![]() |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
I find I don't need to tax it so much to get it change colour (Maybe due to change in climate in UK?) Just charging or GPS usage. Or just placing fingers on it for a few seconds so you can look at it and admire it some more.. :) Then just happen to leave it face down so others happen to notice... =) |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
ahem... are you performing some maintenance or is my isp screwing up again?
edit: nevermind... page is working again ;) |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bp29YOoIQAAAEGp.jpg:large |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Received my "Banana!" yesterday and just love it! I have to say it's the very first time in my life I hold something in my hands that comes from a 3D printer. So there's nothing I can compare it to in terms of quality or such. But I like the overall feeling of it. It feels more natural in your hands than the ones from Jolla, the slight roughness of the material is comparable to wood in a way.
Sexiest features:
I'm happppyyyyy! Thanks, Dirk! |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Received my banana yellow TOH last week. Fits like a glove, thanks dirkvl! :)
For some reason when I'm charging My Jolla with Nokia's DT-900, jolla keeps doing "charging on, charging off" for a while and then it stops... weird but it works :). Question: Is there mechanism to prevent Jolla from overloading? As I recall few months ago there wasn't. Thanks again! |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
1. open ebay.com 2. type in 'qi charger' (optional: click 'buy it now') (optional: select 'price + shipping, lowest first') 3. click on top of list, or any other |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
I purchased 2 Qi chargers from this UK based eBayer:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201074128360 Good price at only £8.69 with free UK P&P. Bought my first at £8.79 for office use on 22nd April, black. Worked well with Dirkvl's OH so bought another for home on 12 May, at which point listing was amended to white and a slight increase in price to £8.99. USB cable provided, matching colour of main unit. Looks to be a charging cable only. i.e. Perfect for intended use, but may not work for data/sync purposes. |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
hi all,
I have a Wireless charging TOH with 1000 ma, and it has been working fine since I bought it almost two months ago. However, recently it doesn't work properly: when I put my jolla on Qi pad, it starts charging but a few minutes later, it stops, so I can't get charge my phone. I'm not sure, but I think this issues is caused by last firmware (, does anyone have same issue? |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Did a redesign on my website and will post some more usefull stuff on the frontpage. Part 1 of 'become a developer' tutorial is online. Will post next part in a few days I think, let me know if there is something specific you would like to see! (use contact form if you do not want to drown this thread) |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Got a new colour by the way! And after a week of shitty prints and like 10x disassembling my printer, I finally get it to listen. Printing at half the speed (2.75 hours per TOH) but print quality has never been higher :)
Changes from purple to orange https://dl.dropbox.com/s/gqjqy7n7qmz....01.49_low.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/s/w0y09wcbdut....06.11_low.jpg Edit: changed pics to low rez for faster loading, click on them for high-rez |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
I was very interested in the Carbon OH but after the summer (during which I got my Jolla) it disappeared from the store.
Re: Funky OtherHalf
check back later ;) |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Thanks dirkvl for the fast processing of my order (Freshly cut Grass - Qi 1000ma). I've also ordered the Light Emitting TOH -- PRE ORDER. Waiting to order TOHKBD rev2 8-)
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Posted TOH developing tutorial 3B on FunkyOtherHalf.com
Discuss possible solutions here to the question asked and win a SolarTOH! |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
I'd say that option 1 is best. It's possible to tweak the outer dimensions. Most time you'd want it to have the same size as the phone, but lets say you want to add two front facing speakers at the side of the screen.
The inner dimension will not change. It has to fit the phone and the phone stays the same. If Jolla releases something else (like a BIG tablet) that have other dimensions, lot of other things will also change and the outer dimensions wont stay the same anway. |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Option 2: Determining from the outside walls. You have all the necessary definite dimensions already: snap-ons, camera holes, microusb hole, etc. You can add those in the end. It is much more important to concern yourself with the "functional design" first because that's what you want to achieve -a function. When you get the first functional model, you can start all the adaptation from there -the finetuning. If you do this the other way around, you might start with non-functional TOH first and then you have to work your way making it actually functional by tweaking the dimensions (to make space for stuff you're trying to cram in). You try to make it with "perfect dimensions" and at the same time you might break the function you're trying achieve with your TOH. Much wiser to first achieve the function and then achieve the optimal dimensions than the other way around.
