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Cue 2012-07-23 21:21

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1241748)
Hmmm. Exactly what was so difficult to understand in that blog entry? It all makes perfect sense to me. Tomy is deranged, and increasingly so as time passes. I wonder what he says in 1 year :D But, he is not stupid, far from it, only anti Elop to the point of insanity.

Meanwhile, stock is rising in NY :D Helsinki did a recover :D

I already made it clear, but I'll repeat it for you. Being concise is a gift some people have and they use it to make a clear point. He did not make clear what exactly was contradictory in the texts, he repeated verbatim everything that was posted, even the largely irrelevant parts. Asyndetic thinking is not good for making a point and that post was full of it.

That blog post is very poorly written and structured, it does itself no favours in getting a point across, making it difficult to follow the writers thought process. I do not care for the poorly written English either, just that it be better than a verbose copy of everything said in a blog with something akin to "do you see it? the guys an idiot" appended inbetween. Spare me with the "makes perfect sense", "what's so hard" nonsense. Not that I care about what Tomi said or did but if you you wish to write in a more concise, better structured manner where the contradiction or disagreement lays with the author then I'll gladly read it too.

Cue 2012-07-23 21:29

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1241747)
The point is that we really don't know what was going on behind the curtains, and what numbers they truly had, read and acted upon. I suspect that the numbers were bad, and board approved Elop's burning platform. In retrospect, the burning platform letter was stupid, but he was following 101 business school class to align everyone in new direction, by telling the people where they were going. We can be armchair quarterbacks here, but we dont have all the info that made the board hire Elop and give him permission to burn the platform.

that's not what I read in that link at all. From what I gathered, it was trying to make some kind of point about a contradiction in somebody elses blog post, referring to the direction that sales numbers and revenue were going.

Cue 2012-07-23 21:37

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1241759)
Yes, but thats not an argument for endusers. Endusers doesnt give a **** as long there is apps. And the company is hyped they buy theyr products.

So even if WP is crap people MAY buy it. But question still remains if Nokia will win on the deal. Because I am sure samsung and other will leave Google in the longer run especially if Google continues to shooting itself in the foot buy selling Nexus too lowpriced. That may piss samsung and others of and they will go back to Microshit WP/W8 instead. Wish also will hurt stupid Nokia ofcourse...

I guess it doesn't if you don't want an open platform and I'm not about to argue that the mass market does because I agree that they don't, but I have to ask, why did you link to Akademy and claim it's no more open than "microshit (sic)"?

mikecomputing 2012-07-23 22:32

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1241890)
I guess it doesn't if you don't want an open platform and I'm not about to argue that the mass market does because I agree that they don't, but I have to ask, why did you link to Akademy and claim it's no more open than "microshit (sic)"?

because google depends on hwmanufactors make drivers for android. So stop this bullish about android is free or open. It is not. They depend on hwmanufactors as much as microshit.

actually the more intrests in android the more it hurts other embedded linuxdist. Because the bigger android gets the less intrest to make drivers for x11/wayland. Thats why i linked to vivaldi article. Btw vivaldi is what you can call freedom NOT android...

but again this is not what mainstream cares about. Most people vuys what other has or what is hyped. Thats why i think wp MAY comeback with alot of marketting ********. And there already is some brainwatched wp fanboys some already in this forum it seems;)

SamGan 2012-07-24 02:25

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1241748)
Meanwhile, stock is rising in NY :D Helsinki did a recover :D

As you keep saying the stock market doesn't matter when Nokia's share was going down why announce with a double big smiley when the share rise? Could it be you don't believe the "wisdom" you keep trying to push down our throats?

specc 2012-07-24 03:41

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1241964)
As you keep saying the stock market doesn't matter when Nokia's share was going down why announce with a double big smiley when the share rise? Could it be you don't believe the "wisdom" you keep trying to push down our throats?

How old are you exactly? I don't, but you do. 7% up :D Now, be happy!

SamGan 2012-07-24 04:27

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1241980)
How old are you exactly? I don't, but you do. 7% up :D Now, be happy!

What is the relevance of my age here? Keep trolling!

specc 2012-07-24 04:32

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1241881)
I already made it clear, but I'll repeat it for you. Being concise is a gift some people have and they use it to make a clear point. He did not make clear what exactly was contradictory in the texts, he repeated verbatim everything that was posted, even the largely irrelevant parts. Asyndetic thinking is not good for making a point and that post was full of it.

That blog post is very poorly written and structured, it does itself no favours in getting a point across, making it difficult to follow the writers thought process. I do not care for the poorly written English either, just that it be better than a verbose copy of everything said in a blog with something akin to "do you see it? the guys an idiot" appended inbetween. Spare me with the "makes perfect sense", "what's so hard" nonsense. Not that I care about what Tomi said or did but if you you wish to write in a more concise, better structured manner where the contradiction or disagreement lays with the author then I'll gladly read it too.

LOL :D So you "refuse" to understand the article because you don't like the English (or non-English). Obviously the author wants to give Tomi a kick in the rear by feeding him his own dog food. At the same time he get his own point across rather fluently, because Tomi has already done the job.

Tomi has become poisoned by hatred to a degree that he cannot think straight any more. Everything wrong with Nokia is Elop's fault according to Tomi, and it doesn't matter to him that his own earlier analysis shows that Elop is not to blame. Nokia was falling off the cliff long before Elop came aboard. Tomi knows this, but because Elop=Micro$hit=big bad evil, he let his feeling overrule. This way he has guarded himself. If Nokia survives, it will be due to the evil empire MS and the mole Elop. They will make it through sheer evilness (and tons of money). If Nokia dies, it's also all Elop's fault. There is some logic in there (obviously Elop being the CEO is responsible for a whole lot about the success or downfall of Nokia's survival maneuver), but it's the logic of a madman.

specc 2012-07-24 04:36

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1241992)
What is the relevance of my age here?

None, but it helps understand why you are trolling the way you do.

specc 2012-07-24 04:59

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1241755)
Ofcourse they doing an Apple. It worked for Apple to have higher price and start hype of something. And people will be stupid enought to buy it. It has happened before.. MANY times...

As I understand it they are simply letting the operators in on the profit of the sale of each phone. Not sure I like the smell of that though.

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