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canabal 2010-05-26 11:34

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by canabal (Post 678955)
Anyone else's vibrate stop working? Mine now just emits a high pitched noise, but no vibration. Worked fine before upgrade.

Just an update... I have tried reflashing with the Global image again and now the USA image to test, but no luck. I also put my kernel back to stock from overclocking it before flashing those last 2, but still no luck.

EmmaGx 2010-05-26 11:51

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Fargus (Post 678292)
I get the same problem with some address and not others. Not yet worked out what the issue is though.

... if you work it out please let me know! ... I've tried it with the house number in 'extension' and as part of the street line, and neither work for me ... *sighs*

SepoDaz 2010-05-26 12:04

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Quasar (Post 676617)
Calendar doesn't show birthdays (automatic added)...

Hello all, Dazz here first time poster...

I deleted all my contacts and put them back in, calendar widget is now working as well as cake icon in calender.

I have a couple of contacts with incomplete address (i.e. city & state.only) and they would open Maps and locate city. All contacts with complete address give error message as rest posting.


Joorin 2010-05-26 12:05

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by garyc2010 (Post 678523)
LOL ????

LOL @ that...idiot, yes I had this problem too (surprise)......the biggest lol was the guy who said "At this point I'd start to do some packet capturing..."

Yeah im sitting 1000 miles from my server, wanting to do a simple ssh, but hey now I need to start spending a day packet sniffing network traffic to diagnose what i already know (dodgy phone/OS), who *really* has time to waste like that ?

As I said.....N900/Maemo has fail written all over it

The thread you're pointing at describes a problem that really is based on misconceptions about how the phone, and WiFi, works. This is not a "dodgy phone/OS" issue.


Is not only childish but plain off putting, and sure as hell wont attract new users to the platform.
I agree on you being provoked, but your tone is, to say the least, as immature as the rest. I agree on the N900 not being polished and finished but it's not crap as you're, again and again, inclined to call it.


Hmmmm im a qualified software engineer, I do more *nix admin than you can dream of, supporting SUSE/Centos/Redhat and recently Ubuntu server, along with the usual MS servers.

I "make build and tweek" more stuff than you can dream of son, some of us have to make a living, so unfortunately can spend days wasted writing scripts on our phones.
The size of your eP3n1s is pretty irrelevant. See above.


Look at the vast array of bugs after one day !, can anyone look me in the eye and tell me in all honesty that any degree of quality testing was carried out on this release ????? clearly it wasn't, and id go as far as saying that
Did you check the list of fixes? Did you check how many libraries were actually updated? Did you have a look at the list of new functionality?

There will always be bugs. I do agree on some of the bugs being just embarrassing, like in the menu system, but lots of work has been done and the fixes and new functionality that actually work just won't be noticed.


It really was a case of slipping in the bad news ie no meego with good news of a new update.
This agree on without any hesitation.

wierdo 2010-05-26 12:16

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by garyc2010 (Post 678194)
Great News !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I can finally sync my calendar and contacts OTA !!!!

yeeehaaaa !!!!!!!!!

Wait did you just say IMAP ?????????????? (sighs)

You might want to try either not moving the goalposts, or not call Google Calendar "Gmail" ;)

garyc2010 2010-05-26 12:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

"The thread you're pointing at describes a problem that really is based on misconceptions about how the phone, and WiFi, works. This is not a "dodgy phone/OS" issue."

its a secure shell, not rocket science. If they cant get ssh right, no wonder nothing else works. "misconception" , that old chestnut that keeps popping up time and again, its the user NOT the phone.

"but your tone is, to say the least, as immature as the rest"

The usual....if you don't sing the praises of the almighty N900/Maemo stillborn Mobile Phone ...*YOU* have the problem, not the phone

"The size of your eP3n1s is pretty irrelevant"

Hmm posessing a BSc Hons In Software Engineering, I am *qualified* to comment on these matters, are you ??? or can you just made stupid comments like above, that you so quickly complain about others making ?

