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d-iivil 2011-03-20 06:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by ShaolinMilk (Post 971433)
I just did what you told me to and it said "could not replace symlink: Invalid cross-device link".

Yes, that's normal. Now reboot and reinstall the original theme you wanted to use.

Metalov 2011-03-20 20:50

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Is there anything we can do about Conversations Inbox Widget's and E-mail Widget's opacity? Theme Customizer doesn't seem to work with those.

ShaolinMilk 2011-03-21 00:40

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 971446)
Yes, that's normal. Now reboot and reinstall the original theme you wanted to use.


Thanks for the help! I did that and it worked.

eldiablo 2011-03-21 14:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Does this wok or N800? I tried to install and there were like 6 or eight dependecies for packages I don't have like libqt packages and tar something was the last one, so do you have links/hints as to where I can get all of those dependencies or is it not compatible with n800 OS2008 43-7?

d-iivil 2011-03-21 15:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by eldiablo (Post 972399)
Does this wok or N800? I tried to install and there were like 6 or eight dependecies for packages I don't have like libqt packages and tar something was the last one, so do you have links/hints as to where I can get all of those dependencies or is it not compatible with n800 OS2008 43-7?

Noup. Only N900. It has so many Fremantle specified code inside that it would require complete rewrite to get it working with N800.

rantom 2011-03-23 17:00

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but here we go. Whenever I go to the Control panel and select the Theme Customizer in portrait it refuses to start. If I turn it to landscape the TC starts just fine.

Yes, this time I'm running the latest one from -Developer, 0.9-76.

eL.ectron1k 2011-03-24 11:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Nice stuff!

d-iivil 2011-03-24 17:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by rantom (Post 974046)
Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but here we go. Whenever I go to the Control panel and select the Theme Customizer in portrait it refuses to start. If I turn it to landscape the TC starts just fine.

Yes, this time I'm running the latest one from -Developer, 0.9-76.

It's a bug in Qt (every Qt app segfaults if it's started when hildon is in portait mode). Nothing I can do about it :(

rantom 2011-03-24 17:21

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 974855)
It's a bug in Qt (every Qt app segfaults if it's started when hildon is in portait mode). Nothing I can do about it :(

Is it this bug, that MohammadAG has fixed?

EDIT: Well, it seems to be it, since I installed it (going to re-flash the device anyways soon so I don't really care) and ta-dah! It worked.

NightShift79 2011-03-24 22:23

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 967272)
Commented lines are wiped before saving new values because Qt cannot handle writing into .ini file well. It shouldn't remove anything else than lines starting with # character.

I can easily add the acceleration rate values to be adjustable.

Please do it. :)

mrsellout 2011-03-26 22:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by malkavian (Post 959658)
I love your work dude ;)

I hope to see again soon in CSSU support for transparent shortcut backgrounds :).

Apologies if this has been said elsewhere (I couldn't see it in this thread), but if you set widget opacity to 0 you get transparent shortcut backgrounds again.

malkavian 2011-03-26 22:33

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Yeah, but i would like to have just transparency for shortcut backgrounds. and not for all widgets. Thank you anyway ;)

crash16 2011-03-30 12:53

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
i used the theme customiser and when i want to revert back using the restore backup fuction my phone reboots instantaneously. Is there any backup folder where I could get the old transitions.ini file??

michou 2011-04-01 12:50

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
When changing fonts with theme customizer is it supposed to change the font for the dialling pad? I changed my font resently and noticed all fonts had been updated except the dialling pad.

d-iivil 2011-04-01 13:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by michou (Post 979814)
When changing fonts with theme customizer is it supposed to change the font for the dialling pad? I changed my font resently and noticed all fonts had been updated except the dialling pad.

Dialpad and pin-pad are hardcoded to use Nokia Sans. Both are closed source apps, so no way to even patch those.

Offtopic: I started to implement some requested features today and immediately when I got Qt Creator opened my motherboard died :(

elie-7 2011-04-09 16:35

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
hey d-iivil take a look at this its a problem that i think its caused by theme customizer any help mate ??

d-iivil 2011-04-09 16:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by elie-7 (Post 984631)
hey d-iivil take a look at this its a problem that i think its caused by theme customizer any help mate ??

