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stlpaul 2013-06-12 00:35

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Same also started happening to me today...

Might it be useful if someone whose gmail is still working properly can produce the same kind of log, so we can compare a "good" session to a "bad" session?

xvan 2013-06-12 00:51

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Does deleting that particular mail recover the session?
I have that bug, but don't know which mail triggered it.

Ilmanowar 2013-06-12 01:16

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
It is a gmail only problem.
It seems that gmail introduced an automatic folder division for messages.
This system similarly to the spam filter gives a label organization to mails.
This new feature is being introduced to all accounts and it makes non-standard the IMAP transactions.
Even the service is disable (default) can't be removed.
I contacted days ago google, to confirm my supposion: any reply yet.
I think that we need ask a solution to gmail. Modest works properly.
In the other hand it is possible to make modest compatible with the buggy gmail protocol.

Copernicus 2013-06-12 01:18

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by xvan (Post 1351309)
Does deleting that particular mail recover the session?
I have that bug, but don't know which mail triggered it.

Doesn't seem to. I deleted the mail, then deleted and recreated the Gmail account, but still having problems -- the inbox doesn't even appear now.

It looks like whatever bug this is, it well and truly messes up Modest.

Copernicus 2013-06-12 01:24

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Ilmanowar (Post 1351315)
It is a gmail only problem.

I can't agree. If there were truly a serious Gmail issue, millions of people across the globe would be up in arms immediately. It would probably be headline news!

My Thunderbird client is having no problem with Gmail, even when reading the e-mail that triggered the issue in my Modest client. Moreover, my other Modest client, in which I haven't yet downloaded the message of interest, is having no problem using Gmail today.

Honestly, something in this particular message is causing Modest to go ga-ga...

EmmaGx 2013-06-12 02:08

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Just adding a Me too!

Can't read anything that's come in since 5.30pm BST 11 the June ...

... old messages (even ones I've not read before) open just fine ... it's just new messages sent after that time that are causing the problem ... seems like gmail have definitely changed something!

Hoping someone can find a solution! x

Estel 2013-06-12 03:23

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1351318)
I can't agree. If there were truly a serious Gmail issue, millions of people across the globe would be up in arms immediately. It would probably be headline news!

My Thunderbird client is having no problem with Gmail, even when reading the e-mail that triggered the issue in my Modest client. Moreover, my other Modest client, in which I haven't yet downloaded the message of interest, is having no problem using Gmail today.

Honestly, something in this particular message is causing Modest to go ga-ga...

It's possible, that gmail changed something to non-standard, yet, supported by most mainstream mail clients. So called "corporate spoiling" of standards, i.e. enforcing adapting to your shitte, just because you're popular. I'm not sure if it's the case here, but it is very suspicious, that problems started to appear in sync with google adding a new "feature" (no matter if you want it or not).

OTOH, it is possible, that modest "gmail" automatic configuration was already "spoiled" by bending to some non-standards things, that were changed, lately. In this case, not only setting gmail to work via pop3 (we already confirmed it's working), but also *manually* (avoiding automatic setup for gmail!) adding imap account for gmail, typing ports by the hand etc, should help. I haven't tried it yet, it's just a theory.

BTW, I got hit by that bug, too. Strangely, in my case, it happened with old mail that was already opened in the past - one with attachement. Other old mails, without attachements, are working fine (for nowj.

It would reinforce point about fault geing on gmail's side, due to some changes they introduce. (or, modest *was* bugged after all, but gmail change just triggered that bug). In any case, google sux ;)


Copernicus 2013-06-12 06:13

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1351326)
It's possible, that gmail changed something to non-standard, yet, supported by most mainstream mail clients.

I just can't believe it, personally. Sure, things happen that are advantageous to mainstream mail clients from time to time; but, there are just so many non-mainstream mail clients out there (and the mail system is so well entrenched by this point anyway), that a change that has this drastic of an effect on clients would have people at Google's doors with pitchforks in mere moments. (Heck, you can already see the fire in people's eyes just from the folks here using Modest.) Honestly, if Google ever did cause something this significant, they'd be backing it out of their system in mere hours.


BTW, I got hit by that bug, too. Strangely, in my case, it happened with old mail that was already opened in the past - one with attachement. Other old mails, without attachements, are working fine (for nowj.
I'm fairly certain now that the first message Marmistrz sent me triggered the bug, even though I was able to download and read it. Every message after that one, from him or anyone else, generates the error message.

