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herpderp 2014-04-21 18:18

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
What ROM are you using on your GN3?

mscion 2014-04-21 18:50

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I have a T-mobile GN3 and am using Tweaked rom by dwitherell. This is still Jelly Bean but KitKat is in the works. He has done a terrific job with customizations. Some other stuff: Using Nova Launcher. The clock widget is from an app called One More Clock. Some of the icons have a kitkat theme for Nova Launcher. I use GMD to make most gestures. Just noticed I'm using Boat Browser. Appropriate for this wallpaper!

rcolistete 2014-04-21 22:40

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
There is now a 2nd release (Early Adopter Release, EA2) of Sailfish OS for Nexus 4 (mako), see the XDA Developers topic "[April 17] Sailfish OS for early adopters released for Nexus 4".

It has Sailfish OS v1.0.5.16 (released in 11/04/2014), with audio phone calls working, etc.


* Download the SailfishOS for Android image for "mako"
a. The file you want to download is :
b. Another flavour filled with demo content:

Fixes since EA1:
* Phone-calls with audio work
* Timers and alarms (with device powered on) work
* HTML5 video+audio works in Browser (tested splash on )
* Update is based on SailfishOS version

Release notes and Known issues for Early Adopter Release 2 for mako/Nexus 4:
* To securely power off the device, during its boot-up keep Volume Down pressed to enter bootloader mode. Using volume keys, select "Power off" option, then press the Power key
* Settings->System->Developer Mode or About Product may freeze a bit, but resumes normal operation shortly (after display blanking)
* If not auto-detected from SIM, set-up mobile internet data settings via Settings->System->Mobile network->(long tap on the first toggle-item under "Mobile data" section)->(enter settings given by your operator)
* Phone-call audio volume does not change with volume buttons

Nexus4-specific known issues reported by the adopters:
* Chinese text input not working
* Localhost name is shown as Jolla (this is intentional)
* Chat notifications may arrive with a slight delay
* Switching between the online and offline status in the status information setting takes very long and often doesn’t switch properly
* Google contacts which are put together with different information, are now split up into several contacts in Sailfish
* The battery display seems to be a bit buggy because it loses about 15% from one second to another
* The calendar overview when filled with events seems to be a bit laggy
* The email push is not working correctly, I do not receive any emails until I push the refresh button
* Splitting words in the German translation: e.g. in the open apps on the home screen it says: "Kurzzeitmesse" and in the next line the missing "r"
* NOTE: all other Sailfish OS issues have already been reported on TJC - - and many of them were fixed in this release

Release notes/Known Issues since Release 1:
* We have a subtle watermark underneath the UI at all times stating "SailfishOS development software" "This is not production quality". Developer mode is activated at all times
* There has been no throughout testing of telephony related functionality (roaming, airplane mode, etc) and any use of this functionality is at your own risk
* Sensors, Device lock, Reset device, Bluetooth, USB control + MTP, Bluetooth, WLAN hotspot, Camera (photography, video recording), and video playback is not supported in this release
* Jolla account / Store is removed from the image due to problems with registering with Jolla infrastructure
* The image SW is not currently upgradeable, nor is any typically licensed multimedia codecs (MP3, etc), HERE maps, Android application compatibility layer, or word prediction for virtual keyboard preinstalled
* It is not possible to double-tap to wake up the device
* Powering off device puts it into a state of deep slumber; possible to get out of by holding power button and volume down key with a bit of persistence
* Fingerterm application may fail to launch during first attempts, and the keyboard is not at its best due to the portrait-only mode
* FPS drop while scrolling in homescreen due to non-batching when rendering of application icon grid
* Icons/graphics appear unproportionally small in browser toolbar, time select widget, and Settings favourite icons
* Multiboot/Multirom is not supported yet but we're happy if you would like to teach/help us.

mscion 2014-04-23 12:14

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Forget Nexus 4 and SG3. Drop everything and port Sailfish to this...

juiceme 2014-04-23 12:28

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1422410)
Forget Nexus 4 and SG3. Drop everything and port Sailfish to this...

Another android device... do we really need em all??????

mscion 2014-04-23 12:38

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1422416)
Another android device... do we really need em all??????

We don't! This device has top of the line specs, nice size screen,
starts of with CyanogenMod, I quote

"On top of the usual NFC, dual-band WiFi, Bluetooth 4.1 plus GPS radios, the One's international version also supports LTE bands 1/3/4/7/17/38/40, as well as WCDMA bands 1/2/4/5/8. Yep, that's pretty much the whole world covered."

Why Jolla phone did not have this type of coverage escapes me...

