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ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 08:36

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
I never set the user password before, :confuse:

coderus 2012-05-23 13:53

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

- and set password you want.

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 14:10

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
the password for users cant be changed, lol, duh

Maverick92 2012-05-23 14:13

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Hi,i am new to the N9 and also new to Inception...i did as asked on the inception website...i scanned the UR code with the MeeScan to get the inception installer...then it went to the installation screen and it showed that it was installing after a while it just went off without any notification...(is that normal???)rite after that...i opened the terminal and followed the instruction..which is the "devel-su -c /usr/sbin/pasiv" command...but i didn't change the password as asked(will that affect anything???)once that was done i am lost at this part :-

Ensure that the N9's package management subsystem will not interfere:
killall -q pkgmgrd
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock

i keep on keying in that command and nothing seems to be happening...can anyone help me out on this...i am really interested in this....

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 14:15

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
Yes, nothing gonna happened, but, that should be ok

coderus 2012-05-23 17:56

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
@Maverick92, run commands as root. run twice.
@ibrakalifa, lol? passwd user, then, if hands are broken ~.~

ibrakalifa 2012-05-23 18:10

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
lol, okay sir, :D

Maverick92 2012-05-24 07:29

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

run them as root???and run them twice??what do you mean???can you please give me an example....sorry i'm pretty bad in this....

coderus 2012-05-24 14:20

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]

killall -q pkgmgrd
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
killall -q pkgmgrd
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock
pkill pkgmgrd
pkill pkgmgrd

cvp 2012-05-25 11:29

Re: Announcing INCEPTION: Deeper access to your N9 [0.1.1]
hello, is there a list of modifikations over Inception?
imean, what i can do more than without inception?

I read:
- Install other Kernel
- Overclocking
- Notification LED....

... but nothing more.

thanks a lot

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