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tigas 2013-01-15 18:40


Originally Posted by vitaminj (Post 1315081)
Heaven knows why they decided to drop Firefox and make Grob from scratch for the Harmattan UI. Tabs, settings etc. too complicated? Side-slide UI contrasted too much with systemwide Swipe UI? Eat-your-own-dogfoot Qt mentality? Feels like a good way to waste time if Firefox customisation was nearly done?

Anyway, those plugins might be quite good if they can be installed on a current (15+) Fennec.

Also I'm glad they commissioned Nokia Pure. Nokia Sans feels like an (unwelcome) blast from the past!

Most likely because iOS and Android use Webkit browsers and unless Nokia did the same most mobile sites would break. Webkit is becoming the new IE6...

n950 2013-01-15 19:50

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
The link is ready!!!
It's time to rumble... :p
PMs sent.

Let me know about the results (on N9/50 and N900 devices) here please...
Post your screenshots.

chenliangchen 2013-01-15 21:13

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1315238)
The link is ready!!!
It's time to rumble... :p
PMs sent.

Let me know about the results (on N9/50 and N900 devices) here please...
Post your screenshots.

Thank you for your contribution. Really appreciated!:)

pali 2013-01-15 21:22

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
apt-get not working due to missing file /etc/apt/auth
seems that original owner removed it before selling...
so we are unable to install/reinstall/download any parts from nokia apt repository

Sazpaimon 2013-01-15 22:02

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1315257)
apt-get not working due to missing file /etc/apt/auth
seems that original owner removed it before selling...
so we are unable to install/reinstall/download any parts from nokia apt repository

In that case it may be better to backup the actual mmcblk0pX or mtd block device and attempt to find the file's data.

Rusnak-COBRA 2013-01-15 22:04

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
Pali, did you manage to have this system working somehow on some of your HW?

rlinfati 2013-01-15 22:16

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1315257)
apt-get not working due to missing file /etc/apt/auth
seems that original owner removed it before selling...
so we are unable to install/reinstall/download any parts from nokia apt repository

pali, the repo containt currently the "leaked" pr13 for rm680...

Hurrian 2013-01-15 23:47

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")
n950, sent you a PM. Can you send me the link?

pali 2013-01-16 07:32

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by Rusnak-COBRA (Post 1315280)
Pali, did you manage to have this system working somehow on some of your HW?

No, I only chrooted into it with qemu-arm

n950 2013-01-16 08:58

Re: Nokia N9-00 Prototype Build S1.12 (RM-680 codename "Dali")

Originally Posted by pali (Post 1315355)
No, I only chrooted into it with qemu-arm

Hi Pali,

Can you post some pictures please?

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