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Dave999 2013-09-25 17:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Sounds like a plan!

It's only you that knows what is best for you. Samsung has announced that the will announce a device with "curved" screen in October... So if you are Into that thing...

mscion 2013-09-25 18:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Well, I see the GN3, unlocked, is now for sale in UK. 100 pounds off on Galaxy Gear if you buy bundled. Anybody sporting the combo?

kingstu 2013-09-26 20:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Word is spreading that the GN3 is region locked for EU and American variants. Can anyone confirm if a warning sticker was on their device indicating this? It is a scary precedent if mobile phones start to get region locking like DVDs and some games have.

Kangal 2013-09-27 00:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Holy crap, is that so?

And both are for the Snapdragon 800 device. I hope this is only for the carrier contract version, I want to pick up a factory unlocked one. Well, I hope that all of this is actually nonesense... but don't know.

Maybe I might be limited to the [seemingly] slower and more battery thirsty Exynos edition?

I'll just wait for the reviews, and possibly an anadtech comparison of the two models.

mscion 2013-09-27 00:49

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Here is some info on region lock.

In an update there is the following quote

If we understand the situation correctly, in order to be able to use a phone outside the home region, users will have to register it first with a carrier from the home region. Samsung Switzerland seems to confirm this on their Facebook page.

railroadmaster 2013-10-12 05:13

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I got my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 in the mail today and overall the experience is a giant upgrade from my HTC Flyer. I have been enjoying the heck out of my note 8.

vetsin 2013-11-20 02:31

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Anybody updated their Note 2 to 4.3? Updates are rolling out but haven't received mine. Care to share your findings?

Kangal 2013-11-20 07:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I didn't get any updates.
I purchased mine with 4.3 out of the box.

NOTE 3 (4G/SQD 800), 32GB, Black.

As far as I know, there is no "eFuse" in the device... the KNOX feature is 100% software just like "Flash Counter" or TriangleAway as was introduced in earlier "Galaxy S" devices.

Right now there's no way to "flash" things to the Note 3 without installing a custom recovery (Odin), and there's no way to install a custom recovery without tripping KNOX. And once tripped, there's no way to revert the KNOX counter.

There is this, one way of r00ting without tripping KNOX:

I think once we can revert KNOX, or flash without tripping things should get interesting.

I'm really looking forward to this setup:
-custom recovery, busybox, r00t
-chroot ubuntu (or dualboot)
-remove (heaps) of bloat
-MOD collections (fix phone, sms, mms, gallery, multiwindow, status bar transparency, change touchjizz colours, torch on lockscreen, fix headset button actions, etc etc)
-install favourite apps (SwitchR PRO, Kii PRO, Apex PRO, 500 Firepaper, Flipboard, etc etc)

Honestly, even though an upgrade, there's lots of frustrating things with this phone.
For starters, when I'm gonna make a phone call from someone's message list... hitting the volume buttons (by accident/altering volume).... it doesn't change the music volume, it friggen zooms the text messages up by many folds. Stupid.

Its attention to detail. This is why Apple rules and Samsung sucks.
If only Blackberry strived on, and MeeGo wasn't aborted : (

...HONESTLY here's what this community needs.
1) Stock AOSP Android.
Modify it to run on Linux kernel. Port over the necessary frameworks from Linux such as (proper) C++, Qt, Python, etc etc etc.

2) Then support devices which have proper documentation (OMAP is dead, Tegra is no-go, Exynos is frustrating, Snapdragon only option)

3)...and are not hardware-bootloader locked (Motorola is no-go, HTC is frustrating, LG is okay, Samsung is workable as long as its a flagship, SONY is the legend).

4) ???

5) Profit.

juiceme 2013-11-20 09:00

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Ah, I have never heard of this KNOX thingy before (simply because I have never owned any Samsung devices...), but now as I googled it it seems to be more or less the equivalent of Harmattan Closed Mode, right?

Except that it seems to be not possible to get back to the default mode (Closed Mode equivqlent) by reflashing complete firmware or something like that...?

