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DavyP 2012-08-22 15:41

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by HoMeP (Post 1253469)
Good day! And thanks for the Russian language! After the release of two new versions of some applications are blinking and missing part of the menu . How to fix it?

I don't know this application. Is it a problem with my phoneME port or
one in the application itself?

Without access to the source code of the application, it is hard to debug this weird behavior.


DavyP 2012-08-22 15:41

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by Arthuro_Adam (Post 1253903)
I update the app, and everything work is fine.

It's possible to turn off the native keyboard, because in the Opera Mini the feature is very annying.

Thanks for your work.

Yes, I agree. This would be a nice feature to have. I will look into it if I find the time to do so.


ibrakalifa 2012-08-22 15:57

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
finally operamini handler on my n9, lol


HoMeP 2012-08-23 02:47

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1254563)
I don't know this application. Is it a problem with my phoneME port or
one in the application itself?

Without access to the source code of the application, it is hard to debug this weird behavior.


the problem is not only for me , not only in this application, in older versions this was not.

farfary 2012-08-28 10:03

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
1 Attachment(s)
Hi Davy , very thanks for Your hard work
i want to run JDownloader.jar in N9 , i used the ejre 1.6 , and i have a error ( attachment )
when i use /opt/phoneme/cvm -jar to run JDownloader.jar
i have this error

RM696-21-3_PR_001:~# /opt/phoneme/bin/cvm  -jar /home/user/.jd/JDownloader.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.awt.Component
        at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)
        at sun.misc.CVM.runMain(Unknown Source)

how i can run it ?

mlwane 2012-08-29 04:24

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

I believe JDownloader is a JavaSE, and PhoneME is meant to run JavaME.

You might be able to run it using this command:

java -jar /home/user/.jd/JDownloader.jar
Given that you already have Icedtea package installed.

liu2585 2012-09-06 15:05

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1253379)
Hi all,

There is a new build revision 20120818 available at

The latest build should better support swype input and input of
foreign characters. Let me know if it works for you.


hi Davy,as i know ,it can works on n9,but on n900 can not input foreign characters(chinese).

i use mscim input method.

can you fix it?

i mean,

Regardless of which input method, as long as they can input Chinese characters.


i am sorry for my english

DavyP 2012-09-12 13:36

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by liu2585 (Post 1262222)
hi Davy,as i know ,it can works on n9,but on n900 can not input foreign characters(chinese).

i use mscim input method.

can you fix it?

i mean,

Regardless of which input method, as long as they can input Chinese characters.


i am sorry for my english

I am currently looking at some other issues with phoneME that
appears on all Linux/ARM based devices. If I find the time to look
into Chinese input on the N900, I will do so.


liu2585 2012-09-13 00:29

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1265319)
I am currently looking at some other issues with phoneME that
appears on all Linux/ARM based devices. If I find the time to look
into Chinese input on the N900, I will do so.


I'm very glad that you can reply to me:)
There is a input method named fcitm(Name is not important)use hildon input method framework. And if the phoneme can call the hildon input method,all question will be solved , i suppose

Once again, thank you for your reply

Swaggy 2012-09-14 16:42

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by raaj13 (Post 1223517)
its whatsapp samsung star version works for me.

Also can u add unzip as dependency as jar other then cv_midlets one requires it for running

hey, so i downloaded it and it seems to work but do you know if it's safe? like at first you have to enter your number and all, have you done that too? isn't it a virus or something that unwanted takes your money?

Swaggy 2012-09-14 16:50

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1223604)
I added unzip to the deb dependencies, and included this version
of whatsapp in the cvm-midlets-0.3.deb package. I uploaded them
to my "unstable" website.

Whatsapp seems to start but I have not tried it out myself. If the
latest builds turn out to be OK, I will put them on my front page.

Best regards,

heyy, i downloaded this version of whatsapp to my phone but is it safe to use? it seems to work but i have to enter my phonenumber, is it safe? doesn't it take unwanted money from my bankaccount or something?

don_falcone 2012-09-14 17:16

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
No, he takes only wanted money from your account. :rolleyes:

thedead1440 2012-09-14 17:20

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
don_falcone, I just realised I lost $10k from my bank account due to this...Why did I use it :(

Swaggy, my advice to you is don't even touch it with a bargepole...Otherwise you'll end up like me...

Oh and Swaggy did I tell you this happens regularly around here...

The other day i installed something from someone else and all my data was deleted...The mother f***er spread malware on my device...

The worse offender is wook_sf...He spreads dead spirits too...

Lastly, Swaggy, Arie is another one...He spreads bluntness around...He is a convicted public offender! Beware of him too!

