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conny 2009-12-13 16:14

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 425722)
I know it supports PDF (Anidel linked me to one uploaded from his N900 after showing him the dlopen trick...).

I uploaded an HTML file (saved from the Maemo Browser) using Petrovich, and I get:

Not sure what to make of the above...

Hmm, doesn't look too good :/ And converting to PDF is a bit overkill...

conny 2009-12-13 16:17

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by tomchiverton (Post 425726)
Is spell checking going to be added to this (or another app) at any point, does anyone know ?

I don't know about other applications, but for Conboy I currently have no plans to add it. But of course feel free to add an enhancement request to bugzilla.

In fact I'm not even sure whether or not there is platform support for it.

conny 2009-12-14 16:33

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
It looks like I cannot fix the broken word completion in Fremantle. What do you guys think? Leave the broken behavior or disable word completion completely?

mivoligo 2009-12-14 21:01

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I found something about sync with Ubuntu One. Maybe it'll be helpful. But you probably aware of that.

conny 2009-12-15 09:11

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by mivoligo (Post 427769)
I found something about sync with Ubuntu One. Maybe it'll be helpful. But you probably aware of that.

Thanks that was an interesting read. It's not really related to Conboy, but still interesting. Conboy talks to Ubuntu One not using CouchDB, but using the REST API. The advantage is, that we can also sync to other services which implement this API.
Those are currently:
  • Snowy: Open source web service and web interface which you can install on your own servers if you want. Developed mostly be the Tomboy guys. Hopefully soon in beta stage.
  • Midgard: Open source content repository which is used as backend for in many places. Still needs support for OAuth 1.0a. Will hopefully come soon.
  • Ubuntu One: Not open source, but more or less working service from Canonical.
Soon the first two projects (Snowy and Midgard) will offer a hosted service. Snowy will power and Midgard will offer the service on

There are still bugs with all involved parties, but I would expect something that is ready for production use in about half a year maximum.

bergie 2009-12-15 13:08

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 428635)
Thanks that was an interesting read. It's not really related to Conboy, but still interesting. Conboy talks to Ubuntu One not using CouchDB, but using the REST API. The advantage is, that we can also sync to other services which implement this API.

If you install the Midgard storage plug-in for Conboy (when it is done), you'll be able to skip the cloud completely and use replication features for syncing notes.

illemann 2009-12-15 22:36

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Would be very nice to have export and import to the notetaking app in the calendar, in this way i would have my notes in outlook to!

Possible? Feature for the future?

illemann 2009-12-15 22:48

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Would it be possible to make it export and import notes from the built in app, so i can have the notes synced with outlook.

An example of bullets would convert to the "-" sign for instance. Others could be stripped. To keep compatability.

thx for listening.

conny 2009-12-16 09:50

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I didnīt yet look at the calendar API, but I think it should be possible. Of course (as you already pointed out) there is the issue of loosing text styles, bullet indentation, etc.

Could you please file an enhancement request here:

It helps me not to forget and other people can vote on it.

ehab 2009-12-20 01:27

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
When i press authenticate after entering it tells me after a while "Could not connect to host" but i can enter this url in the browser and login.


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