What is the difference in devices runnig with KNOX=0x0 vs. KNOX=0x1 ??

vetsin 2013-11-20 09:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I was talking about the Note 2.
I'm looking forward to the new multiwindow UI and Air command but from some feedback it seems that Air command isn't included in the update.
I'm not entirely sure what KNOX has to offer me. Will it keep peeing toms out of my device? If so then I'm fine with having it. I don't mind losing warranty since I never had it anyway. :)

mscion 2013-11-20 13:25

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hi. I have the Note 3 and my KNOX=0x1. As far as I know it has no effect on performance however it could effect warranty. Mine was set off when I rooted it. As kangal mentioned there are new ways to root such that it will not blow the KNOX efuse. So if you are more patient than me you might wait/check to see what is available for rooting Note 2. Also, as I understand this, it is not a hardware type fuse but software related although, last I checked, no one knows (outside Samsung and some phone companies) how to reset it. So at this point you can have stock and root and keep KNOX=0X0 but once you try out other roms you will trigger KNOX. BTW, if anyone is deciding between Note 2 and Note 3 definitely go for Note 3. It is has superior screen, cpu, memory, much quicker charge up, lots of nice new features. Also many aspects of multiwindows has been further improved by developers on XDA.

qwazix 2013-11-20 23:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
AOSP will soon be unusable (if it isn't already) without Google's services. And thank you very much, I don't want google services on my phone. Less and less things work without play services nowadays (location and push being two of them), so I really don't understand the evangelism for android over mer/nemo or fremantle.

I know they are not ready for use in other devices, but it's not that the work you describe there is easy stuff to pull off.

After the latest developments (physical location tracking etc.) I think we should avoid Google's version of android at any cost.

vetsin 2013-11-21 00:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hi qwazix, I don't think this is the thread where the evangelists are. I actually don't trust my Android phone but I need to make regular video calls which my N900 can't do.
I think the update for the Note 2 is more focused on what Samsung needs (Samsung gear compatibility and KNOX biz suite sales) rather than for us.

Kangal 2013-11-21 04:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
@vetsin Sorry misread that.
The NOTE 2 update is out, has been out for awhile (3 weeks?). But it's been pulled and I'm not sure if it's been re - pushed.

The 4.3 brings KNOX as far as I was told.
That's not a good a thing, but I'm sure it won't be as airtight as the KNOX feature on the NOTE 3 which came with this "feature" baked in. The new features from NOTE 3 will trickle down to the 2, but it won't be as good. Unfortunately Sammy only cares so much for outdated devices. The original NOTE probably will not get anymore updates (won't hit 4.3 and won't get new features).

For all that's curious KNOX is Sammy's equivalent of AEGIS on the Nokia N9. A pain in the ***, if you ask me. It's pretty much Sammy's "Flash Counter" but an updated model (harder to bypass, fool, trick).... I think the reason Sammy took this approach is not to piss devs off, but to try and get the device "Corporate Acceptable" like the abandoned BlackBerry or the default "iPhone" used by corporations and government officials (like Obama).

qwazix 2013-11-21 21:19

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1387776)
Hi qwazix, I don't think this is the thread where the evangelists are. I actually don't trust my Android phone but I need to make regular video calls which my N900 can't do.
I think the update for the Note 2 is more focused on what Samsung needs (Samsung gear compatibility and KNOX biz suite sales) rather than for us.

Sorry if I sounded too hostile. I have a Note (OG) that's why I'm on this thread. I was just responding to kangal's idea that this community moves to android.

And to add to my comment, I now just learned that KitKat comes without a browser. Ofc one could install a defaced firefox, but still, it shows how Google wants to make android open-core/closed-ui just like nokia did for so many years.

fpp 2013-11-21 22:55

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Oh yes, Google is the new Microsoft all right (themselves being the new Nokia, my head spins...)

More subtle from the start certainly, but getting increasingly heavy-handed these days. I'm not sure who my phone belongs to any more.

I really hope at least one of the budding alternatives actually pans out.

In the meantime, maybe Cyanogenmod might be less worse ?...

debernardis 2013-11-23 11:58

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I will stay 4.1 with my Note 2 and no, I won't buy Note 3 - having a family member with one of these beast and testing performances, it's not better than my Note 2 with N.e.a.k. kernel, or at least not as much as we could determine with our human senses.

Kangal 2013-11-25 02:20

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I don't see what's wrong with the open core/closed ui stance. It gives Google the power to offer its platform freely to anyone that wants it/parts of it. It gives Google the leverage to stay at the helm of its own project.

Honestly, this is the way to go.
It's much superior to MS' closed platform and much better than (Canonical's) open source. Things get done, but they aren't bound too much.

qwazix 2013-11-28 22:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Nothing wrong with it, but if you're still going to create your own UI why not go with nemo, which is much closer to maemo or any other linux distro, i.e. what this community loves.

