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clasificado 2011-07-07 17:37

Re: Google+ invitation requests
@mail2vrp Thanks!

At first, the link that google send me didnt work. A couple hours after, ive tried again clicking both links, and (i dont know when) it worked!

Asked me for my name, lastname and gender, and the big join button

thanks dude

mail2vrp 2011-07-07 17:51

Re: Google+ invitation requests

have shared a stream with you. that shud get you in in couple of hours or so..

please note that you won't get an invite email or anything, just log into your gmail account and then try opening the page in a different tab.. thats how it worked for me

please note that you won't get an invite email or anything, try opening the page (you should be logged into your google/gmail acct already).. thats how it worked for me. it may take anywhere from 1 sec to 24 hrs for your acct to be enabled..

colin.stephane 2011-07-07 18:07

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Hi all,

May I ask someone to give me a google+ invitation please ?

It would be greatly appreciated ...


biobobby89 2011-07-07 18:10

Re: Google+ invitation requests
please correct me if I am wrong...I think google has stopped people from adding others...I am unable to add new people...Sorry folks..If there's an alternative, just let me know...

MoJo 2011-07-08 02:16

Re: Google+ invitation requests

I have invited you guys through an actual invitation system Google+ has on the right sidbar. Because of its implicitness in being an invitation I think it should be a quicker process than the stream method. I will post back if I get to invite more later. To the guys who got invited share the love, and invite others from the TMO community.

brandonc 2011-07-08 02:17

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I would also love to have one if someone could spare it, PM me please.

new_bee 2011-07-08 02:41

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Mojo.. thanks for the invite. but I am getting "Already invited? We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon."
i guess i have to wait a little more.

cincibluer6 2011-07-08 02:44

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Got one from Daniel (thanks mate) but I can't get in. If I ever get it to work, I'll have people start p/ming me emails for invites.

Hekestyler 2011-07-08 05:01

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Thanks a lot MoJo!!!

locolyric 2011-07-08 07:27

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by MoJo (Post 1046812)

I have invited you guys through an actual invitation system Google+ has on the right sidbar. Because of its implicitness in being an invitation I think it should be a quicker process than the stream method. I will post back if I get to invite more later. To the guys who got invited share the love, and invite others from the TMO community.

thanks Mojo, i received the email!

but i am still not able to use the google + due to limit of capacity

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