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gcalcott 2013-11-25 11:45

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Paid up this morning (PayPal).

Wouldn't the Jolla user manual be nice for those long evenings running up to Christmas.....

Just an idea ;)

ggabriel 2013-11-25 11:50

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by gcalcott (Post 1388783)
Wouldn't the Jolla user manual be nice for those long evenings running up to Christmas.....

Apparently they said that the manual would be available this week, last week on twitter...

NokiaFanatic 2013-11-25 12:06

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I will be completing the purchase of my 2 Jolla devices today/tomorrow. Have to say the omens are looking good at this stage. Have been talking to a Finish friend and he says there is a very good appetite for the Jolla phone over there, especially now that Nokia are selling up Devices to Microsoft. If anything, the official announcement of the sale is going to spur sales to Finnish folks, who are by and large very supportive of homegrown industry.

velox 2013-11-25 12:07

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Paid this morning (PayPal).
But, even more important, folks, this is my first post here since almost exactly two years!

So looking forward to this.

_Routser 2013-11-25 12:56

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Paid on friday via PayPal, still don't have any order confirmation from Jolla :(

joschobart 2013-11-25 12:58

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
I'm on board as well!!:cool: Ahoj to all fellow sailors!;)

btw: my first post EVER on

szopin 2013-11-25 13:01

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by _Routser (Post 1388803)
Paid on friday via PayPal, still don't have any order confirmation from Jolla :(

You might want to contact care@jolla, got my confirmation almost instantly with the order number 20000xxx, also shows up on the page (My Orders) as 'Paid'

mrsellout 2013-11-25 13:04

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by _Routser (Post 1388803)
Paid on friday via PayPal, still don't have any order confirmation from Jolla :(

Go here to check your order history in the Jolla shop (incidentally, this is different from the other two Jolla accounts on the main Jolla site). You might have to sign in again with the password provided in the invitation to pre-order email, and then click on "My Orders". You should havepaid in the Order status column.

_Routser 2013-11-25 13:07

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1388805)
You might want to contact care, got my confirmation almost instantly with the order number 20000xxx, also shows up on the page (My Orders) as 'Paid'

Yes contacted now, in shop under orders it says you have placed no orders.

My order number started 100000xxx though.

Edit: 30 minutes after sending the email they sent me the confirmation, and fixed my orders page.

icke 2013-11-25 13:13

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Finally made it. Just in time. Germany's Black Friday is called Cyber Monday. Today, it features a BB Z30. Very seductive.

Nevertheless, hooray for jPhone \o/

strongm 2013-11-25 14:24

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Is it just me, but now that they are actually selling the things, shouldn't the full hardware specifications be made available to allow we pre-order people to make an (more) informed choice about whether to proceed or not?

szymeczek34 2013-11-25 14:47

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Wasn't hardware specification always a little secret before the spec race?

strongm 2013-11-25 14:50

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Sure. But not once a product was actually for sale.

ggabriel 2013-11-25 15:00

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Maybe ask them? The product is not technically on sale to the public, this counts as a private sale, and one could assume that the phone works for every operator of the country you are buying from. More specific technical details should come in a manual or something... and we'll get some sort of manual this week apparently.

xanderx 2013-11-25 15:14

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1388822)
Is it just me, but now that they are actually selling the things, shouldn't the full hardware specifications be made available to allow we pre-order people to make an (more) informed choice about whether to proceed or not?

You're absolutely right on that. The full spec spreadsheet would be nice to take a look at.

strongm 2013-11-25 15:15

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
>this counts as a private sale,

On what basis do you make that assertion?

ste-phan 2013-11-25 15:31

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by xanderx (Post 1388843)
You're absolutely right on that. The full spec spreadsheet would be nice to take a look at.

Frankly, isn't the hardware equal to your average generic China phone?
I know the camera will suck somewhat, that there there is no keyboard, that there probably is no FM transmitter.

Leaves the LCD to top the balance.
Although confirmed IPS, the LCD should be tested by looking it in eye and see if it will serve to share daily joys with.
Last time that I trusted blindly that it would be ok, it was far from OK and I had to resell the device (N9)

Software specs would be more interesting.
After all I think we buy this device for the software.

On Thursday I will be checking here to find a listing of the initial Sailfish integrated services + security features.

Also I wonder how the Android apps that use camera and integrated microphone will behave (like Jitsi alpha XMPP for example)

tiempjuuh 2013-11-25 15:56

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Ordered, #1619.

J4ZZ 2013-11-25 16:00

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Ordered + Paid #1618 :D

ggabriel 2013-11-25 16:05

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1388844)
On what basis do you make that assertion?