And if the answer is apps, I'm not sure I like the android app situation more than the maemo/meego one. Ofc there isn't so much choice but in general one can find a solution to a given problem, and downloading an app doesn't involve having to triple-check if your privacy is invaded, or you are being scammed in some weird way. This is purely an opinion though.

Also, I'm sure a FOSS compatibility layer will emerge real soon now, based on libhybris.

Dave999 2013-12-07 10:55

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
What do you think of 4 GB in Note 4? If that became true it would for sure be like a middle aged laptop...6 inch screen?

ggabriel 2013-12-07 11:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1393330)
What do you think of 4 GB in Note 4? If that became true it would for sure be like a middle aged laptop...6 inch screen?

You mean like an ultrabook... a laptop nowadays has to come with 8GB absolute minimum, anything else is good for facebook and that kind of stuff, nothing special.

Dave999 2013-12-09 16:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
No yes yes no!

Galaxy note 3 battery rules! 10 000 mah...

ggabriel 2013-12-09 16:08

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1394079)
Galaxy note 3 battery rules! 10 000 mah...

Watch out it doesn't set itself on fire (and your house insurance premium for that matter) ;-)

mscion 2013-12-09 16:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1393330)
What do you think of 4 GB in Note 4? If that became true it would for sure be like a middle aged laptop...6 inch screen?

HI Dave999. Any references?

Dave999 2013-12-09 16:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by ggabriel (Post 1394080)
Watch out it doesn't set itself on fire (and your house insurance premium for that matter) ;-)

Dude. Add a mugen and you have 16500 mah. That is seriously COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! You are not only have be biggest battary. You have the fatest device also :D

vetsin 2013-12-19 09:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
How many of you guys owns a Note 10.1 2014 edition?
Just want to share my experience, I bought one for my brother and helped do some homework research for him just to see how useful it can be for real student use. I opened Polaris office and the stock browser in multiwindow mode looking for trees and their wood grain. So I was just browsing the net, copying pictures and pasting them on the word processor. The experience got me wondering where all the hardware benefits had gone. It didn't feel like a quad-core processor, 3GB RAM device.
The screen is really beautiful though and the stereo speakers are good.

Dave999 2014-01-05 09:08

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1398602)
How many of you guys owns a Note 10.1 2014 edition?
Just want to share my experience, I bought one for my brother and helped do some homework research for him just to see how useful it can be for real student use. I opened Polaris office and the stock browser in multiwindow mode looking for trees and their wood grain. So I was just browsing the net, copying pictures and pasting them on the word processor. The experience got me wondering where all the hardware benefits had gone. It didn't feel like a quad-core processor, 3GB RAM device.
The screen is really beautiful though and the stereo speakers are good.

I got it together with note 3. And of course you think it will be rocket speed. But since you can do so much at the same time on screen it's still a bit slow from time to time. But in the end. It's much faster than most other devices would be in the condition with lots of staff showing on the screen. Oh almost no other mobile devices can do that ;)


Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1394086)
HI Dave999. Any references?

No, not more than Samsung announced 4 GB for mobiles...

vetsin 2014-01-23 13:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
1 Attachment(s)
I felt sad when I read this... TMO's MohammadAG? Anyway, can't stop our dear devs in working on other projects.

debernardis 2014-01-26 14:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
MAG is already a senior developer down there ��

Dave999 2014-01-26 14:35

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I think MAG realized that big screens rules :D Who can blame him...?

Kangal 2014-03-10 12:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
As requested by pichlo, I'm posting this here.

Just a little [GUIDE] to get the best possible mobile device available right now. Which includes Android (on roids), NOTE 3 (best hardware atm), and a couple of accessories I personally think are the best fit in the market.

Firstly, the device: Samsung NOTE 3 (N9005, 4G, Black).
The 4G model comes with the Snapdragon 800 processor which is a little faster than the Exynos version, and a little easier on battery life, and has more third-party software support.

The Black version comes with a soft-touch pleather back, and the bezels camouflage with the screen. The white bezels stick out and aren't as aesthetic, and the rear case feels much less like leather and more like plastic.

Secondly, the system modifications: Start from a TouchWizz-base.
Doing so means you'll have the proper drivers (camera!!!), radios and kernels.... no need for frustrating tweaks on AOSP ones.