From the log messages, it appears that Modest has gone wonky about IMAP UID numbers. Essentially, it can still download mail from Gmail (or whoever), but some check at the end determines that the UID was wrong and gives up, even though it is apparent that both Modest and Google agreed on the UID up to that point. This really has to be a bug on Modest's part somewhere...

freemangordon 2013-06-12 07:06

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
I agree with Copernicus that it seems to be a bug in modest


More precisely - not in modest, but in tinymail-camel

xvan 2013-06-12 07:37

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Just to confirm that its a modest bug, I use offline imap + mutt without any issue.

peterleinchen 2013-06-12 07:46

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1351326)
..., but also *manually* (avoiding automatic setup for gmail!) adding imap account for gmail, typing ports by the hand etc, should help. I haven't tried it yet, it's just a theory.

I always configure my mail accounts manually.
(stock system PR1.3.1, no cssu; some libs from devel)

But hopefully fmg is right and find time and this bug.
I need to think it is more or less a buggy mail client on our device, as I also have problems on a account with IMAP folders (cant see spam and self created folders) and since end of last year even worse with a account (no IMAP folders at all excluding Inbox). At that time I also thought of some change at side (which may have happened, but idk), but now it seems it is on N900 side. All my other mail clients (incl. N9) do not have problems.

Xagoln 2013-06-12 08:42

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Are there any major drawbacks to using offlineimap with Modest, apart from the storage issue?

reinob 2013-06-12 08:52

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1351326)
It's possible, that gmail changed something to non-standard, yet, supported by most mainstream mail clients. So called "corporate spoiling" of standards, i.e. enforcing adapting to your shitte, just because you're popular. I'm not sure if it's the case here, but it is very suspicious, that problems started to appear in sync with google adding a new "feature" (no matter if you want it or not).

Possible, but just not true in this case.

I'm using a prehistoric solution for gmail (offlineimap, dovecot, alpine) and it works fine.

If gmail had changed anything, then offlineimap would have shouted.
At home I use something similar (mbsync instead of offlineimap) and it also works OK.

reinob 2013-06-12 08:55

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1351355)
I agree with Copernicus that it seems to be a bug in modest


More precisely - not in modest, but in tinymail-camel

Would be interesting to gather some statistics re. CSSU vs stock. Does camel use sqlite for storage? didn't CSSU have a new version of sqlite?

Just questions thrown around, in case something hits a nerve...

badazimer 2013-06-12 08:59

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
same bug. Catastrophe!

now - CSSU-stable

disappear 2013-06-12 09:20

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by reinob
I'm using a prehistoric solution for gmail (offlineimap, dovecot, alpine) and it works fine
Reinob,is this is the source for gmail setttings on imap under offlineimap

reinob 2013-06-12 10:39

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by disappear (Post 1351396)
Reinob,is this is the source for gmail setttings on imap under offlineimap

(off-topic here, but..)

Yes, you can find most of the relevant information there. I don't use offlineimap's background checking option but call it periodically using alarmed. I remember I had to tweak offlineimap (it's a python script) and the dovecot settings to reduce the power consumption.

And I still have to fix a bug in Modest (which I use together with alpine), which doesn't let you see the inbox unless it thinks you are connected to Internet (even though I've set it to download IMAP emails from, i.e. the local IMAP server).

hardkorek 2013-06-12 10:47

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Strange It was working fine until i updated CSSU stable yesterday(there where fixes for modest there).
Now I can use one account without any problem and second one inbox does not work. I can still read sent messages.

hardkorek 2013-06-12 11:04

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
After removing /home/user/.modest I have message that it is not avliable on the server on both account. Are sure that it is not last CSSU stable update fault - i was using gmail without any problems till yesterday.

Copernicus 2013-06-12 12:13

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by hardkorek (Post 1351431)
Are sure that it is not last CSSU stable update fault - i was using gmail without any problems till yesterday.

