![]() |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
How did you know what need to change in the base.c file? I would never find out or find it on the internet either because I have no idea what to look for.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
It crashed again:
Error <repo>[11/15 01:04:52] : Could not run transaction. There are a loads of warning before the error. (like Code:
Warning[11/15 01:04:51] : installing package libhybris-tests- needs 344MB on the / filesystem What I have done was: (in the sdk, not in chroot) - changed the kernel config and base.c then: cd $ANDROID_ROOT source build/envsetup.sh export USE_CCACHE=1 breakfast $DEVICE make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal - then: hybris/mer-kernel-check/mer_verify_kernel_config ./out/target/product/$DEVICE/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config - then: cd $ANDROID_ROOT rpm/dhd/helpers/build_packages.sh |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I have run 'sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R zypper ref --force' and now re-running the 'build_packages.sh'
...and it has crashed again with the same message 'Error <repo>[11/15 01:29:18] : Could not run transaction.' Hmm. it worked before and the changes I made in the kernel shouldn't cause an effect on the repos. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I may know. The environment variable RELEASE is set to but at this point (building the HAL) it should be unset. I change it and give another go then go to sleep.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
By the way I looked for the file droid-hal-device.conf on the phone and replaced the 0 with 1. Now the touch screen works indeed but the wifi and mobile net do not. (Probably because of the cm13 kernel.) Anyway, at least I have something to play until the build is running. :)
Edit: Interesting, there is no /android folder :eek: |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I was right, that RELEASE variable has caused the problem! Once I unset it, the HAL build is completed. :D
Then soon later the new image has also freshly baked. :cool: Thanks both of you @mautz and @juiceme. (Probably I will need some more support to finalize the bits and bobs.;)) I have uploaded the second image for you. (I have not tested yet.) You can download it from here: --removed-- Good night everybody. :) Edit: Latest info and image is available in my signature or here |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I have installed this with the cm12-1 2016 android base (It is available in the first post). Sailfish boots up and the touch screen also works but:
- the scale of icons (and text in the apps) is not right, everything is tiny on the screen - there is no network (wifi doesn't find any network and mobile data cannot connect either) - the file system structure is different (there is no /android folder, the /sdcard is not accessible even with root) It seems there are a lot to fix but at least I see/can do something on the screen! ;) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Maybe this will fix the non working wifi.
https://github.com/mautz-kernel/andr...08e1c711f44b4a Add Code:
%define pixel_ratio 2.0 EDIT: Fixing the firmware path will indeed fix wifi. AlienDalvik seems to work. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thank you! The working AD is very good news. That was one of the main reasons I started this. :cool: Can you double check whether the camera works on android apps, please? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I have compared the dmesg output from my sfos2.0.4.13 with ad and dmesg output of this new image. There is a hell of a lot difference but I cannot put them into pastebin because my access now is restricted.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Is there a way to apply that wifi fix directly on the phone?
I am not at home and cannot compile the kernel right now. :o Edit: I think if I create a symlink in /etc/wifi/bcmdhd.cal that should work. Edit2: No, the symlink didn't solve the wifi issue.. Edit3: Can I change the pixel ratio on fly? Edit4: (I have tried this but didn't work.) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Camera doesn't work at all, it is the same with sensors and audio. Still some work to do.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Plus what I hoped from the cm12.1 base was the 3d acceleration that we do not have in cm13 yet. But first things first, I try to fix all the current issues then should focus on something else. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
The other thing I don't understand why I cannot use the mobile data. I doesn't connect but the access point is configured correctly.
Edit: maybe one of the errors in journalctl is the reason: Code:
Sailfish systemd-tmpfiles: Failed to create directory or subvolume "/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/noswapping": No such file or directory |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
The workaround with the symlink works, did this to check if the missing firmware was the problem.
Camera never works out of the box, you'll have to do the gstreamer part in the HADK, But first fix all the errors relating to kernel and such. It would be easier if you get a little bit into git. It is much easier to make changes and revert them. Even other people can look into your code and see what you have done. It even makes maintaining easier and without git, there'll be no over the air updates. Take a look here for your RIL problem: https://github.com/RealJohnGalt/droi...aa17652b1d8ec5 |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Before I try to work on any other issues I should have a clean/working installation. Only then, I can go and try tweaking. Although, still don't have internet connection in that rom, I also managed to install AD and it works for me too. :) About the git, I know the basics but never had to install a patch or similar, so that is a black area for me. However this is a good opportunity to learn that. :D (Which slows down the build process but will be a benefit on the long term.) And honestly, I tried to push my work to the git but first the git push complained about there was no repo. I forked one, then it said my version was older and suggested a git pull first. I didn't want to lose what I have done so far so decided to skip this and focused on the build. (Plus it was in the middle of the night and I was tired to fight with the git issues too.) Anyway, as I need to fix the kernel, I think this is the best time to push all that the hadk suggest to my repos. Do you think that RIL problem is the reason why the mobile data isn't working? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Oh, and there are a few apps that I would like to include into this build by default:
- sudo, - cifs-utils - exfat-utils - libntfs-3g-devel, libntfs-3g86, ntfs-3g, ntpsprogs - usbstick-utils - usbstick-utils-with-exfat-support - findutils (locate and updatedb) (here is no rpm for sailfish so I needed to recompile it from source.) Plus I would like to reduce the remorse timers to 2 seconds and maybe apply the keyboard tweaks (shorter keyboard, longer space, shortening the appearance of the accented chars) I know these all will be lost with the next update (unless if I re-apply them into my update) but I would like to learn how to do it. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Off topic:
If anybody is interested to replace the battery in the beloved Nexus 5. I can suggest this German company wannsee electronic The battery is brilliant and the customer support is outstanding! |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Hopefully soon I can continue to apply the fixes and build a new image. I'll keep you posted. :) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Plus I have found the 'ril_subscription.conf' in two locations. 1. /home/edp17/mer/targets/lge-hammerhead-armv7hl/etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf 2. /home/edp17/mer/toolings/SailfishOS- Both of them are the same and both of them are the same as the content in the commit. So, I am not sure how this would help. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I think the RIL is ok. When I do a 'ps -ef | grep -i ril' it returns:
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ ps -ef | grep -i ril |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Have you tied the solution on the first page of this thread in the FAQ section?
