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llelectronics 2016-05-17 08:53

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Then try manually installing the apk from my link and see if it works.
I had more reports on that and it seems to be related to a harbour/Jolla Store problem.

gaelic 2016-05-17 11:02

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1505629)
Then try manually installing the apk from my link and see if it works.
I had more reports on that and it seems to be related to a harbour/Jolla Store problem.

For me, bot the version on Harbor and the one posted here, are crashing when entering the verification code. No clue why.

Amboss 2016-05-18 09:03

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
the one from the link worked alright. It starts LibreSignal. Now that I think about it, when updating from harbour it got stuck afterwards. maybe it didn't finish, but somehow harbour thinks it did...

llelectronics 2016-05-18 21:23

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by gaelic (Post 1505632)
For me, bot the version on Harbor and the one posted here, are crashing when entering the verification code. No clue why.

Its trying to restart. If you click on it however it should start normally.

gaelic 2016-05-19 07:26

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1505751)
Its trying to restart. If you click on it however it should start normally.

Then it asks for the verification code again and restarts again and ...

llelectronics 2016-05-19 08:20

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
This is strange then. It works here without a problem and apparebtly for others aswell.
Do you by chance have setup that Android Apps can't access the addressbook? That might be the cause. It needs access to it.

gaelic 2016-05-19 09:31

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1505781)
This is strange then. It works here without a problem and apparebtly for others aswell.
Do you by chance have setup that Android Apps can't access the addressbook? That might be the cause. It needs access to it.

Thx, this is it, it crashes when it cannot access the contact data.

nthn 2016-06-08 22:15

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
LibreSignal was abandoned:

- Whisperfish:
- Sailsecure:

nodevel 2016-06-09 08:20

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1507279)

Thanks for the heads up.

It's worth reading the linked discussion as well and maybe reconsider if a messenger with such a hostile developer team is the one to use. IMHO the fact that its identification is based on phone numbers, that they are against IM federation, that their priority is to have control over the clients and most of all that they rely on Google's proprietary libraries (even though they can be easily replaced by WebSockets like in LibreSignal) pretty much nullifies their privacy aims. It is understandable that they do not have an infinite amount of funding, but if their mission is to bring a secure, privacy oriented messenger, then LibreSignal was, as a client, doing a better job than they were, and therefore the hostility towards it makes their intentions questionable.

Also, judging from the linked discussion, if they find a way to ban clients like LibreSignal (they didn't have to, as they pushed the developer team to stop the client before any ban was needed), then nothing stops them from trying to be hostile towards Whisperfish and Sailsecure as well - and it's also good to mention that the developers of LibreSignal abandoned it mostly to find a new messaging service to support, as Signal turned out to be the way it did.

This applies to SailfishOS clients as well after all:

Originally Posted by moxie0
I'm not OK with LibreSignal using our servers, and I'm not OK with LibreSignal using the name "Signal." You're free to use our source code for whatever you would like under the terms of the license, but you're not entitled to use our name or the service that we run.

nthn 2016-06-09 21:46

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1507299)
Thanks for the heads up.

It's worth reading the linked discussion as well and maybe reconsider if a messenger with such a hostile developer team is the one to use. IMHO the fact that its identification is based on phone numbers, that they are against IM federation, that their priority is to have control over the clients and most of all that they rely on Google's proprietary libraries (even though they can be easily replaced by WebSockets like in LibreSignal) pretty much nullifies their privacy aims. It is understandable that they do not have an infinite amount of funding, but if their mission is to bring a secure, privacy oriented messenger, then LibreSignal was, as a client, doing a better job than they were, and therefore the hostility towards it makes their intentions questionable.

Also, judging from the linked discussion, if they find a way to ban clients like LibreSignal (they didn't have to, as they pushed the developer team to stop the client before any ban was needed), then nothing stops them from trying to be hostile towards Whisperfish and Sailsecure as well - and it's also good to mention that the developers of LibreSignal abandoned it mostly to find a new messaging service to support, as Signal turned out to be the way it did.

This applies to SailfishOS clients as well after all:

Totally agreed, but so far this is the best we have, and we can hope 'unofficial' clients are not banned in the near future, or even that moxie has a change of heart. XMPP is getting there thanks to the Conversations people, but it needs some more tweaks to be really straightforward for people who just want to talk to their friends - and that stuff needs to be implemented on Sailfish as well, unless everyone intends on specifically using Conversations with the Android layer. As far as I know, no other messaging application/protocol even comes close.

I must say moxie has a point, with control over the clients it's a lot easier to make sure that any bugs encountered are the fault of the Signal developers and not of a third party (who could be malicious, but also just lazy), and they can fix those bugs themselves and get everyone on the fixed version asap. The problem is that the solution of just not allowing any third party clients is the easy way out. Luckily taking the easy way out was not the underlying thought when they developed the protocol.

Amboss 2016-06-23 18:04

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Here we go again...

Problem is: If devs of 'unofficial' clients stop keeping up with official development there won't be any. JavaJens and LibreSignal already stated to stop. let's see what happens, when the newly reappeared note comes true.

llelectronics 2016-06-23 20:00

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
New Version 3.16 of the Jolla Edition now available directly from here:

SHA256Sum: 21065490d72aacfbcf4ac8280240b29da1809d4069d70e6e37 403b3840fabe82

Enjoy. Should be available as update in Jolla Store very soon.

llelectronics 2016-09-16 21:09

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: Version 3.19 now available.

This one should fix the latest security holes.
It does however not bring in new features that require changes in the protocol like the message retraction feature introduced with Signal 3.18.