My wild guess is that you have overwritten your Nokia Sans font with your custom one like some guide @ tmo suggests to do? It most definitely has nothing to do with TC.

elie-7 2011-04-09 17:31

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
no i haven't sne that at all, so can you please take me to that thread so i can overwrite the carlise fonts with the ubuntu ones, thanks...
but no haven't overwrited anything...

x-lette 2011-04-18 07:58

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Hi d-iivil, sorry if this is already discussed but I didn't find any hints within the last pages.

Following problem: since some weeks my N900 shows a strange behaviour when opening dialogs or even complete windows. The border gets rendered but no content is visible. As buttons are still responding it is possible but sometimes dangerous to tap blindly on some place in dialog overlay.

Is it possible this has to do with transition tuning and some updates of theme customizer? I'm still using nokias stuff and not cssu but have some packages replaced (like hildon-home). Hope you can help in any way as this is making me crazy.

d-iivil 2011-04-18 08:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 990899)
Hi d-iivil, sorry if this is already discussed but I didn't find any hints within the last pages.

Following problem: since some weeks my N900 shows a strange behaviour when opening dialogs or even complete windows. The border gets rendered but no content is visible. As buttons are still responding it is possible but sometimes dangerous to tap blindly on some place in dialog overlay.

Is it possible this has to do with transition tuning and some updates of theme customizer? I'm still using nokias stuff and not cssu but have some packages replaced (like hildon-home). Hope you can help in any way as this is making me crazy.

Haven't heard any reports like this from other users or faced similiar things myself so I have to say I don't know :)

I haven't changed the custom hildon-home which is shipped with TC since day one. But errors in dialogs and windows points to window manager (hildon-desktop) and stuff related to that (broken theme maybe?). So if you have any modified hildon-desktop, I suggest you to try to re-install the original one and see if it gets any better.

x-lette 2011-04-18 09:30

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
OK, hildon-desktop might be the point. I'll try reinstalling / reverting that and see if it's getting better. Thanks a lot!

d-iivil 2011-04-18 09:43

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 990952)
OK, hildon-desktop might be the point. I'll try reinstalling / reverting that and see if it's getting better. Thanks a lot!

Hold on! One thing came in to my mind;
check if you have accidently enabled value "Turbo=1" in your transitions.ini -file. If yes, then set it back to zero. That causes weird **** like that :)

fw190 2011-04-18 10:04

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
I could't find the riht topis. The latest update of CSSU Tuner gives me a popup thet I do not have CSSU installed which I have ;)

d-iivil 2011-04-18 10:26

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 990966)
I could't find the riht topis. The latest update of CSSU Tuner gives me a popup thet I do not have CSSU installed which I have ;)

Whoops... my bad. Will fix asap.

Edit: version 0.1.9 uploaded to devel, should be available in ten minutes.

x-lette 2011-04-18 10:29

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 990956)
Hold on! One thing came in to my mind;
check if you have accidently enabled value "Turbo=1" in your transitions.ini -file. If yes, then set it back to zero. That causes weird **** like that :)

OK, checked files for that value and in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini the entry is "turbo=0" while in /opt/theme-customizer/transitions.ini there is no turbo-entry at all. Does this value have to be set there too?

d-iivil 2011-04-18 10:30

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 990983)
OK, checked files for that value and in /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini the entry is "turbo=0" while in /opt/theme-customizer/transitions.ini there is no turbo-entry at all. Does this value have to be set there too?

It does not have to. If no such key is found, it's treated as "0". So then that wasn't your problem :(

x-lette 2011-04-18 10:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Just to be sure: this value isn't triggered by setting "use custom (fast) transitions" in theme customizer, right?

d-iivil 2011-04-18 12:44

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by x-lette (Post 990990)
Just to be sure: this value isn't triggered by setting "use custom (fast) transitions" in theme customizer, right?

No, it's not. That value isn't touched at all.

x-lette 2011-04-18 13:58

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
I just reinstalled hildon stuff and I'm testing it right now. But error was not recoverable before and therefore it's hard to say wether it's all good now or not. Only can tell if error shows up again that it's still there. If it doesn't show up for a long while (several days) it's probably solved.

