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shanttu 2016-10-19 12:20

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Little princess Spiraea japonica
Straight from my Panasonic Lumix CM1 camera phone.

pasko 2016-10-24 18:41

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)
I have just taken this one of a power interruptor from a tablet I was trying to fix for a friend (didn't make it btw :( )

Taken with my Jolla 1.


pichlo 2016-10-24 19:08

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1516199)
what have we got there, a swallowtail?

If you are such a good entomologist, perhaps you could identify this one for me? Taken in October 2015 so definitely not my entry.

Attachment 38760

tvicol 2016-10-24 19:10

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)
Taken with JP1.

mscion 2016-10-24 19:22

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Maybe next months topic can be "micro!"

hedayat 2016-10-26 19:24

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
My entry, taken with N9:

minimec 2016-10-26 22:29

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)
My first contribution...

HAL: That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal. Can you hold it a bit closer? ;)


Nexus5; SailfishOS (Taalojärvi)

catbus 2016-10-27 19:20

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1517336)
Taken in October 2015 so definitely not my entry.

So, You have better one to come?

Back to topic...:

At first I was really worried about if I select the wrong topic because the atmosphere was rather lame ... but after that little lame start, really good pictures have appeared here... I'm not sure I dare to publish my own...

But anyway, there is still one day left and i have to choose one of the three picture...

I'l be back...

rm250j 2016-10-28 03:27

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Some yummy mini quiches made from the left over mixture, taken with Sony Xperia Ultra

briest 2016-10-28 13:44

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Oh. So, as the voting hasn't started yet, something autumny.
Taken with N9, no edit.

mosen 2016-10-28 16:35

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Yay, look at all those nice shots!
Congrats and cheers everyone :D

Taken with Nexus5 on SFOS

mihsun 2016-10-28 17:30

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Pomade power bank
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact

catbus 2016-10-28 18:07

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Well... No time to take better one...:

Phone and camera is N9 with little cropping...

Voting is starting tomorrow IRC? I have a really busy weekend so is here any volunteer to do participant list? Thanks!

Dave999 2016-10-28 18:51

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1517617)
Yay, look at all those nice shots!
Congrats and cheers everyone :D

Taken with Nexus5 on SFOS

is it a foosball table in the back?

mosen 2016-10-28 21:44

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1517625)
is it a foosball table in the back?

Good guess :)
But although i am german, coffee is much more important to me than Fußball ;)
The ratio is 10x espresso per day versus watching 1x week Worldcup Football every 4 years!

Its a San Remo machine from 2008, like this but with 3 arms.

@catbus, yes i wanted to start compiling but your image links prompts for a password!

robthebold 2016-10-28 22:00

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1517622)
Well... No time to take better one...:

Phone and camera is N9 with little cropping...

Voting is starting tomorrow IRC? I have a really busy weekend so is here any volunteer to do participant list? Thanks!

I'm not seeing your pic -- and I get "Authentication Required" when I try to open it in a new tab/window. Anyone else, or is it just me?

And shame on me for not reading mosen's post first, it's not just me.

Macros 2016-10-28 23:27

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
I guess for IT people this still counts as Friday ;)

Last month was my macro month. I got many great photos. This month all animals have vanished and hid themselves,
so I decided to capture the autumn mood.

Taken with my Nokia 808 Pureview

Bonus picture from last month:

catbus 2016-10-29 07:53

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Sorry about wrong link..

mosen 2016-10-29 11:36

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Last call for entries! Voting has not yet started!

I have compiled the list for voting already and will post and thus start the vote this evening.

Epic epic epic... What a decent list of participants!
But some "regulars" are still missing ;)
Voting will start at 8pm UTC, so in about 7 hours.

Only disqualification was Dave999 for the wrong Camera, LOL. Just kidding.

So far we have valid entries from:
1. claustn - N9, camera+
2. meemorph - N9, camera+
3. Dave999 - iPhone 6s Plus
4. saponga - N900
5. tommo - BlackBerry Passport
6. ste-phan - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
7. robthebold - N9
8. shanttu - Panasonic Lumix CM1
9. pasko - Jolla Phone
10. tvicol - Jolla Phone
11. hedayat - N9
12. minimec - Nexus5 SFOS
13. rm250j - Sony Xperia Ultra
14. briest - N9
15. mosen - Nexus5 SFOS
16. mihsun - Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
17. catbus - N9
18. Macros - Nokia 808 Pureview

AAAh, yes, and to raise the stakes a little:
We will have a small prize for the first time to aid you in even better macro shots :D
Lets see how we handle shipping.

juiceme 2016-10-29 11:59

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Somehow this has been a little difficult macro month and the end came quicker than I thought....