Finally, the price is very reasonable $299 for 16GB model, $349 for 64GB model.

herpderp 2014-04-23 13:45

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
It's a company not being backed by a major manufacturer, bringing out a killer specced phone, for less than the Jolla.

We always got the argument for the Jolla's inferior specs that it's a small company. How exactly is OnePlus any better in this regard? How could they do this, and Jolla couldn't?

mscion 2014-04-23 13:50

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1422429)
It's a company not being backed by a major manufacturer, bringing out a killer specced phone, for less than the Jolla.

We always got the argument for the Jolla's inferior specs that it's a small company. How exactly is OnePlus any better in this regard? How could they do this, and Jolla couldn't?

Probably thumbs nose at environmental concerns and uses slave labor. But it's for a good purpose. (Just kidding...)

EDIT: Here is more info on release date.

rcolistete 2014-04-23 14:44

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1422249)
There is now a 2nd release (Early Adopter Release, EA2) of Sailfish OS for Nexus 4 (mako), see the XDA Developers topic "[April 17] Sailfish OS for early adopters released for Nexus 4".

It has Sailfish OS v1.0.5.16 (released in 11/04/2014), with audio phone calls working, etc.

My first tests with Sailfish on Nexus 4 show what is not working :
- Bluetooth, NFC, camera, GPS and some other sensors;
- Android support & Here Maps, due to licensing they are exclusive to Jolla smartphone;
- "Settings->Untrusted Software" can't be enabled, so not addtional repositories can be added, neither tapping .rpm files (but they can installed by root with "pkcon install-local file.rpm");
- landscape mode in web browser and other softwares.

Sailfish on Nexus 4 is very smooth, fast and CPU and RAM efficient (as shown by htop).

Both Nokia N9 with Sailfish and Nexus 4 with Sailfish are useful for anybody outside Europe without access to Jolla smartphone.

marxian 2014-04-23 14:56

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1422429)
We always got the argument for the Jolla's inferior specs that it's a small company. How exactly is OnePlus any better in this regard? How could they do this, and Jolla couldn't?

Practically zero R&D and software development costs? What these Android device manufacturers are doing is the smartphone equivalent of LEGO.

mscion 2014-04-23 14:59

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1422442)


Both Nokia N9 with Sailfish and Nexus 4 with Sailfish are useful for anybody outside Europe without access to Jolla smartphone.

Of course with the caveat, for now, that you don't need Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, maps. Also can't run Android apps if you are so inclined... Just sayin'

@recolistete: Btw, do you think there will be an easy debian (or equivalent) for Jolla. Also appreciate all the nice work you have done.

herpderp 2014-04-23 15:24

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1422444)
Practically zero R&D and software development costs? What these Android device manufacturers are doing is the smartphone equivalent of LEGO.

I'm sorry, you're completely right on this one.

mscion 2014-04-23 15:45

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1422451)
I'm sorry, you're completely right on this one.

Well, I don't care if its LEGOs if it serves it's purpose. I would look at it as entering an era of modularity. Let me add, I took my N900 out of its box to make photo of collected devices for another thread here and was struck at how beautifully it was designed. Even the large box it came was impressive. I hope it is not true but one of my first thoughts about it was Those days are gone...

rcolistete 2014-04-23 16:08

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1422445)
Of course with the caveat, for now, that you don't need Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, maps. Also can't run Android apps if you are so inclined... Just sayin'

Anyway, Sailfish on N9 and Nexus 4 are very useful for developers without real Jolla smartphone, and users wanting to test Sailfish OS in everyday use. Both my case, I bought Nexus 4 just to test new Android versions, Ubuntu Touch and now Sailfish OS will remain installed.


Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1422445)
@recolistete: Btw, do you think there will be an easy debian (or equivalent) for Jolla. Also appreciate all the nice work you have done.

It depends on :
- XWayland being ported to Sailfish;
- or some Linux ARM distribution (Debian, etc) being ported to Wayland.
No time frame for both options.

marxian 2014-04-23 16:10

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1422453)
Well, I don't care if its LEGOs if it serves it's purpose. I would look at it as entering an era of modularity.

If anything, things are heading in exactly the opposite direction. Features that could previously be taken for granted are being removed to introduce planned obsolescence and make the consumer more dependent upon the manufacturer. It's more like an era of assimilation. One identikit fondleslab after another. Different platform, different 'ecosystem', same post-iPhone paradigm, same shite.

herpderp 2014-04-23 16:17

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1422456)
If anything, things are heading in exactly the opposite direction.