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.RadioSettings.SetProperty string:TechnologyPreference variant:string:lte The other thing, pixel ratio. I added the line '%define pixel_ratio 2.0' into the mentioned 'droid-hal-hammerhead.spec' but didn't make any difference. Then I found this setup in 'hybrys/droid-configs/rpm/droid_config_hammerhead.spec' so it should work. Now I am working on the GStreamer 1.0 and Camera section in the hadk. Once that work, I will generate a new image and hopefully the pixel ratio will be ok. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Don't forget to upload it :)
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Update: 19/02/2021 - Restructuring of the post and uploading sfos version Version is available to download from here: Version is available to download from here: On this latest build AD doesn't properly work. I could give you instruction on how to make it start, but because of an error in the alien_bridge_server, apps cannot be installed on it anyway. (If you would like to experiment with it, let me know and I tell you how to make it AD start.) Because of the freshly introduce app sandboxing firejail (or how it is called on sfos sailjail) the dynamic calendar and clock apps need to update its .sh script. The manual fix is the following:
Today only the fresh install is available. Once OBS is ready I'll ask @mautz to create a repo for OTA upgrade. Older SFOS versions where AD works fine: (all of them with CM12.1 base)
Does NOT work
-------------------------------- Some useful patches: (Some do not required/not work on sfos 4.0)
-------------------------------- Upgrade to a version
Custom boot screen: To install this you need to flash the edp17-hammerhead_sfos-bootimage.zip in recovery. Then the boot screen will be: https://i.ibb.co/FzQZ3Pq/unlocked-boot450x800.jpg When on the charger: https://i.ibb.co/WHfqTNG/charger450x800.jpg To go back to (slightly) original, just flash this: hammerhead_no-padlock-bootimage.zip. (In this one, there is no padlock image at the bottom.;)) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thanks for your new build.
Can not test mobile data, because i have no sim in the phone. Things i found not working: - Audio - Accelerometer - Gyroscope - Light sensor - Proximity sensor Have you done the camres part in the HADK? I couldn't find the needed files on the system. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Oh, yes. I forgot to mention the sensors. Plus some other things also don't work. :( Today (hopefully) I'll try again. And yes, I used the hadk to make the camera working. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Yes, I used the hadk to build gstreamer (chapter13.2) and camera (13.3 chapter) but when it said "Install the RPM from$ANDROID_ROOT/droid-local-repo/$DEVICE/droid-camres/onto your de-vice and execute"
I am not sure how to do it. If I ssh into the phone the 'droid-camres -w' command returns with error. I thought if I complete chapter 13.2 and 13.3 when I create the final build it will include both things. However, seemingly the camera is not there as the Mpx in the settings is only showed as a '?'. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I need to install the gstreamer and camera rpms somehow onto the device but I am not sure how to do it? I thought the build will install them automatically.
This section in the hadk is not clear for me. Or I missed to read something. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Just copy the RPMs onto your phone and install them.
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
(When I installed your build I didn't need to install extra rpms.) |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Plus what rpms should I install. There is one in the 'droid-local-repo/droid-camres' and there are 3 in the 'droid-local-repo/gst-droid'.
Are these 4 enough? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
The other annoying thing is that I cannot access the real / because /android folder does not exist. Therefore I need to boot into android to be able to copy files from the pc to the phone, then I need to boot into a different sailfish rom and as root copy the files into this rom's home, then I can boot into this rom and can install the files from home. :(
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Okay, I installed the droid-camres, gstreamer1.0-droid and gstreamer1.0-droid-tools rpms. Then I did 'droid-camres -w' and 'devel-su
mv jolla-camera-hw.txt /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d/ dconf update' Now, the Mpx has values in the camera app in settings. However the video recording still doesn't work. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
This is again not clear in the hadk. :-( It says there is a 'sensord-hybris.conf' file to hold the sensor configs. And an example is available here Yes, that file is in the '$ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/mw/sensorfw/config/' folder but its content as the same as in the example file. Why do not the sensors work then? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
One more thing. The hadk and the faq is referring to folders and files that do not exist in the sdk.
For example: the hadk mentions: '$ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/droid-configs/sparse/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf' the hadk-faq mentions: '$ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/droid_configs/sparse/usr/share/csd/settings.d/hw-settings.ini' In '$ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/droid_configs/sparse' there is no etc and usr folders. There is only one (var). Should I create the missing ones and copy the files in there, then re-built the zip? |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
The sparse folder contains files you want to add to add to the image, like the config files from camres, sensor configs etc.
Why not use ssh to copy files to the phone? If you prefer a GUI you could use filezilla, scp would be your tool for the cli. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Thank you.
So this is a way to include some files into the build. And how can I add rpms to install? This is what I did. I copied them to the phone. But as I said I would like to include them into the build. |
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Have you enabled remote connection and set a password for nemo?
DDo you use port 22? |
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