Absolutely certain. I'm not using CSSU at all, and my copy of Modest has the problem.

hardkorek 2013-06-12 12:24

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Ok, i just come back to maemo after 3-month affair with annoying android phone and updated CSSU to 21.2011.38-1Smaemo6 yesterday. Must be coincidence then.

qwazix 2013-06-12 13:44

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
It's spreading. We have to contain it. My N900 got infected too :(

Göran Armando 2013-06-12 13:58

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Same problem here. The messages appear in the Gmail-inbox in Modest, and their status as being read or not is still updated. Whenever I open the message, it seams as if modest is loading the mail, after which I get the familiar message. I get this behaviour since my last incoming email on 6 June, on every newer email. Mails from before (downloaded or not) stil work fine.

dzano 2013-06-12 14:12

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
OK, it started to happening on my phone, too. It must be something wrong on Gmail side.

But using Nokia Messaging everything is working without any problem.

mrbee 2013-06-12 14:21

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
I flashed and updated my phone yesterday to the latest version of CSSU, 21.2011.38-1 maemo 8.1 flavour: testing. Now I just noticed my gmail no longer contains body of messages and when I click on each messages in an attempt to open, it reads: "message...not available on server". Is this a bug in the latest update or is there any other thing wrong with my device? Can someone please help me on how to correct this anomally?

Estel 2013-06-12 15:05

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
To sum it up:

1. It's some bug in our modest (according to fmg, in one of modest components), that got triggered by something (probably by mentioned change in folder management on gmail).

2. It isn't gmail fault, as other programs - even ancient ones - are still working fine.

3. It's not related to cssu, as it happens on vanilla ssu too.

4. Google sucks, anyway :)

// Edit

Someone wanna fill bug to Nokia? :D

handaxe 2013-06-12 15:49

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1351475)
To sum it up:

1. It's some bug in our modest (according to fmg, in one of modest components), that got triggered by something (probably by mentioned change in folder management on gmail).

I believe that for some of us, that trigger was updating CSSU. Note that is NOT the same as writing CSSU is the direct cause. Like others I was OK until the update.

What was that other mail reader folk were looking at (heads for search....)

Skry 2013-06-12 16:28

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Problems here too, started few days back when I did a reflash. latest cssu-t, modest, imap.

king Ralphred 2013-06-12 16:29

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Just for the record, I updated to latest cssu stable as soon as it became available. There are lots of reports of people with different meamo configurations and all problems seem to have originated at a similar time.
Has to be a google thing that modest doesn't like.

Estel 2013-06-12 17:07

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
I agree, it seems that cssu was just "unlucky" to release at time of modest fubar - it seems to affect all people on ~same time, cssu or not.

In any way, fixing modest is only hope for modest ;)

bozoid 2013-06-12 17:17

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
hi all. I'm hit by this issue too (mail not found in server yadda yadda).
one thing to note is that I'm still successful at moving emails that can't be opened to the trash in gmail via imap.

am using thumb2 since last 2-4 months & this just happened to me today.
hadn't updated to the latest CSSU yet.

hope this helps with the debugging.


Cobra 2013-06-12 17:30

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
I started having this problem last monday. It hapends with every email. but only with gmail I have two other acounts other than gmail and they work just fine.

andyfrommk 2013-06-12 17:48

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
It seems the messages aren't downloaded onto the N900.
Go to
and see if any of the unreadable messages are the in there.

Just for the record my last readable message wa 16:12 BST on the 11th and my first unreadable message was 23:25 on the 11th

gepataki 2013-06-12 18:01

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
same here after acrossing borders (hun to fin) by flight. is it possible as reason? just gmail, others fine

crail 2013-06-12 18:08

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
damn, this is happening to me now.
must be a gmail thing as ive had thumb2 for a while now.

grrr gmail is my main account as well.

andyfrommk 2013-06-12 18:13

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by gepataki (Post 1351532)
same here after acrossing borders (hun to fin) by flight. is it possible as reason? just gmail, others fine

No, crossing borders wouldnt cause it, hell, I haven't left my city and I have the problem.

Time to register that hushmail account that I keep putting off.

Cobra 2013-06-12 18:46

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
i checked the directory and your right its not there.

marmistrz 2013-06-12 19:26

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Cobra (Post 1351541)
i checked the directory and your right its not there.

it won't be there as camel can't save it. It's being fetched but then finds an exceptional situation.

handaxe 2013-06-12 19:39

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Switching to Nokia Messaging gave me access to my mails once again. Some folks have noted that they were OK on Nokia Messaging and so I tried it and indeed it is one work-around.

peterleinchen 2013-06-12 21:49

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 1351553)
Switching to Nokia Messaging ... and indeed it is one work-around.

Not acceptable at all!

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