try to make it seamless and collect color/disk when users return.
Hopefully they return. :)

qwazix 2013-03-13 11:47

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
I think I broke the record of inaccuracy. I'm in Greece and have a dot in Jakarta, Indonesia :)

Garp 2013-03-13 11:52

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1328749)
I think I broke the record of inaccuracy. I'm in Greece and have a dot in Jakarta, Indonesia :)

How do you know your dot is in Jakarta or how to see which dot is mine?:confused:

qwazix 2013-03-13 11:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
The map was centered in Jakarta with a red dot there when I opened the app. Maybe I didn't pay attention enough?

setter 2013-03-13 12:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1328754)
The map was centered in Jakarta with a red dot there when I opened the app. Maybe I didn't pay attention enough?

The map is centered over Europe here but I am quite sure that the singel red dot at Umeå i northern Sweden is me ;)

knobtviker 2013-03-13 13:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Guys... Jakarta center/zoom bug was fixed like 3 versions ago. All you had to do was zoom out anyways. :(

Update to 0.0.5 please!
Phone color and disk size collected now.
Help convert the red dots to actual N9 colors.

lorenzo 2013-03-13 13:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
i can see only few black points, all the others are red dots

setter 2013-03-13 14:11

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
How do you mean that we can convert the red dots?
I have installed 0.0.5 but I can see only three grey dots in Sweden, all the others are red, my own also.

jpel 2013-03-13 14:22

Maybe a function could be added to only show your own dot or highligt it some other way (blinking or otherwise animated)

AMD 2013-03-13 14:30

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
LOL, I am the only one that appears to have an N9 in the whole country :p

TMavica 2013-03-13 14:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Any people in north pole or south pole?

HtheB 2013-03-13 14:56

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
What is the "gray/black" meego icon shaped like thing? is that my N950? :p

d@niel 2013-03-13 15:25

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
nice app knobtviker :)

hope still get some updates

haha I'm the only n9 in my city :)

Hacker 2013-03-13 15:25

Woot! There are at least two N9s in Houston, Texas! At least another two up in the Dallas area. I'm the dark circle in Houston (it changed when I started running version 0.0.5). I don't know who's running an older version here, but he or she is the old school red dot.

It'd be great to be able to see the number of N9s represented by each city's dot. And maybe an option to identify ourselves on the map, if we wanted? Many of us have our cities in our profile info anyways . . .

Jordi 2013-03-13 17:43

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Cool app, I like it!

A problem though: as there are so many dots in central Europe, pinch to zoom is a pain...

Wainting for more features :)

cddiede 2013-03-13 17:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by Hacker (Post 1328794)
It'd be great to be able to see the number of N9s represented by each city's dot.

I thought each dot represented a single N9, not each city. Case in point, I see two distinct red dots in New York city.

lorenzo 2013-03-14 06:14

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
1440 this morning!!! Can't pinch to zoom

thedead1440 2013-03-14 06:26

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by lorenzo (Post 1328901)
1440 this morning!!! Can't pinch to zoom

Guess who was the 1440th dot ;)

just kidding :)

praveenchand 2013-03-14 07:14

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
I am the only one in my am the only one joined, more to follow :-)

Artyom 2013-03-14 07:45

Why is China empty?

PhatApteryx 2013-03-14 08:38

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by praveenchand (Post 1328911)
I am the only one in my am the only one joined, more to follow :-)

Likewise in my country so far...

myname24 2013-03-14 09:21

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by AMD (Post 1328782)
LOL, I am the only one that appears to have an N9 in the whole country :p

not the only one :p

Leinad 2013-03-14 09:36

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!

Originally Posted by Artyom (Post 1328920)
Why is China empty?

Hm, maybe because of that:

Artyom 2013-03-14 12:08

The number reduced to 763 from 1442.

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