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qole 2010-06-07 02:59

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
The GUI, I think is run as root, (sudo), but dbus-switchboard itself should be run as user.

qole 2010-06-08 23:10

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Found the bug in dbus-switchboard-gui that doesn't save the URIs.

It really is as simple as a forgotten call to the "save URIs" function.

I'll try to get an updated package into Extras-devel ASAP.

EDIT: You need to call dbus-switchboard-gui as root, but you have to do it as follows to avoid the dbus errors:


sudo dbus-switchboard-gui

debernardis 2010-06-09 04:36

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
What are people using URIs for? I'd like some examples for the N900.

Bec 2010-06-09 05:09

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Isn't that the way to reasociate rtsp streams? I'd very much like to start videos in mPlayer directly rather than the default browser.

[DarkGUNMAN] 2010-06-09 09:24

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers

Thank you for porting this to N900, could I ask you for some advice to check if I'm doing this right?

I've been trying to change the association for rtsp streams from Media Player to VLC. So far I have :

Created a Handler with the command: cvlc %params%
Added rtsp: to URLs using the VLC handler
Switched rtsp URI to dbus_switchboard

When I click a link in MicroB, nothing happens.
Have I done this correctly or have I missed something?

Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

qole 2010-06-09 16:59

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
I just tested rtsp streaming in microb.

It should, by default, go to the built-in media player. And before I started messing with things in DBus Switchboard, that worked just fine.

But after messing around in DBus Switchboard, I'm now seeing the same behaviour as DarkGUNMAN. Now, nothing happens. At all. Even when I switch the rtsp line back to the supposed default!

Back to the debugging....

At least filetype associations are working... You can always change the rtsp: to http: and associate the filetype.

Here's the link I used:


casper27 2010-06-09 17:43

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
GUI works perfect when running as root with your command no permission errors.
One question I am trying to associate .rm and .smil extensions but with no luck. I have associated to Mplayer but when I click on the link in the browser nothing happens.
The site Im trying to use is
It uses Realplayer as default handler and when I open on PC it says it is a .smil stream. Any chance someone can try one of the free streams on there see if I have missed anything.

Bec 2010-06-09 17:54

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Does it work for youtube?

qole 2010-06-09 18:18

So I got dbus-switchboard to open my rtsp stream by adding the following line to /usr/share/applications/uri-action-defaults.list


EDIT: Problem! The GUI writes out the uri-action-defaults.list in a scrambled way so that it no longer works properly. You have to edit this by hand....

To restore the original file, as root (all on one line):

cp /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus_switchboard_gui/uri-action-defaults.orig /usr/share/applications/uri-action-defaults.list
EDIT2: The scrambled writing of uri-action-defaults.list is probably why it was disabled in the first place... :(

qole 2010-06-09 19:12

Re: How To : Associate MPlayer, Transmission, and other apps as default handlers
Ha, the irony is that, after getting everything set up and working, VLC can't play the stream. "live555 demux error: RTSP PLAY failed liveMedia5"

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