Just remember, there might be entries in syslog file. Completely forgot about that. Will have a look into syslog when errors comes again.

NightShift79 2011-04-18 18:26

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
1 Attachment(s)
Hi d-iivil.

I have updated the german .ts and .qm for new 0.1.9 version.
Here you go:

Quasar 2011-04-23 09:33

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
I've installed Theme Customizer, played with settings. But now I've got a problem: pressed buttons are not changing color (without Theme Customizer pressed buttons are blue. I mean not the text in the button, but the button itself). It's very uncomfortable. How can I solve it?

corduroysack 2011-04-23 09:56

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
i had trouble with the font change section wanted a new font i installed and it kept reverting back to sans on reboot, tried a different font and it worked?

d-iivil 2011-04-23 11:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by Quasar (Post 994054)
I've installed Theme Customizer, played with settings. But now I've got a problem: pressed buttons are not changing color (without Theme Customizer pressed buttons are blue. I mean not the text in the button, but the button itself). It's very uncomfortable. How can I solve it?

Have to check the code, but I recall I made it to write button pressed color with same color as active font color is.

In the meantime you can revert to your theme defaults by selecting top menu and choose to restore files.

d-iivil 2011-04-23 11:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by Quasar (Post 994054)
I've installed Theme Customizer, played with settings. But now I've got a problem: pressed buttons are not changing color (without Theme Customizer pressed buttons are blue. I mean not the text in the button, but the button itself). It's very uncomfortable. How can I solve it?

Hmm.. sounds weird. Does the name of the new font contain characters like "? Can you send the font to me so I can play around with it myself?

Quasar 2011-04-23 11:18

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 994084)
Hmm.. sounds weird. Does the name of the new font contain characters like "? Can you send the font to me so I can play around with it myself?

It was on the standard Nokia font. I haven't changed font, before this happend.
Now I change fonts - it doesn't help. All buttons are working, but they are not changing their color (for example, while calling "hang up" button doesn't "glow" red while pressed).
I've changed only iconpack to humanity_icons and menu/widget opacity.
I'll try to change all setting to default and check if the problem exists.

corduroysack 2011-04-23 13:42

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
right sorted it seems for some reason when i applied a different theme it changed the font to sans what i needed to do was change to a different font (reboot) then revert back to the font i wanted to use in the first place (reboot) and it was then applied. not a major problem just confusing, the font i tried to use in the first place was continuum medium from :) ps theme customizer rocks!!

d-iivil 2011-04-23 14:32

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by corduroysack (Post 994145)
right sorted it seems for some reason when i applied a different theme it changed the font to sans what i needed to do was change to a different font (reboot) then revert back to the font i wanted to use in the first place (reboot) and it was then applied. not a major problem just confusing, the font i tried to use in the first place was continuum medium from :) ps theme customizer rocks!!

Theme Customizer customizes only the current active theme. So if you want custom font for every theme, you must run TC with all themes one by one.

d-iivil 2011-04-23 14:34

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by Quasar (Post 994085)
It was on the standard Nokia font. I haven't changed font, before this happend.
Now I change fonts - it doesn't help. All buttons are working, but they are not changing their color (for example, while calling "hang up" button doesn't "glow" red while pressed).
I've changed only iconpack to humanity_icons and menu/widget opacity.
I'll try to change all setting to default and check if the problem exists.

Sorry, I quoted wrong message when I was replying.

I ment I need to check my code and see what it writes for button pressed.

corduroysack 2011-04-23 14:50

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 994160)
Theme Customizer customizes only the current active theme. So if you want custom font for every theme, you must run TC with all themes one by one.

yeah that's what i did, that's why it confused me :) once the theme was installed i tried numerous times to change the font, which led me to try a totally different font before trying the actual font i wanted, worked a charm then :)

NightShift79 2011-04-23 19:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
Hi d-iivl.

Can we have a new Layout for theme customizer?
Maybe with tabs for the different parts of theme-customizer.
and portrait would be great, too.

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