As well as things like Samsung Store (freebies), Samsung Dive (Find my iPhone equivalent) and first-party apps like Phone, Contacts, Camera, S Pen which are vastly superior to AOSP ones.

Also exclusive goodies like Auto-launch Action/App when S Pen removed, Palm rejection when the S Pen is removed, Air command shortcut, Take a screen shot, Contextual Menu/Popups when pen hovers over, Alarm when S Pen left behind and finally MULTI-WINDOW function. So go ahead and:

-r00t the device with CF-ROOT (easy) or use Root de la Vega to keep Knox counter on 0x0 (warranty purposes).
-install a custom Recovery like TeamWin (easy) or use kn0x0ut (keep warranty)
-backup your efs/system (just in case you might need it later)
-flash VillainMOD or a Stock ROM (and de-bloat it, if need be)

Thirdly, the customizations: Add some powerful MODs!
Some helpful MODs like Volume Booster, SecMMS, Unlimited MultiWindow, Call Record are there to fix what Samsung broke.

Installing the phenomenal Xposed framework, and these few handy modules are a must (XPrivacy, Adblock, Tinted Status Bar, XBlast Tools, GravityBox, Xposed Additions, etc etc)

Forthly the accessories:
- This awesome case

- This awesome screen protector

- This memory card

- This desk/bedroom cradle

- This car cradle

- This car fast-charger

- This Portable Miracast dongle

- This controller to use the Sixaxis App and play games with this mount/diy to place the phone over the controller

- Otherwise, this easier but less advanced solution, The MOGA pocket / PRO controller

Fifth and finally, finish off by installing these "Best Apps":
- Apex PRO (best launcher)
- Kii Keyboard PRO (best keyboard)
- SwitchR PRO (best gesture)
(swipe up from bottom launch Recent Tasks, handy)
- Titanium Backup PRO (best app backup/restorer)
- Root Explorer PRO (best file manager)
- 500px PRO (best wallpaper. Gif-Live Wallpaper is also good when loading up some street fighter backgrounds)
- SIXAXIS App / MOGA App (screen taps mapped to physical buttons on controllers)

And these emulators which run fullspeed, with sound, no frameskip, and no problems:
PS One (FPSe)
Nintendo 64 (Mupen64)
Gameboy Advance (VGBA)
Sega (iGensNoid)

And these other emulators which might be useful:
DS Lite (DraStic)
Dreamcast (Reicast)
Windows 98/DOS (Winulator)

...whew that was a lot of typing and a lot of information, I deserve a Thanks : )

vetsin 2014-03-10 15:19

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
thanks for sharing! i don't have a note 3 though; got the second edition.

Bazza 2014-04-03 22:49

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I would say all of these should still apply to the note 2. Also throw in mame4droid, it's quality.;)


obviously the cases, docks etc etc won't fit a note.2 but apps wise all should be fine.

macey 2014-04-04 08:27

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Can you run X/terminal (or emulator) and OpenSSH on these devices?
Please forgive if stupid question, I am N900 owner, no nothing about
inferior o/s devices...;)

juiceme 2014-04-04 08:35

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by macey (Post 1419851)
Can you run X/terminal (or emulator) and OpenSSH on these devices?
Please forgive if stupid question, I am N900 owner, no nothing about
inferior o/s devices...;)

sshd, yes, you can do that.
xterm, propably not, since the video system of android is not X but something androidy stuff.

macey 2014-04-04 08:42

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1419852)
sshd, yes, you can do that.
xterm, propably not, since the video system of android is not X but something androidy stuff.

Ok, thanks but I assume that there is some sort of terminal/emulator?

juiceme 2014-04-04 08:48

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by macey (Post 1419853)
Ok, thanks but I assume that there is some sort of terminal/emulator?

I think so. At least google gives a lot of hits for "terminal emulator for android" but I could not really say what they are like, as I don't really use android if I can avoid it.

macey 2014-04-04 09:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1419855)
I ........ I don't really use android if I can avoid it.

Hmmmmm. That's what I'm begining to think. stick with my N900's and wait for my Neo900

herpderp 2014-04-04 15:59

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by macey (Post 1419853)
Ok, thanks but I assume that there is some sort of terminal/emulator?

There are many.

mscion 2014-04-04 16:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
1 Attachment(s)
You might consider ZShaolin GNU/Linux terminal which has lots of nice features including Vim, Midnight Commander, Image Magick,
Open SSH, RSync and so forth...

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