Swaggy, run and hide this place is evil!!!

wook_sf 2012-09-14 17:25

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1266447)
don_falcone, I just realised I lost $10k from my bank account due to this...Why did I use it :(

Swaggy, my advice to you is don't even touch it with a bargepole...Otherwise you'll end up like me...

Oh and Swaggy did I tell you this happens regularly around here...

The other day i installed something from someone else and all my data was deleted...The mother f***er spread malware on my device...

The worse offender is wook_sf...He spreads dead spirits too...

hahahahaha :D
yea, and evil parrots :D

munozferna 2012-09-14 18:49

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1223604)
I added unzip to the deb dependencies, and included this version
of whatsapp in the cvm-midlets-0.3.deb package. I uploaded them
to my "unstable" website.

Whatsapp seems to start but I have not tried it out myself. If the
latest builds turn out to be OK, I will put them on my front page.

That's not whatsapp by the way, its Qute a different messaging application, the resources were probably edited to add whatsapp logo and icon.

axaman 2012-09-20 12:55

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
I have tried that Openwig.jad (wherigo player for java) and noticed that it almost worked. I can see internal gps working. I could open game cartridge. Only thing I could not was actually to play it... When I press start cartridge button. It just has some error message and I'm taken back in to OpenWig front page. I have posted that err. message to OpenWig developer

And he responded a while back.

He says that there is that error Cached signal 11 that should not appear. He thinks that it could be fixed on PhoneMe at first. So Is that something that could be fixed? Do you need more information. I think I had that 0818 version installed.

skate_boy92 2012-09-22 19:05

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Java games are playable, but no sound supported?

pepitoe 2012-09-28 10:20

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Is there any chance that the menus at the bottom of the screen used by some apps can be made more touch friendly? Now that the virtual keyboard works it is the only major usability problem on the N9 as currently the menu items are too small to be easy to select by touch.

mlwane 2012-09-28 12:25

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1265319)
I am currently looking at some other issues with phoneME that
appears on all Linux/ARM based devices. If I find the time to look
into Chinese input on the N900, I will do so.


Hello Davy,

If you would also have a look at the Arabic input that would be great.


seanmcken 2012-10-16 03:58

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
plz help me i cannot use any free sms java apps on my n900. plz help

Estel 2012-10-19 00:21

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
*bing bang abracadabra*
You have been helped. You can go, now.

PIDk 2012-10-26 07:11

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
DavyP, how development is going on? Will you release new versions of PhoneME for N9 and N900?

Estel 2012-10-26 19:28

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
What features are you missing? Or have you run into some bugs, that need fixing?

PIDk 2012-10-26 21:09

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1286013)
What features are you missing? Or have you run into some bugs, that need fixing?

Well, I think I have just one feature request: make some more convinient way to open vkb, because I often accidentially open it when scrolling maps. Maybe make it through a double tap or something like that?

But, actually, I was just wondering if development have come to a halt. Because you had such a long TODO list on your site and I hadn't heard anything about PhoneME for a long time :D

hood 2012-11-06 07:29

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Is it possible to disable the keyboard appearance?
And how can I centered screen?

DavyP 2012-11-06 14:41

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1285683)
DavyP, how development is going on? Will you release new versions of PhoneME for N9 and N900?

My apologies for not being as active as I used to be. I have been fairly occupied with other projects at work.

I have been looking into some JIT issues that were reported for Android, but I was able to reproduce them too on Maemo/N9. So I am trying to address those first in the little spare time I have.


DavyP 2012-11-06 14:43

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by skate_boy92 (Post 1270756)
Java games are playable, but no sound supported?

It depends. I use native APIs to play sounds, but not all audio formats are supported.


DavyP 2012-11-06 14:48

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by seanmcken (Post 1281069)
plz help me i cannot use any free sms java apps on my n900. plz help

What you need is a decent and complete implementation of JSR 120 or JSR 205. Neither of them are supported at this point.

The JSR 120 that is currently integrated only provides the Java interfaces of the API, not the actuall application backend. This already helps to run applications with such a dependency. They would otherwise crash with an exception stating that certain classes are missing.


DavyP 2012-11-06 14:56

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by pepitoe (Post 1273328)
Is there any chance that the menus at the bottom of the screen used by some apps can be made more touch friendly? Now that the virtual keyboard works it is the only major usability problem on the N9 as currently the menu items are too small to be easy to select by touch.

The problem with phoneME is that the whole GUI is based on bitmaps and matching bitmap fonts. The original phoneME background images were aimed for 320x240 style devices.

