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meemorph 2015-11-13 16:15


Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1488105)
what version did you choose,guys?

"very early bird" at the moment.

An update of perk is later possible. But 100 Eur for 16GB more <del>RAM</del> <ins>internal memory</ins> is something I have to think about longer. Let's wait for more good news first.

edit: I changed RAM to internal memory. All phones have 3GB RAM. Internal memory is different. Sorry.

itdoesntmatt 2015-11-13 17:28

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown
for me the same ..the ram is the same for all versiosn,if i am right

meemorph 2015-11-13 21:13

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1488111)
for me the same ..the ram is the same for all versiosn,if i am right

yes, RAM is 3GB for all, I edited my comment above to internal memory. Next time I have to think before I write, maybe helpful. ;-)

TomJac 2015-11-14 12:15

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown
It seems cool and interesting might get it but it's sad you can't change backplate like Jolla with TOH though. Or can you?

velox 2015-11-16 17:25

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown
So, a few questions regarding SFOS have popped up from backers since last week, as of now the topic seems to be have been carefully avoided by the team.

hhbbap 2015-11-17 18:37

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1488105)
what version did you choose,guys?

SLUSH White Edition
Sounds like very limited edition:
22 claimed, available until Nov 17th.

Not sure how smart this was vs. OS with the new information from Jolla,...:eek:

hhbbap 2015-12-17 18:55

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown

Originally Posted by velox (Post 1488300)
So, a few questions regarding SFOS have popped up from backers since last week, as of now the topic seems to be have been carefully avoided by the team.


11 days ago (today):
"Sailfish OS and the PuzzlePhone

As we announced in Slush we are starting a community supported Sailfish OS integration in the PuzzlePhone. As this project is community driven the development is not influenced by the actual, and temporal, Jolla situation. The Sailfish OS integration in the PuzzlePhone is a Circular Devices and Sailfish OS joint community project that will happen next year, when PuzzlePhone production samples become available.

We have already introduced the Piece Maker tool set for everyone (makers, hackers, prototype developers) in order to have their custom solution integrated in the Heart module of the PuzzlePhone.

The PuzzlePhone prerooted bootloader, part of the Piece Maker tool set, opens the door for quick custom software development. Jolla will help in this community driven project to expand the Sailfish OS and the PuzzlePhone ecosystem.

We will keep updating on this project as news happen and milestones are completed."

Somewhat nice for people ordering the Puzzlephone because of Sailfish OS, like me.

bluefoot 2016-02-06 00:03

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown

Originally Posted by bluefoot (Post 1487467)
I had high hopes, but the Indiegogo campaign or lack thereof is very disappointing.


I wouldn't touch this with a barge pole. I expect they were hoping for 10x that $250k figure. IMO they'll be extremely lucky to hit $500k. $350k is probably a realistic figure. I'd seriously question if they'll be around in 18 months time.

P.S. I love the section where they detail the years of experience and projects the team they've assembled have worked on ... all very impressive ... except for the notable absence of any experience relating to phones.

Hadn't followed this at all, per my post.

Jesus. They ended at $116k. That's a total calamity.

itdoesntmatt 2016-02-06 00:17

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown
i would not be so pessimistic. they received found from european union, they just tried to see level of interest on a product like this

bluefoot 2016-02-06 01:28

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1497961)
i would not be so pessimistic. they received found from european union, they just tried to see level of interest on a product like this

Yeah, and they found out.

kinggo 2016-02-06 09:03

Re: The Puzzlephone is a modular cellphone designed in Nokia's hometown
I don't see how 250k would make a difference. It's not even close to start developing something like this.

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