Not necessarily, have you seen project Ara?

mscion 2014-04-23 18:15

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1422456)
If anything, things are heading in exactly the opposite direction. Features that could previously be taken for granted are being removed to introduce planned obsolescence and make the consumer more dependent upon the manufacturer. It's more like an era of assimilation. One identikit fondleslab after another. Different platform, different 'ecosystem', same post-iPhone paradigm, same shite.

Gee, I dunno, your post makes me think the world is coming to an end. And to make things worse there is no cuteTube for my Jolla phone....

Dave999 2014-04-23 18:51

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Good Artists Copy. Great Artists Steal...Did you say lego...

jalyst 2014-04-25 18:35

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1422429)
It's a company not being backed by a major manufacturer, bringing out a killer specced phone, for less than the Jolla.

We always got the argument for the Jolla's inferior specs that it's a small company. How exactly is OnePlus any better in this regard? How could they do this, and Jolla couldn't?

I dare-say the founders have far better connections into the silicon industry there, prolly able to secure a "quit pro quo" on a set no. of units for a way more reasonable price, for starters.
Also, we don't know how much $ they had at their disposal, they may have been flushed with way more than what Jolla had (despite their 1st CEO stupidly hinting they had heaps in the pipeline).
VC's big over there in recent years, lots of $ flying around for start-ups, there's still a misconception that China's all poor people, it has a phenomenal no of millionaires/billionaire nowadays.


Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1422457)
Not necessarily, have you seen project Ara?

Yup, & they're seemingly moving at a more rigorous pace in term of hw augmentation than Jolla ever has*, as far as Jolla's concerned, that whole area's been mostly a non-event so far, sadly.
Then again, the big co's bank rolling Ara could lose interest in ~12mth & dump the entire thing after all the good work that's been done, Jolla (so long as it can survive) will be there for the long haul.

*I'm a very light contributor on their user feedback program

taixzo 2014-04-25 19:55

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1422454)
Anyway, Sailfish on N9 and Nexus 4 are very useful for developers without real Jolla smartphone, and users wanting to test Sailfish OS in everyday use. Both my case, I bought Nexus 4 just to test new Android versions, Ubuntu Touch and now Sailfish OS will remain installed.

It depends on :
- XWayland being ported to Sailfish;
- or some Linux ARM distribution (Debian, etc) being ported to Wayland.
No time frame for both options.

Debian already has Wayland support. See for example the Maynard desktop for Raspberry Pi.

mscion 2014-04-27 22:36

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Some progress being made on porting Sailfish to Nexus 5. Once working this would be a significant milestone because the specs on the Nexus 5 are, in general, quite a bit better then Jolla phone as compared to Nexus 4 and SG3.

shmerl 2014-04-28 15:39

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Why in general discussions about libhybris based ports happen on XDA developers rather than here?

Dave999 2014-04-28 16:10

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1423170)
Why in general discussions about libhybris based ports happen on XDA developers rather than here?

Maybe because the more skilled androiddevs hanging out right there...Maybe jolla gave heads start to select few over there...or its just a coincidence. When you think of it. Does TMO has anything in common with Jolla more than that we like beer?

The important think is that its done. Does it matter who does it and why?

shmerl 2014-04-28 16:16

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I don't mind where it happens, just asking why there. TMO was claimed to become a forum for Jolla. Jolla even decided not to create their own forum because of that. So this discussion not happening here is somewhat strange in this context.

Dave999 2014-04-28 16:53

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1423181)
I don't mind where it happens, just asking why there. TMO was claimed to become a forum for Jolla. Jolla even decided not to create their own forum because of that. So this discussion not happening here is somewhat strange in this context.

Whatever jolla say or do they don't decided where things happen and for this specific task I think android forum is better since most people are considered to be trolls here if they like or use android ;) Have that crossed your mind?

You do know that they love and use android over not so much :D

This is a task for android-lovers mainly, not jolla users since they are using jPhones.

Simples as thats.

jalyst 2014-04-28 18:09

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I don't think they ever committed to using forums heavily as a medium for GTD, even there you'll see they're not interacting heavily.
But it makes sense to (initially) reach out there, as a FAR larger & more experienced/skilled Android dev. community is there.
From there they can get those folks attention, & then move to other mediums for the "heavy lifting"...
Personally I think forums can be great for serious work, but they (& many other devs) don't seem to think so...

