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bdjohnso10 2008-09-23 05:31

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting

Originally Posted by Wzrd (Post 225958)
7 days and no response to my post?

Thanks alot! I thought people would be more helpful here but I guess not.

I would like answers to my post please.

Completely unecessary

Part 1 - Extending the swap will do nothing for you because it already has a dedicated swap partition on your sd card now that it is cloned. Extending it just places a swap file on the usable free space of the third partition and the only reason you would want to do this is if you run 10 programs at once and need more memory not speed.

Part 2 - No, the browser will not likely become an faster because it is not a full desktop with a power hungry processor. This is a mobile device that is running fully fledged websites that are designed for new age processors. The internet tablet is a marvel of engineering for what it can do and you negative attitude is not welcome. I suggest you sell your "slow browser" because it is not made for instantaneous porn viewing.

Go home.

Wzrd 2008-09-24 05:17

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting

Originally Posted by bdjohnso10 (Post 226466)
Completely unecessary

Part 1 - Extending the swap will do nothing for you because it already has a dedicated swap partition on your sd card now that it is cloned. Extending it just places a swap file on the usable free space of the third partition and the only reason you would want to do this is if you run 10 programs at once and need more memory not speed.

Part 2 - No, the browser will not likely become an faster because it is not a full desktop with a power hungry processor. This is a mobile device that is running fully fledged websites that are designed for new age processors. The internet tablet is a marvel of engineering for what it can do and you negative attitude is not welcome. I suggest you sell your "slow browser" because it is not made for instantaneous porn viewing.

Go home.

Darn no wonder my porn is going so slow! LOL

I know that the NIT has a processor limitation but I thought that someone could make a better browser which runs a little better (for example IE vs. Firefox on a PC. One runs a little faster/better than the other).

I guess the only way to speed things up will be a newer model NIT which has a better processor and more internal memory (similar to speeding up a PC).

I think I was tired when I asked those original question. Now that I read what I wrote, i'm smacking myself in the head saying "WTF were u thinking when u typed those questions"

I mistyped part of my original question. I wanted to ask if there is a way to extend the Virtual memory more than 128MB not the swap file. Will that improve anything or is it a waste of time too?

bdjohnso10 2008-09-25 04:08

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting
One thing that I do is I disable pictures. If the website doesn't have to render pictures I find that it is a little faster but if you think its slow now you should have tried it when it first came out. It used the Maemo browser not Firefox 3 and the core was down clocked to save battery. Believe me its much faster now and much more compatibility.

Don't worry about the post, I too am guilty of the same.

Wzrd 2008-09-25 05:08

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting

Originally Posted by bdjohnso10 (Post 227190)
One thing that I do is I disable pictures. If the website doesn't have to render pictures I find that it is a little faster but if you think its slow now you should have tried it when it first came out. It used the Maemo browser not Firefox 3 and the core was down clocked to save battery. Believe me its much faster now and much more compatibility.

Don't worry about the post, I too am guilty of the same.

I know how slow it was before. I had a 770 first. Man that thing was slower than slow. The 800 is a little less buggy and a little faster.

musicfanat 2008-12-07 15:08

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting
Please could anybody help me what to do if I want to boot from logical partition?
I followed the instructions, and cloned the system to different partitions for experiments. It boots fine from p2 and p3, but fails from logical ones - p5, p6, p7. When booted I can mount all partitions including logical, they are all operational.
So I'm now out of any ideas, how to make it work, please help!
Is it possible to bbot from logical partition???:confused:

penguinbait 2008-12-07 16:08

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting

Originally Posted by musicfanat (Post 247532)
Please could anybody help me what to do if I want to boot from logical partition?
I followed the instructions, and cloned the system to different partitions for experiments. It boots fine from p2 and p3, but fails from logical ones - p5, p6, p7. When booted I can mount all partitions including logical, they are all operational.
So I'm now out of any ideas, how to make it work, please help!
Is it possible to bbot from logical partition???:confused:

Install Gparted-hack (pre-req for mgmt-tools) and mgmt-tools. Use mgmt-tools, to select the partitions to include in the bootmenu, and write out new bootmenu.