You can't buy if you haven't got an invitation... that's a private sale. Still, they have to give you reasonable details of what you are buying, which won't mean that they'll say exactly how many transistors the phone has ;-)

ggabriel 2013-11-25 16:18

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
BTW, and if somebody doesn't mind saying, has anybody with 0€ orders managed to get an invite+buy phone? :-)

ridmaur 2013-11-25 17:47

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Yes, after receiving the mail paid immediately!

strongm 2013-11-25 17:55

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
>You can't buy if you haven't got an invitation... that's a private sale

No, it is simply completing a transaction that was open to all and which was publically advertised.

bennypr0fane 2013-11-25 18:10

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Haven't paid either.

jesper 2013-11-25 18:20

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Anyone else having pre-booked but not heard anything from Jolla yet?

I pre-booked with the 100€ alternative 20 May, around lunch, but have not received any information at all from them.


minimos 2013-11-25 18:22

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Those in US that would like to pay to get the device are in good company:

Quim Gil ‏@quimgil 22 Nov

Who should I bribe to get a device made in @JollaHQ? I mean paying full price + shipping to USA. The shirt was nice, but...

Dave999 2013-11-25 18:25

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by jesper (Post 1388901)
Anyone else having pre-booked but not heard anything from Jolla yet?

I pre-booked with the 100€ alternative 20 May, around lunch, but have not received any information at all from them.


If you live in EU(Nor or Sch). send a mail to Jollacare ASAP!

NokiaFanatic 2013-11-25 18:28

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by jesper (Post 1388901)
Anyone else having pre-booked but not heard anything from Jolla yet?

I pre-booked with the 100€ alternative 20 May, around lunch, but have not received any information at all from them.


I only got a mail from Jolla offering me the chance to finish the order today.

jesper 2013-11-25 18:31

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1388905)
If you live in EU(Nor or Sch). send a mail to Jollacare ASAP!

Have done so but no reply yet, guess they are rather busy today.


ggabriel 2013-11-25 18:32

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by strongm (Post 1388891)
>You can't buy if you haven't got an invitation... that's a private sale

No, it is simply completing a transaction that was open to all and which was publically advertised.

You're describing a private sale [according to some of course]. Anyway, potatoes, tomatoes.
Back to your topic, check Sammy's S4's tech specs and they aren't too different from what Jolla is providing, so I'm not sure what you are after in terms of specs. Like I said: ask them or wait for the manual to perhaps reveal more? I doubt they'll state the speed of the RAM and flash or any interesting benchmark or anything that might confuse users.

NokiaFanatic 2013-11-25 18:48

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Just ordered mine - I am 1881.

Lumiaman 2013-11-25 18:50

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Wait and see the reviews. Why pay for emperor's new clothes, when so many details are lacking. Are you all so desperate to be just different? How about being a little intelligent.

mikecomputing 2013-11-25 18:50

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
Lets hope they atleast reach 2000 units today...

meemorph 2013-11-25 19:11

Paid and got order# :-)

llv95dno 2013-11-25 20:06

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
I have ordered mine - #1879

AMD 2013-11-25 20:11

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1388921)
Lets hope they atleast reach 2000 units today...

I hope I get the e-mail when I get back from school tomorrow :D
I'm seriously excited.

strongm 2013-11-25 20:23

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1388911)
check Sammy's S4's tech specs and they aren't too different from what Jolla is providing, so I'm not sure what you are after in terms of specs.

Off the top of my head, and hardly comprehensive:

The S4 details:

The 2G/3G/4G frequencies supported.
Details of video and audio formats
Unambiguous about built-in NFC
DNLA (and MHL 2.0 ) support

And things we have been unofficially told about Jolla that do not appear in the spec:

RGB Notification LED

And things we'd like to know:

FM TX/RX support
Provides wifi hotspot? Ad hoc or infrastructure mode?

Deedend 2013-11-25 20:43

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1388858)
BTW, and if somebody doesn't mind saying, has anybody with 0€ orders managed to get an invite+buy phone? :-)

So, no one with free preorder have received the second email yet?

mikecomputing 2013-11-25 20:46

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!

Originally Posted by Deedend (Post 1388966)
So, no one with free preorder have received the second email yet?

ofcourse not those who preordered OTH is prioritized. And not all of them has got invation yet.

Demati 2013-11-25 20:47

Re: Yes, I have paid my jPhone!
I paid the 40euro option but I don't expect to hear anything any time soon. I don't live in one of the launch countries.

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