Eztran 2014-04-28 18:31

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Another point is simply, how many people are discussing the Android ports there compared to here? It's not that Jolla are focussing more on XDA, it's that there are just actually people there talking about it.

jalyst 2014-05-14 15:04

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
So, what happened to the promised exciting upcoming developments from Sailfish(Jolla) in this area, it's been mostly a yawnfest so far.
There's been more (mostly useless) noise in the N9 port thread than here or the xda-dev thread FFS, which doesn't bode well at all...

nieldk 2014-05-14 15:15

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1423189)
Whatever jolla say or do they don't decided where things happen and for this specific task I think android forum is better since most people are considered to be trolls here if they like or use android ;) Have that crossed your mind?

You do know that they love and use android over not so much :D

This is a task for android-lovers mainly, not jolla users since they are using jPhones.

Simples as thats.

I swear, if ppl dont stop calling it jPhone, I will shoot mine with a .45 magnum

nokiabot 2014-05-14 15:41

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
the name Jphone seems cool and when told to new ones they spectaculate what it is

jalyst 2014-05-14 15:44

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1425309)
the name Jphone seems cool and when told to new ones they spectaculate what it is

Seems completely lame to me, "The Jolla" is way better IMO...
It's original, & doesn't gratuitously "ride on the coattails" of another brand.

mscion 2014-05-14 16:43

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1425304)
So, what happened to the promised exciting upcoming developments from Sailfish(Jolla) in this area, it's been mostly a yawnfest so far.
There's been more (mostly useless) noise in the N9 port thread than here or the xda-dev thread FFS, which doesn't bode well at all...

Progress is slow but sure...

Correct me if I'm wrong but I do not think there has been any real progress based on xda folks efforts. Basically they test a release of sailfish for a device but do not do development to improve it. This appears to be all in Jolla's hands. Except for the Nexus 5 all development is on devices with outdated specs. I would prefer for Jolla to pick two state of art devices, say one phone and one tablet and concentrate on getting it work on that. If Jolla did that I would pay to download fully working rom.

jalyst 2014-05-14 17:24

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Yeah, they're definitely spreading themselves too thin, they already have very limited/stretched resources...
Pick the "bang for buck" leader from each entrenched & emerging form-factor (tablet/handset/other), & focus only on it.

For the handset, OnePlus's "One" looks pretty damn cool*, & given it's generous price it's likely to be snatched-up in large no's.
But maybe it's best to go with bigger brands, ones which have much better worldwide distribution/logistics/supply.
Or models that have been in the market for longer than even the Nexus 5, plus have proven high sales...

None of this is "rocket science", just sit down & calculate the cost-benefit-ratios, but they don't seem to get it.

*or just continue with only the Nexus 5

bill_klpd 2014-05-29 19:22

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I recently bought the galaxy s3 and I am really interested in having Jolla on it. Is there any image out right now, or is there some one who is working on it? I am thinking of starting programming after school (in less than a month :D) and I would love to do something for sailfish, but not having a phone with sailfish on it is not helpful.. I have seen the video in YouTube, but there aren't any further instructions.

szopin 2014-05-29 19:29

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1427295)
I recently bought the galaxy s3 and I am really interested in having Jolla on it. Is there any image out right now, or is there some one who is working on it? I am thinking of starting programming after school (in less than a month :D) and I would love to do something for sailfish, but not having a phone with sailfish on it is not helpful.. I have seen the video in YouTube, but there aren't any further instructions.
Most work/discussions about it are on the android forum (man I remember it being mostly about winmob, heh), you can most likely still join early adopters club, don't believe there is official public release

bockersjv 2014-06-04 08:36

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Any news on this? Running Sailfish on other devices seems to have gone awfully quiet. Also what happened to the Sailfish front end for Android Tablets.?

I wish there was a better official channel than jolla.together. There is so much noise on there to make it almost useless. Jollas other channels, FB and Twitter have gone very quiet of late. :(

Stskeeps 2014-06-04 09:02

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
We're currently waiting for update7, then next stuff goes out

mscion 2014-06-04 11:49

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
This is good news. Is it at all possible that a means wil be made available to have Dalvik license? To me this is a major drawback. Also is there an idea when the development package will be made available to make sailfish portable to additional devices. Thanks.

rcolistete 2014-06-18 13:29

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
From Mer IRC logs of 17/06/2014 :

Stskeeps OK, release is postponed until monday 13:28
Stskeeps of the N4 image 13:29
Stskeeps we hit a problem in testing phase 13:29
So Sailfish for Nexus 4 is expected next week.

Dave999 2014-06-18 18:32

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1425309)
the name Jphone seems cool and when told to new ones they spectaculate what it is



Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 1428152)
We're currently waiting for update7, then next stuff goes out

What does this mean? Waiting? Jolla waiting for update 7 and the push it to us so we can upgrade android devices?

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