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lal 2016-09-28 16:33

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Brilliant month, I say! Credits to Rzr for the theme!

7. saponga, N900, "Plan B"

ste-phan 2016-09-28 17:26

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
11. Macros - very haunting picture , If I imagine you steering while answering the call of the darkness (photography contest) vs getting home safe ;)

mosen 2016-09-28 17:33

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
+1 for 5. spfoo, N9, "Darkness" for his prototype shot.
Totally astonishing as result from a phone camera. Well done!

cy8aer 2016-09-28 17:47

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
saponga +1

mihsun 2016-09-28 19:02

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
6. pichlo
nice room 2016-09-28 19:39

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
3. nthn, Jolla, "Grapes at night" ++

nthn 2016-09-29 10:08

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
A vote for 2. catbus, nice colour contrast.

Macros 2016-09-29 11:58

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
My vote goes to

5. spfoo

I like how it shows the city surrounded by darkness on all sides and the lone planet in the sky gives a glimpse at what we miss by fighting it.

The silhouette catbus posted is also very fitting for the theme.

panjgoori 2016-09-29 16:45

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
wow amazing entries this month. All pictures are amazing but my vote is for No 11 Macros

chenliangchen 2016-09-29 18:59

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Vote for 2 Catbus

briest 2016-09-29 21:27

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

I was trying to catch the flame of an old (~100 yr, still working) coking plant at night, but failed miserably. Besides, I love fire. I remember once, walking thru the city with gasoline can and a box of matches... nevermind. Just vote for saponga.

catbus 2016-09-29 23:31

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Great theme and great pictures!

I have three alternatives to vote...

Saponga's picture is sharp and perfect... but then my wife asked "what is the topic" and I looked all pictures carefully again... Only two choices left...

So next one is Mike's picture of bench. You can feel the horror darkness of that ...

And The Winner is:
But I still vote with my first impression... #5 spfoo - N9 - "Darkness" - like "mosen" said "astonishing"! - N9, Darkness, city lights and... planet??? WTF?!?

mr_pingu 2016-09-30 07:51

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

10 char 2016-10-01 12:41

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
... And the winner is ...

mscion 2016-10-01 14:59

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Some really nice entries. Probably too late to vote but I like robthebolds entry #12. Such a weird angle. I get dizzy looking at it!

May I make a suggestion for next months topic. How about "Reflections" 2016-10-01 15:24

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Only the winner will decide, if it's me I will propose "Street art" .. 2016-10-01 15:40

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
For the recap:

* 2. catbus, N9, "Arcturus" : 6 (clap clap clap)
* 7. saponga, N900, "Plan B" : 5
* 5. spfoo, N9, "Darkness" : 3

* 11. Macros, 808 (presumably Nokia), "On the way home" : 2
* 3. nthn, Jolla, "Grapes at night" : 1
* 6. pichlo, Jolla, "Messy room" : 1
* 12. robthebold, N9, "First Friday, after dark" : 1

* 1., Jolla, "Dead end tunnel" : 0 (\o/)
* 4. juiceme, Nexus 5 (SFOS), "Pass U in the darkness"
* 8. lal, Intex AquaFish, "Mumbai, as darkness seeps in" (I liked it)
* 9. mosen, Nexus (SFOS), "I am contrast" (I liked it too)
* 10. mikecomputing, Fairphone 2 (SFOS), "Hissingsparken in the evening"

The winner have won the right to select next month topic, the next 2 have the pleasure to look at the remaining ones working on wiki.

Please help edit a wiki page to create a galleria of previous competition winners.

I started the page :

robthebold 2016-10-01 21:05

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Great month of photos, folks! Thanks for everyone that participated and voted, and for the theme.

Congrats catbus on your win, pick us another fun theme, please ;)

mosen 2016-10-02 11:51

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Thanks rzr for the topic, recap and wiki edit!
Also thanks pichlo for the perfect timing and work you put in the voting.
Congratz catbus and a good hand in choosing the topic!

jeff7867 2016-10-02 13:56

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1515654)
Very nice. What have you got now? Can you replicate that shot? Could be a winning entry . . .

actually iam rying to repair my n9
now im having htc m8 eye

jeff7867 2016-10-02 14:01

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
some one teach me how to post a photo here

pichlo 2016-10-02 16:39

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by jeff7867 (Post 1515988)
some one teach me how to post a photo here

"Go Advanced", "Manage Attachments"

catbus 2016-10-03 07:03

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
:eek: - I am absolutely speechless...

Thanks everyone! And special thanks to "qwazix" who made cmdCam.

I will post this month theme soon(tm).

chenliangchen 2016-10-03 07:32

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1516026)


Look forward to it! :D

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