I replaced the bitmap font with the hosts text rendering engine to support more characters, and to support high resolution displays (800x480 and 854x480) I doubled the size of all images and font sizes. Unfortunately, merely changing the size of the menu entries is fairly complicated. The easiest approach would be the scale up the original images with a factor 2.5 or 3, but obviously this would scale up the whole display, not just the menu.


DavyP 2012-11-06 15:15

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by PIDk (Post 1286072)
Well, I think I have just one feature request: make some more convinient way to open vkb, because I often accidentially open it when scrolling maps. Maybe make it through a double tap or something like that?

But, actually, I was just wondering if development have come to a halt. Because you had such a long TODO list on your site and I hadn't heard anything about PhoneME for a long time :D

Yes, I am quite aware there have not been any updates recently. See my previous post.

Regarding the vkb: in an earlier build, I actually used double tap to trigger it, but I found it less pleasant than the one I have now. Maybe I should make it a configurable option where you can choose whatever trigger you like (double tap or long press).


DavyP 2012-11-06 15:17

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by hood (Post 1290912)
Is it possible to disable the keyboard appearance?
And how can I centered screen?

There is a midlet settings application where you can disable the native virtual keyboard.

I am not sure I understand what you mean with the centered scree. Are you referring to fixed size resolution midlets that do not run full-screen?


hood 2012-11-06 15:27

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1291073)
There is a midlet settings application where you can disable the native virtual keyboard.

I am not sure I understand what you mean with the centered scree. Are you referring to fixed size resolution midlets that do not run full-screen?


I'm afraid this option has no vissible effect for me. When i press and hold screen keyboard is appear in anyway and any applet.

About center screen. Some games displays not centered but left up corned. In fullscreen of course.

DavyP 2012-11-06 15:43

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by hood (Post 1291077)
I'm afraid this option has no vissible effect for me. When i press and hold screen keyboard is appear in anyway and any applet.

Confirmed. This might be a bug in the midlet settings app.


Originally Posted by hood (Post 1291077)
About center screen. Some games displays not centered but left up corned. In fullscreen of course.

This often happens with midlets designed for a particular feature phone with a hard coded resolution. I have looked at this when I was investigating a related issue (one that would rescale the midlet to use most of the available display space). I implemented software scaling by resizing the midlet with a factor 2,3 or 4 (for midlets with a hardcoded resolution of 128x160, 240x320 or 240x400 pixels) and then centralizing the resized midlet canvas, but rendering speed became slow. I need to investigate how to use a HW accelerated method to take care of this.


hood 2012-11-06 15:50

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1291081)
Confirmed. This might be a bug in the midlet settings app.

This often happens with midlets designed for a particular feature phone with a hard coded resolution. I have looked at this when I was investigating a related issue (one that would rescale the midlet to use most of the available display space). I implemented software scaling by resizing the midlet with a factor 2,3 or 4 (for midlets with a hardcoded resolution of 128x160, 240x320 or 240x400 pixels) and then centralizing the resized midlet canvas, but rendering speed became slow. I need to investigate how to use a HW accelerated method to take care of this.


Thank you. Anyway Your job is brilliance :cool:

mlwane 2012-12-18 03:30

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

First I would like to thank you for this great project.
I have some questions; I use a chatting application (mig33), and the bottom options bar is covering every new message I'm getting. My question is; is there any way I could disable it or hide it?

Also, is there any support for Arabic language?

Thanks in advance.

farfary 2012-12-20 23:55

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
is it possible we run Viber for S40 ( jar ) on N9 ? :)

www.smogonline 2012-12-26 11:10

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Hello forum, is there any means that i can be able to install 2go app on my n900.............. somebody please tell me if i can.

don_falcone 2012-12-26 11:22

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
Why don't you simply try it? (another "free" mobile messenger... :rolleyes:)

mlwane 2012-12-26 15:21

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)

Originally Posted by www.smogonline (Post 1307862)
Hello forum, is there any means that i can be able to install 2go app on my n900.............. somebody please tell me if i can.

Yes, you can. I have it on my N900, though I never use it.


HtheB 2013-01-02 22:16

Re: [BETA RELEASE] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile)
DavyP, I tried to run a "contact-backup midlet" from Vodafone (since there is no MeeGo version, there is only a java version for the Nokia section)
This is actually a bit important, because I can call dutch Vodafone phonenumbers for free, with this midlet, I can also see who uses Vodafone.

I tried to run the midlet, but it gives me some errors.
The output that I get is only:
REPORT: <level:2> <channel:1000> MIDlet class not found.

jad file of the midlet:

Ive inspected the jad file, and I found out that the jar file is located at:

Hope that you can help me with this one! :)

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