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tommo 2018-02-23 19:15

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
This should be changed to ‘Jolla ****s people around for sooo long that 80% don’t care anymore’....

vistaus 2018-09-11 10:18

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I agree with tommo: it's like they don't care anymore as I'm still waiting for the second refund...
I know they're not as rich as Microsoft or whatever other company, but it's not like I'm rich either (I barely make enough to survive!), so after such a long time, it would be nice if they finished the refund.

Dave999 2018-09-11 13:18

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
But hey. We are still 20% left that cares about jolla and the refund. :D

I do still think that some of them wants to do the right thing but are blocked by some manager!

The sad thing is not that all isn’t refunded yet. It’s that they didn’t even continued with atleast a few every month and not communicated anything about this for 9 month. Not even a status message.

lokai 2018-11-05 23:11

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I just thought about using some Sony mobile with SFOS and checked since long time my Jolla account.
And guess what?

Nowhere in the account you see any sign of some tablet payment or any open outstanding refunds.
Just nothing.
No possibility to use that lost money for gaining SFOS license(s)!

So :mad: ...

Dave999 2018-11-06 07:52

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by lokai (Post 1550103)
I just thought about using some Sony mobile with SFOS and checked since long time my Jolla account.
And guess what?

Nowhere in the account you see any sign of some tablet payment or any open outstanding refunds.
Just nothing.
No possibility to use that lost money for gaining SFOS license(s)!

So :mad: ...

Yes, It’s sad that not everyone can get the money since jolla obviusly have some money to be able refund a few every month.

If jolla dont even give option to use the money to buy stuff it’s even worse since they lose nothing to let a few users buy it for refund money. Might give you an indication that jolla might trying to ignore the backers and supporters.

It could also mean that you have to wait for Beta version to be able to buy it for refund money?

Amboss 2018-11-06 12:09

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Why are you always claiming "noone"?

I was asked in the first round for the first refund half and again in the second round for the second half. The latter I converted for 2 licences of Sailfish X, of which I use one so far successfully.

pichlo 2018-11-06 12:39

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by Amboss (Post 1550128)
Why are you always claiming "noone"?

I don't usually read Dave's "refund" posts, too tedious. But now that you made me, I'd like to point out in all fairness that "no one" and "not everyone" are not the same thing.

Amboss 2018-11-06 13:41

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Whoopsi, my fault ;)

mscion 2018-11-06 16:53

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I think I got the first half refund but not the second. But to be honest, it has been so long I can't even remember if I got the first half back!

gerbick 2018-11-06 17:08

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by Amboss (Post 1550128)
Why are you always claiming "noone"?

I was asked in the first round for the first refund half and again in the second round for the second half. The latter I converted for 2 licences of Sailfish X, of which I use one so far successfully.

I do know that I can purchase the license while shopping via VPN (set to Germany for instance) but converting my second refund into licenses was not an option for me in the US.

Dave999 2018-11-06 23:19

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1550129)
I don't usually read Dave's "refund" posts, too tedious. But now that you made me, I'd like to point out in all fairness that "no one" and "not everyone" are not the same thing.

Me nither. I’m always trying to keep it to a minimum nowdays but it’s good to bring up the subject from time to time. After all. It was jolla who initiated the refund all those years ago and keep the 2nd refund open for everyone during the years to come.

We just have to wait.

JulmaHerra 2018-11-07 11:02

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by lokai (Post 1550103)
I just thought about using some Sony mobile with SFOS and checked since long time my Jolla account.
And guess what?

Nowhere in the account you see any sign of some tablet payment or any open outstanding refunds.
Just nothing.
No possibility to use that lost money for gaining SFOS license(s)!

So :mad: ...

I checked my also, it cannot be found directly. However, I tried the URL sent to me via email asking about interest for Sailfish X license instead and there the amounts can still be seen. About refunds in general, IMO they should have already been able to handle them. Waiting for it for years is just ridiculous.

Dave999 2018-11-07 18:10

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by JulmaHerra (Post 1550179)
I checked my also, it cannot be found directly. However, I tried the URL sent to me via email asking about interest for Sailfish X license instead and there the amounts can still be seen. About refunds in general, IMO they should have already been able to handle them. Waiting for it for years is just ridiculous.

I second that.

vistaus 2019-03-18 11:52

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Still no second refund round... Come on, Jolla!

tommo 2019-03-18 18:51

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1555325)
Still no second refund round... Come on, Jolla!

I’m sure Jolla don’t read this forum . You should contact them directly, where they won’t give a **** either!

vistaus 2019-03-18 19:03

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by tommo (Post 1555341)
I’m sure Jolla don’t read this forum . You should contact them directly, where they won’t give a **** either!

