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Valvar 2014-12-23 09:32

Re: [SailfishOS] SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client

Originally Posted by djselbeck (Post 1452506)
Actually I tried this. But at the moment it looks like qmultimedia is unable to play the streams of mpd. I've tried flac/mp3/wave. It looks like an gstreamer issue. I'll have a look into it in the future again.

Ah, wonderful! I'm loving Daedalus, by the way. Where can I donate?

Merry Christmas!

djselbeck 2014-12-23 15:29

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Thanks for the kind words :).

I don't accept donations as I've started the projects just for fun and want to keep them that way. Mostly I've done them because I need the applications myself and like to develop with c++ and Qt. I really like some positive feedback much more than money :). If you like the software its more valuable to me.

So I wish

Merry christmas to you too.

fooxl 2017-11-21 20:00

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client

I made a modifcation to SMPC. Browsing the library by albumartists is now possible:

EDIT: if somebody is interested in binary packages, please tell me.

fooxl 2017-11-23 20:29

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
...and now with an option to sort albums of an artist by year .

taixzo 2017-11-24 07:28

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Would it be possible to make SMPC support mpris2 dbus control? I'd like to be able to pause/play the music via my Pebble, like with other media players.

fooxl 2017-11-24 10:05

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
I guess yes. First I would like to repair MPRIS2 for Daedalus and then I think I can port this to SMPC.

fooxl 2017-11-28 17:07

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
I already got it basically working. There are still some issues, where the MPRIS state doesnt get updated correctly. But I guess its not hard to fix them.

fooxl 2017-11-29 13:06

Re: SMPC - MusicPD (MPD) Client
Ok, I got it working for sailfish lock screen now (playPause, nextsong, prevsong, songtitle, artist). This is enough for me.

Here are some other features I could implement for you:

If you need anything else (seek, volume, more metadata, tracklist...), I can take a look at it.

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