Did you check the list of fixes?

Yes and I was alarmed at the scope and quantity of bugs in the released software

Did you have a look at the list of new functionality?

Yes had a read of the changelog, in fact it was a Joke

things like

"File Manager is now able to share any file and/or folder" - wtf !!!!! damn what a nice *feature* that a "File Manager" can now handle any file or folder. christ its a sick sick joke.

No more "More" menu in application launcher, and is rearrangeable - wow !!!!!!!, like did it really take *months* to get such a killer "feature", time wasted on this says priorities are all wrong and development is no longer serious.

No wonder nokia keep so quiet about updates, just throwing crumbs to us......

Its plain to see n900/maemo is dead in the water, the lifespan of my phones is 1-1&1/2 years, these *URGENT* bug-fixes and the addition of BASIC functionality needs to be addressed in MUCH Shorter time-scales, no point getting them a year or two later is there ?

as youve prob guess im *REALLY* pi$$ed off, not at the cost alone, but the fact such low quality software was released in the 1st place, and i know there are alot of other n900 users who feel the same. And i am entitled to be mad at the amount of money i have spent.

For me the only hope as far as i can see is a successful port of android, whats the chances of Nokia opening up its drivers for this wonderful "open" platform ?????

i used to be a big nokia fan, owning all the older communicator series etc, they now sadly have lost the plot, they are aheadless chicken, sell any nokia shares you have would be my device.

Software drives a platform........and thats why the n900 is DOA.

As Siddarth said

"Well...Iphone is just for Lollypop licking ,nose dripping kiddos!!!.....Where you just eat for wht u get served..thats it!

well i do eat what i am served thx, with my 3gs i can dine a la carte from a menu of over 100,000 meal, with the n900 my choice is reduced to a few stale,out of date, half-baked turds of applications........may hurt but *that* is the truth of it.

Wichall 2010-05-26 13:01

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 678958)
Two more possinle bugs here.

1. Could both people who started fresh and people who updated OTA tell me how the responsiveness in offscr-backgammon is? (OVI backgammon). I'm experiencing much slower graphics (noticeable with the dice rolling) and also, if I ctrl + backspace to the app switcher, backgammon will freeze and I'll have to start a new game

2. Not sure if this one is still a bug or not, I was experiencing freezes with microb that would lock up the entire phone (no app switcher or power key). I've reset my microb settings now, I'll keep this thread updated.

Bumping my post, I'd really appreciate some replies on this, it'll take you 5 minutes to test ;)

gunni 2010-05-26 13:36

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Anyone else with this annoying but minor issue:
In app manager the list is sorted descending first. Sometimes the list gets unsorted suddenly. Cant say if this is triggered by some special event.
Was a bit annoying because i did not backup my application list, and wanted to reinstall only the programs i need. So I could net go through the list alphabetic, because sometimes the sort order was gone. I flashed without emmc.

ndi 2010-05-26 13:43

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 676494)
I suspect a lot of these issues are when people dont reflash but try the "not enough room" upgrade option. Always reflash - yes you have to reinstall but it just gives you a reason to beat angry birds all the way through again

What's a "not enough room" upgrade? I thought not enough room meant reflash by PC.

Joorin 2010-05-26 13:44

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by garyc2010 (Post 679272)

"The thread you're pointing at describes a problem that really is based on misconceptions about how the phone, and WiFi, works. This is not a "dodgy phone/OS" issue."

its a secure shell, not rocket science. If they cant get ssh right, no wonder nothing else works. "misconception" , that old chestnut that keeps popping up time and again, its the user NOT the phone.

The thread was about connectivity changing, not being able to log into the device but outbound traffic working well, which is all about the power saving mode in the WiFi module. OpenSSH works just a well as on any desktop computer. And yes, I did the legwork and investigated while developing an application to fiddle with the WiFi settings.

And the OpenSSH that's installed is, as far as I know, the same as is installed on any Debian/Linux machine out there, just cross compiled.