Then why bother contacting them if they won't give a **** there either?

tommo 2019-03-18 22:55

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1555342)
Then why bother contacting them if they won't give a **** there either?

Just a joke ... a bit like the refunds

richie 2019-03-19 22:10

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1555325)
Still no second refund round... Come on, Jolla!

Where is the Jolla blog they said they would keep updated on the tablet refunds? I remember reading it months ago, but I can't find it.

I read Jolla had some profitable months in 2018,

And *I think* refunds would take place if Jolla had profit in a month and interested to read the blog again.

vistaus 2020-06-29 12:05

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
At this point, I'll just give up. We'll never see the remainder of our money again.

mscion 2020-06-29 14:32

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
It's been so long I forget what happened? Did everyone get a partial refund? I had ordered one and don't remember. Guess I can check old emails. Regardless, anyone know what the current status of Jolla is? Last I heard they were bought up by Russian investors and focusing on the security side of things. Do they actually market a phone anymore?

hardy_magnus 2020-06-29 17:57

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
this thread is alive !:D
i thought refund thing was over and everyone including dave was happy.

aspergerguy 2020-06-29 18:20

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1568080)
It's been so long I forget what happened? Did everyone get a partial refund? Do they actually market a phone anymore?

Nearest you got to a refund was voucher(s) to use against purchase of Sailfish X license(s) No phones marketed in an age but now dependent upon availability of Sony AOSP devices for Sailfish Android App Support.

peterleinchen 2020-06-29 18:34

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1568076)
At this point, I'll just give up. We'll never see the remainder of our money again.

Did you really expect so?
I gave up years ago and was gladly surprised with the first refund round!
The rest is to be seen as kind of donation or advance payment for SFOS licenses (as aspergerguy said: vouchers for the next years).

kinggo 2020-06-29 18:46

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
don't mind me, just checking if Dave is back

mscion 2020-06-30 01:09

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1568097)
don't mind me, just checking if Dave is back

Who's Dave?

Wasmachinemann-NL 2020-06-30 09:36

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1568103)
Who's Dave?



mscion 2020-06-30 09:45

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by Wasmachinemann-NL (Post 1568107)


Who's Dave999?

EDIT:HaHa. Just kidding. Everybody knows that Dave999 comes from the famous line spoken by the alien in the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still. "Klaatu barada nikto 999 dave" The translation has been debated but it has been suggested that it means give dave his refund or the robot will destroy the earth.

atlochowski 2020-06-30 10:28

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by vistaus (Post 1568076)
At this point, I'll just give up. We'll never see the remainder of our money again.

If you want some answer from Jolla you should ask on community meeting

pichlo 2020-07-02 10:23

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1568108)
Who's Dave999?
"Klaatu barada nikto 999 dave"

In my first language, "nikto" means "nobody". Make of it what you will.

Dave999 2021-08-29 17:53

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Got some potential info regarding refund from top secret nikto . Time to get ready for for your refund. Hopefully. It should happen any day now...

robthebold 2021-08-29 21:20

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
From the same story . . .


Its latest product is AppSupport for Linux Platforms, bringing Android app support to Linux-based platforms such as automotive infotainment systems and other embedded systems.
Wait, what? How'd I miss that news?

(Oh yeah, my rock I've been hiding under for like, I dunno, 18 months or so.)

Dave999 2021-09-06 07:17

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Looks like I managed to get the missing dollars from the Jolla tablets funding. So if you are looking for the second refund. Contact Jolla and see if that is possible.
Thanks jolla for settling the score after 27 years of waiting! :)

Fellfrosch 2021-09-09 11:13

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
So now somebody can change the thread title to Dave claims Tablet refunds 100% finished

mscion 2021-09-09 15:46

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Just requested mine! So not totally finished.. .

HtheB 2021-09-09 16:23

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1572545)
Just requested mine! So not totally finished.. .

Who did you ask to? :p

mscion 2021-09-09 17:13

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Hi, If you have received a previous partial refund I would reply to that email notification and nicely request the remainder of refund. The advantage of that is that Jolla would likely have all your info readily available. You could also email request to

Hope that helps!

mscion 2021-09-15 06:32

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Refund and done! Jolla came through!! The past few years were not an easy period for them. At the time the tablet came out, few companies inspired and gave hope of a Linux based phone and tablet. I'm glad they have finally turned a profit. I wish them success in the future.

gerbick 2021-09-18 20:22

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Funnily enough, Jolla paid my refund for my tablet as well. Done and done now.

mscion 2021-09-19 04:01

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1572589)
Funnily enough, Jolla paid my refund for my tablet as well. Done and done now.

Did you recently request the refund or did it magically appear?

gerbick 2021-09-19 04:20

Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1572592)
Did you recently request the refund or did it magically appear?

I requested it July 7th, forgot about the request. They completed it July 8th.

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