Download APK from here:

SHA256Sum: 8fbc322146e7cd542b512f6a81727af1a16f5fa1f26307da93 138dfb1657cada

Enjoy. Should be available as update in Jolla Store very soon.

explit 2016-09-17 06:53

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1515161)
Update: Version 3.19 now available.

This one should fix the latest security holes.
It does however not bring in new features that require changes in the protocol like the message retraction feature introduced with Signal 3.18.

Download RPM from here:

SHA256Sum: 8fbc322146e7cd542b512f6a81727af1a16f5fa1f26307da93 138dfb1657cada

Enjoy. Should be available as update in Jolla Store very soon.

Thanks, but it is apk, not rpm.
Please correct

Jordi 2016-09-17 07:50

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by explit (Post 1515174)
Thanks, but it is apk, not rpm.
Please correct

I also would love to see an "rpm" version of this but it's certainly not easy to do.

llelectronics 2016-09-18 09:02

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Yeah thx corrected.

MoritzJT 2016-10-23 17:36

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I'm having some issues with groups not showing their names and only being able to post there from the webclient. Is there an update I missed?


nthn 2016-10-23 19:22

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by MoritzJT (Post 1517238)
I'm having some issues with groups not showing their names and only being able to post there from the webclient. Is there an update I missed?


Known bug for a very long time, as a workaround you can ask a member of the group to "update" the group (just hit 'update group' and 'ok', no need to change the title or add or remove anyone) and it'll be fixed.

llelectronics 2016-12-05 18:19

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: Version 3.23.0 out now.

SHA256sum: bc6404c55ab2d28547b20f2600ca318223f520ff250386a267 9784eefa1a758f

  • Move null recipients check
  • Do not disable multiline input when enter key sends is activated
  • If receiving SMS disabled don't allow sending SMS (sending doesn't work currently with Aliendalvik anyways)
  • Disabled 90 days timebomb (no more banner message with countdown [though message sending might fail if protocol changes in the future])

Uploaded to harbour already. Should be soon in Jolla Store.

explit 2016-12-11 15:07

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
How to disable that Signal don't receive sms?
only signal messages?

llelectronics 2016-12-11 22:17

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Seems to not be possible to do currently in aliendalvik at least not graphically. Maybe there is some config file to do that but I don't know which one.

llelectronics 2017-03-15 18:35

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: Version 3.31.4 is out now. This version is now based on the Signal code base as LibreSignal is no more.
Signal now supports WebSockets so it is usable fully without GCM (PlayServices).

So this version introduces several new features:
  • GIF Support
  • Voice Messages
  • Call support should work (though it might not ring on incoming calls)
  • Attachments now shows the image gallery with images to quickly use as attachment
  • QuickScroll Up/Down Feature
  • Overlay showing the Date of chat messages when scrolling up
  • Timed Messages (Selftimer that destroys message after read and given delay)
  • Hint showing unread messages in chat window
  • Video support
  • Support for website distribution build with auto-updating APK (though this will rename the app from LibreSignal to Signal and won't ship timebomb removal and other patches)
  • New Base Signal 3.31.4

This new version requires you to reregister after upgrade. Chats and History will be saved on upgrade but it will not allow you to send Signal Messages before reregistering. Reregistering works only by phone so SMS step will be skipped (with the usual error message)

Of course this version comes with the usual Patches for SailfishOS & BlackBerry to skip SMS registration (as it is non working on Android Runtimes) and has the 90 day timebomb removed.

Enjoy :)

You can get the APK from here:
SHA256Sum: 6ce619759457f8ac56ab94f66b5e1fdeebb21f523909d70984 105dba8b6b151f

lancewex 2017-03-15 19:01

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I installed on my Blackberry. Sorry for the likely lame question, but why does the app call itself LibreSignal instead of TextSecure as this thread calls it?

llelectronics 2017-03-15 19:06

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Signal was formely called TextSecure.
Back then when I started this thread it was still called TextSecure.

edit: tried changing the title to not confuse more users but either thats not possible or my browser cache acts up.

feedme 2017-03-15 20:14

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
can this be used on tablet without phone number? What about multi device support?
Would be wery niiicecto se a link to general description of these signal / trxt secure features.
Totally fed up to releses like " this is a client/ host to xyz service implementing only subset of features fgh of this but also supports wqrt server but only..."

llelectronics 2017-03-15 20:29

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
It needs a phone number. You can register your tablet with one phone number.(So you need a phone for the activation number)
However only one phone number per device. (Exception for the Signal WebApp for Chromium which you can pair with your phone/tablet)

More Infos on Signal in general you can find here:
or on the official openwhispersystems homepage:

feedme 2017-03-15 21:39

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
but can tablet and phone be used so that both get messages?

llelectronics 2017-03-15 21:46

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Nope that is not possible.

nthn 2017-03-19 10:03

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Thanks for your work, it's good to see they've finally grown brains and made their application truly trustworthy. Now hopefully they will adopt a looser position on third party clients so for example Whisperfish will be allowed to continue existing.

lancewex 2017-10-23 01:47

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Has this been updated? Or is the version in Aptoide working well with Sailfish? Currently says it's 4.11.5 in Aptoide.

llelectronics 2017-10-23 19:54

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I did not update and don't plan to update this version anymore.
It isn't available in the Xperia X Jolla Store anymore.

Please use the official Signal APK you can get from the offical download site of Signal.
This one works though SMS activation won't. Please use the phone activation instead (might need to wait until the timeout for SMS activation occurs)

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