So, in this case, it was the user not understanding how the device works.


"but your tone is, to say the least, as immature as the rest"

The usual....if you don't sing the praises of the almighty N900/Maemo stillborn Mobile Phone ...*YOU* have the problem, not the phone
Now it's your turn to lick the old chestnut. I have only one reason to comment: you're not grasping what the actual problem was in the thread you're referring to. Simple as that. I agree on many things you say about problems with the device and I have no reason to disagree with the point that much has been rushed.

But when you're plain wrong, I see no reason to not correct you.


"The size of your eP3n1s is pretty irrelevant"

Hmm posessing a BSc Hons In Software Engineering, I am *qualified* to comment on these matters, are you ??? or can you just made stupid comments like above, that you so quickly complain about others making ?
I'm glad you're well educated. That doesn't change the fact that you did a mistake while reading the thread you referred to and is in the wrong when it comes to what caused the problem reported in that thread.

Asking me if I can match your education is just bad form when you've obviously made a mistake. And if you're that well educated, wouldn't you want to be corrected so as to not spread false information any more? I know I do.

And the tone, with "eP3n1s", was both a way to evade the puritan word checking and trying to show you how you come across. Education and stature is nothing if you're wrong in what you say.


Did you check the list of fixes?

Yes and I was alarmed at the scope and quantity of bugs in the released software
PR1.1.1 is far from perfect, I completely agree.


Did you have a look at the list of new functionality?

Yes had a read of the changelog, in fact it was a Joke

things like

"File Manager is now able to share any file and/or folder" - wtf !!!!! damn what a nice *feature* that a "File Manager" can now handle any file or folder. christ its a sick sick joke.
Since we both come from a Linux/UNIX background, I can only agree. But seen from the perspective of a random user, only being able to manipulate whatever is stored under MyDocs makes more sense.

But I agree, a file manager should be just that.


No more "More" menu in application launcher, and is rearrangeable - wow !!!!!!!, like did it really take *months* to get such a killer "feature", time wasted on this says priorities are all wrong and development is no longer serious.
Depending on how interdependent the parts are, this might very well be a bigger fix than one might think. And you don't know when it was finished. All you know is that it was shipped now. It might very well have been done in the first month of work and be a really small fix.


Its plain to see n900/maemo is dead in the water, the lifespan of my phones is 1-1&1/2 years, these *URGENT* bug-fixes and the addition of BASIC functionality needs to be addressed in MUCH Shorter time-scales, no point getting them a year or two later is there ?
I completely agree regarding bug fixes, and especially when it comes to basic functionality.


as youve prob guess im *REALLY* pi$$ed off, not at the cost alone, but the fact such low quality software was released in the 1st place,
There will always be bad software released ahead of time. Taken as a whole, the N900 holds up pretty well with obvious flaws here and there even though it was rushed. I gnaw my teeth almost every day since I'm chained to a buggy Windows installation at work and say the same thing about low quality software.


and i know there are alot of other n900 users who feel the same.
You being as well educated as you claim, you should know that this isn't a valid argument. Stay away from the obvious fallacies and your valid points will have more weight.


And i am entitled to be mad at the amount of money i have spent.
Rave and rant as much as you want but don't expect to get away with spreading false information.


For me the only hope as far as i can see is a successful port of android, whats the chances of Nokia opening up its drivers for this wonderful "open" platform ?????
There is already an Android version for the N900 as a community port. I'm not in on the details, but it works to some extent.


Software drives a platform........and thats why the n900 is DOA.
Customers drive a platform. Users drive a platform. Not keeping up with demands is the killer if you ask me. But I'm sure you won't.


well i do eat what i am served thx, with my 3gs i can dine a la carte from a menu of over 100,000 meal, with the n900 my choice is reduced to a few stale,out of date, half-baked turds of applications........may hurt but *that* is the truth of it.
You can have sprinkles on your turds, it's the latest from Paris.

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