In other words: try to make the concept work first -not the design. Why "determining from inside dimensions" = "design first; function later" is simply because not all functions fit within the inside-wall dimensions, not at the first try at least I imagine. Pardon me if I talk nonsense. I just had a look at your tutorials and pondered... alot. Never done any 3D/CAD work. But I do want the TOH though so I had to try :D |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Could it be related to adjustments that needs to be done once you get back the first test print and find that it isn't a perfect fit?
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Different wall thickness for different printers/materials? Will your own printer differ slightly compared to shapeways?
If so, I'd say that the outer dimension + thickness defines the inner dimension. Doesn't matter that much if the outer shape is of one tenth of a millimeter, So "simply" adjust the thickness if the result is too tight/loose. |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
A finnish girl managed to decode radio controlled bus stop displays and built a personal display repeater at home, telling when it's time to go.
Details here: http://www.windytan.com/2013/11/deco...-bus-stop.html Will be possible to make a BusOtherHalf with LED display? |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
All that aside, I still like your idea! As a vaguely related thought, I wonder if someone has tested how well (or poorly) SDR Touch works on Alien Dalvik? |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Maybe you want to define the walls from the inside out, so one of the corners of the 'phone hole' is at a 0,0,0 in your coordinate system.
Then, if Jolla's new phone is a different size, or the printer you're using is inaccurate by a given amount, you can apply a scaling factor to the whole thing (in any dimension) without causing the phone hole to move away from the origin, making aligning other parts with it or redesigning things easier (you can use simpler calculations for offsets, and you can still snap to a grid in the software) ? |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
was wondering if youll make a protective 'case' for all the TOHs that we have bought hehe
coz I can only use one at a time.. and I wanna store them in my bag to switch whenever I please.. but.. pretty sure they'll get damaged.. and this makes me sad D: |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
FunkyOH store will close on Jan15
- I will be away for two months - No current Jolla projects and none in sight - Store is mostly empty already So, get what you can! :) https://media.giphy.com/media/AjkUQrzvs5OCc/giphy.gif |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
To all Jolla users interested in electronics, DIY devices, etc : enjoy while the BreadboardTOH kit is available. BreaboardTOH allows to connect Jolla smartphone with hundreds of different I2C devices/components, which are usually marketed to Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc : - screens (OLED, etc); - EEPROM; - analog to digital converter (ADC), from 8 to 24 bits; - digital to analog converter (DAC), from 8 to 24 bits; - IO extender (to 8 or 16 bits); - many sensors (directly with I2C or using ADC) : * intensity of visible, IR and UV light; * magnetometers, accelerometers, barometric pressure, etc, with more accuracy and less noise than the builtin in smartphone; * IR range finder up to some meters; * ultrasound range finder up to some meters; * laser range finder up to 40 meters. Almost all of these components costs less or about US$10, needs only some jumpers/wires to connect, only some lines of programming (shell, Python, Qt Quick, etc) in Sailfish OS, or even without programming if you use I2C Tool. No other smartphone I know has I2C interface available. Jolla smartphone may be the unique one. |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Is there any hints how to fix Funky OH keyboard? Only one key doesn't work, but it is E key, so needed so much.
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Is the keyboard same as in TOHKBD rev2?
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Not that it makes any difference. I cannot fix either ;) |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Or did you just mean TOHKBD? There were a few models out. One with keyboard. (main model) The funky one. The display one. The solar one. The chamaeleon one. The self-programmable one. And more ... I am afraid we lost a listing when funkyotherhalf.com went down? ;) |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
To maybe solve the knot, the TOHKBD2 also had FunkyOH printed on the PCB ;)
https://mosushi.de/misc/IMG_20200223_001004.jpg |
Re: Funky OtherHalf
Re: Funky OtherHalf
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