Anyways, here's my entry called "great ballz". Taken by Jolla sbj-1.

mosen 2016-10-29 12:05

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1517679)
Somehow this has been a little difficult macro month and the end came quicker than I thought....

And then you tell a story in your crisp macro.
unbelievable, perfect idea.

Dave999 2016-10-29 12:37

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Damn it. A coffee machine. Who could have guessed that?

Why not add the photo under th phone. Now I vote for coolest phone: passport 1:st, Panasonic 2nd, 3rd the rest.

mosen 2016-10-29 13:30

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1517681)
Why not add the photo under th phone.

voting has not started! i will post the full list with photos including juiceme and the possibly still missing ones. Pichlo has not declared an entry for example, i hope he is not missing this time :cool:

Edit, ah you mean a photo OF the phones. lol. good one :)

robthebold 2016-10-29 15:35

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"

Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1517622)
Well... No time to take better one...:

I see it now! Thanks -- colorful.

klinglerware 2016-10-29 17:16

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Not really a true macro photo, but I saw last year's topic, and immediately interpreted it as "Macro voting"...

Taken with a Nexus 5 on SFOS...

nieldk 2016-10-29 17:50

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)
count/not count ;)

But, i like tomatoes can grow in this time of year

taken with Oneplus X (onyx) SFOS

danpio 2016-10-29 20:20

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)
Fly - Nokia N9 macro and only one filter in Filter Box app :)

danpio 2016-10-29 20:29

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
1 Attachment(s)
not in topic but example of collaboration :) Nokia DVB-S + Nokia N9 mplayer playing live strime from dBox - cool !!

mosen 2016-10-29 21:50

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Better late than never, here are all contestants for October!
Have fun looking around and vote for your favourite.

Glorious first prize reward is a clip-on lens, sponsored and shipped by me.

1. claustn - N9, camera+

2. meemorph - N9, camera+

3. Dave999 - iPhone 6s Plus

4. saponga - N900

5. tommo - BlackBerry Passport

6. ste-phan - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

7. robthebold - N9

8. shanttu - Panasonic Lumix CM1

9. pasko - Jolla Phone

10. tvicol - Jolla Phone

11. hedayat - N9

12. minimec - Nexus5 SFOS

13. rm250j - Sony Xperia Ultra

14. briest - N9

15. mosen - Nexus5 SFOS

16. mihsun - Sony Xperia Z3 Compact

17. catbus - N9

18. Macros - Nokia 808 Pureview

19. juiceme - Jolla Phone

20. klinglerware - Nexus5 on SFOS

21. nieldk - Oneplus X on SFOS

22. danpio - N9

chenliangchen 2016-10-29 23:18

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
18. Macros - Nokia 808 Pureview

Nice too see so many entries :D

panjgoori 2016-10-30 04:48

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
I vote for No. 7 robthebold

I took a pic today but i guess its too late. But still happy that so many people participated.

nieldk 2016-10-30 06:27

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
voting for #18 - Macros

Still amazes me the quality of these images from our devices.

lal 2016-10-30 06:33

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
No. 7 - robthebold

In fact I am confused which picture to vote for. Loved them all!

thedead1440 2016-10-30 06:41

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
No. 18 for me.

Special mention to No. 1 and the picture by briest too. Amazing pictures :)

Dave999 2016-10-30 06:57

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
I vote for lucky number 1. claustn

It's super green!

Macros 2016-10-30 09:54

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
My vote goes to 7. robthebold,
nieldk's tomato was a close contender.

So many beautiful pictures :)

tangent 2016-10-30 15:20

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
voting 14. briest - N9.

klinglerware 2016-10-30 15:26

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Voting for #7...

mihsun 2016-10-30 18:27

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
My vote is for 4 saponga
What is this?

Macros 2016-10-30 18:58

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
The picture shows mushrooms. Which kind? Don't ask me.

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