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mcbook 2013-10-16 09:34

Does anyone know if it's possible to change font-family system wide?

should be since there is a variable $FONT_FAMILY

DJJonosound 2013-10-16 10:11

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
The easiest way to change it is with the Fontmanager app on the app store.

DJJonosound 2013-10-16 10:12

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1380886)
Is this compatible with unrestricted system ui and power menu? :) thanks for your effort!!

I dont plan on supporting custom toggle icons, but I can send you a test copy. If you want to try it, just shoot me a pm :)

HtheB 2013-10-16 12:06

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
2 Attachment(s)
here is a pic with lockscreen password
also, there is a design error on the settings, security and sync arent the same as the other icons

mcbook 2013-10-16 14:39

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
font manager isn't really what I am looking for...

does anyone know where the $FONT_FAMILY and $FONT_FAMILY_LIGHT variables are defined?

Ancelad 2013-10-16 14:58

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by mcbook (Post 1380932)
font manager isn't really what I am looking for...

does anyone know where the $FONT_FAMILY and $FONT_FAMILY_LIGHT variables are defined?


mcbook 2013-10-16 15:05

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
found it but thanks!!!

fnldstntn 2013-10-16 15:53

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
İt is veri good... can yok send me a test copy?

momoelz 2013-10-16 19:13

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
I can also test it if you like :)

DJJonosound 2013-10-16 21:26

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
I am all good for testers at the moment, I will get around to you if i need any more :P
I have been looking for the ruddy security and sync buttons for a while :P
It will be fixed in the next testing revision :P

caprico 2013-10-16 23:57

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
@DJJonosound In case you're looking for a good iOS7 icon template, check out this one:

STRANG3R 2013-10-17 20:18

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
waiting for final theme :D

DJJonosound 2013-10-17 21:25

It still might be a little while . Unless I can get permission from the author of the icons, I am not going to redistribute the icon files (its a guy on deviantart). If i dont get permission soon, I might get the iOS7 emulator from xcode and get the legit icons from there. :)

mcbook 2013-10-18 07:07

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
I'd also like a version with stock icons....

DJJonosound 2013-10-18 10:30

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Thats not happening, whats the point of an ios theme without ios icons.. its the main thing that looks ios about it.

lorenzo 2013-10-18 11:11

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
look at here! someone already released a ios7 theme

DJJonosound 2013-10-18 22:12

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Eh. That only means I need to make mine better. In a way it already is. That is a very rudimentary theme :P

Also, if I can figure out how, mine might have a live wallpaper :P

DJJonosound 2013-10-19 00:18

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
On that note, does anyone have contact with vesuri?
I have tried to get in contact via twitter and tmo but no response. I dont know of anyone else who knows how to make a live wallpaper so maybe its just a dead end.

lorenzo 2013-10-19 07:16

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
i posted it because you can find there something still missing in yours
i tried it for 1 day, it's not bad, quite almost complete and battery consumption didn't rise

DJJonosound 2013-10-19 08:30

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Battery consumption should not really be effected much by the theme. Its just changing images mostly.

lorenzo 2013-10-19 08:38

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
i thought it too but if you try themes different from blanco, the majority will decrease battery life
eg. with stock theme i have from 4 to 8 mAh of idle during the night, if i use this or this it rise up to 12-15, i don't know the reason

Udemzy 2013-10-19 10:22

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Loving this a lot. Would love the live wallpaper too. Already tired of the ones in home screen settings.

DJJonosound 2013-10-19 13:03

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by lorenzo (Post 1381374)
i thought it too but if you try themes different from blanco, the majority will decrease battery life
eg. with stock theme i have from 4 to 8 mAh of idle during the night, if i use this or this it rise up to 12-15, i don't know the reason

I cant imagine why that would cause any increase in power usage. I would happily sacrifice a small amount of battery usage for a better design though. Truth be told I really dislike the stock look of meego. Hence why I always use themes :P

DJJonosound 2013-10-20 02:30

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Quick question:
What keyboard design looks best in the opinion of those who will download this theme?
This is one by the author of the other ios7 theme.
Or mine?
Not sure if I should make mine look more ios7, or leave it in its kinda transparent goodness state.

bandora 2013-10-20 07:22

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1381487)
Quick question:
What keyboard design looks best in the opinion of those who will download this theme?
This is one by the author of the other ios7 theme.
Or mine?
Not sure if I should make mine look more ios7, or leave it in its kinda transparent goodness state.

Yours looks nice but you definitely should make the letters darker than this.. And the "?123"

STRANG3R 2013-10-21 10:30

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
please fonts are not clear friend make some good...........

DJJonosound 2013-10-21 21:31

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
I am aware, I need to update the screenshots, the font itself is very light (its the apple way :P) but I have made the text color darker in a lot of places which has increased the visibility. Also screenshots seem to be a bit overblown, its easier to read on the phone.
Thanks for the feedback.

milad ghusn 2013-10-27 12:01

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
when the theme will availble for install????

DJJonosound 2013-10-28 21:15

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
When I finish it. I am rather busy at the moment so it is very delayed :(

Side note, I have been working on making the music player white. Its getting there, but its difficult :(

STRANG3R 2013-10-29 20:38

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
ohh mannn........
you are doing great .....

Keep up ;)

Ta76eem 2013-11-07 20:38

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Sailfish is out ..
any news about this one ??

DJJonosound 2013-11-07 21:28

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Its getting there. I have done almost all the icons, and I am about to start work on the toolbars. Should not be too difficult.

Also, updating the home page screenshot on the first post. I made the icons slightly bigger like in ios.

BRIANZH 2013-11-11 04:04

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
love your theme ,forward to it !:p

DJJonosound 2013-11-12 11:11

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
Thanks! It should be released by the end of november hopefully :P

DJJonosound 2013-11-27 08:44

I am going to have to expand the eta to probably the end of December.. I feel kind of bad making a WIP thread so early, but I have been extremely busy lately. Hopefully I will get some time to work on this soon :)

Also.. I redact my statement about the toolbars not being too hard... So many image files..

STRANG3R 2013-11-28 06:03

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
we are waiting . . . . . . . . . . .

DJJonosound 2013-11-28 06:55

Also, it would be helpful if someone could contribute and make the pin entry screen. I am in open mode and cant access it. I will provide all the necesaary files including an up to date version of the theme, and you will be credited.

Ancelad 2013-11-28 09:00

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)

add this into duicontrolpanel.css


#CommonSingleTitleInverted {
color: #000000;

And you will see something ;)

SteeBono 2013-11-30 13:11

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme
If you want I can create app for unlock phone with code :)
The only problem is that I can not make it start automatically when the phone starts xD

DJJonosound 2013-11-30 13:36

Re: [N9][WIP] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by SteeBono (Post 1391110)
If you want I can create app for unlock phone with code :)
The only problem is that I can not make it start automatically when the phone starts xD

Thanks, however I am not looking for an app :P Simply a reskin of the original one by modifying the theme files ;)

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