The actual issue is that the higher partitions devices /dev/mmcblk0p(567) are not on the initfs, thus not available at boot time. mgmt-tools takes this into account and writes out working bootmenus, with the devices.

penguinbait 2008-12-07 16:17

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting

Wow its even in the wiki, hehe (I added this to my initfs_script)

mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk0p3 b 254 3 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk0p4 b 254 4 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk0p5 b 254 5 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk0p6 b 254 6 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk0p7 b 254 7 2>/dev/null

mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk1p3 b 254 11 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk1p4 b 254 12 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk1p5 b 254 13 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk1p6 b 254 14 2>/dev/null
mknod -m600 initfs/dev/mmcblk1p7 b 254 15 2>/dev/null

johnbabu 2009-10-16 03:29

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting
Hi there, I want to install the OS on my sd card, 8GB sandisk.
I did all until step 5, while installing e2fslibs, I got an error message says Unable to Install e2fslibs. Incompatible application package.
What do to, Please help.
Thanks in adavance.

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 165586)
(I recommend you look at Post #2 before undertaking the process in this post.)

This guide* is straightforward. It offers almost no options. The advantage is that it can be done step-by-step and get you to the desired result. It's like when you ask for directions and you can be told the shortest route or the route that is easiest to follow. These are the directions for people who don't know the neighborhood (including Newbies).

Some steps may not be necessary for most users, but by including everything, it makes a one-size-fits-all program to follow. It does not use SSH or or even your Tablet's WiFi connection, which I suggest you leave off for this entire process. It assumes you are using Windows, but Linux and Mac users can make most adjustments easily.

The directions do not apply to the N770.

If you want more options or understanding, see especially this thread Post #1 and Post #292. This may help too. But the point of this post is so that you don't have to go to those other posts or anywhere else at all. This is also a very fast process (esp. if you skip optional Steps #2 and #3) since you download only one (zipped) file and don't need multiple repositories, wget, etc.

A note of thanks and attribution: This is just a simplification and consolidation of the work done by people who, unlike me, actually understand what they're doing, above all, by far, fanoush and Milhouse. Thanks guys! I could not clone without you! Thanks also to ProNuke, Dan, and Bunanson.

1. SD Card (miniSD card)

A. Use an SD Card that is 2GB or larger; at least up to 8GB works, probably up to 16GB or even 32GB will work. If you are using an SDHC Card (and all SD cards > 2GB are SDHC) and a card reader for optional Step 2, make sure you use a reader that can read SDHC cards. (For the N810, you would use a mini-SD card for N810; I'll just call it SD Card after this. Also, I will refer to both the N800 and the N810 as N800 or NIT.)

2. [Optional] Formatting the card

A. In most instances this step is unnecessary; so, at least if you don't have a card reader or Windows, skip it and see if the process turns out OK anyway.
B. Download and install the Panasonic SD Memory Card Formatting Software into your Windows computer.
C. Place your SD Card in a card reader.
D. Use the Panasonic formatter to format the card. Select the options for FULL Erase ON and for Format Size Adjustment OFF. (It doesn't matter if the formatter reports that it can't use the Erase function.) This low-level formatting takes about 10 minutes.

3. [Optional] Flash your NIT

A. This step is not usually necessary. If you really want to keep what you've already done on your Flash memory, skip this step. Not doing this step could cause problems caused by your having problematic catalogues or software installations. If you don't do this step, I believe you should at least turn off your virtual memory (if you had set it up before).
B. Using your Windows computer get the Nokia Internet Tablet Software Update Wizard. Use it to flash your NIT to OS2008.
C. Do the initial set-up stuff, like choosing your language.

4. Download the necessary software

A. I have uploaded all the necessary files to a zip file on RapidShare.**
B. Download it from here into your computer (not into your NIT).
C. Unzip it. Create a new folder, name it clonegk, and put the eleven unzipped files into it.
D. With an SD card in a slot on your NIT, turn on your NIT and connect it to your computer by USB. On your computer desktop, copy the folder clonegk into Documents on the NIT's Flash drive.
a. You may be able to do this directly. More likely you will need to copy it first to the SD Card. Then open File Manager (Desktop Applications Icon > Utilities > File Manager) and move it to Documents on the Flash drive.
E. Disconnect your NIT from the USB connection.
F. Disconnect from WiFi: On your NIT, go to the WiFi icon in the Status Indicator Area and disconnect from WiFi (if you aren't already disconnected).

5. Install flashing software

A. Go into Red Pill Mode.
a. Open Application Manager on the NIT (Desktop Applications Icon > Settings > Application Manager). From the pulldown menu, select Tools > Application catalogue.
b. Click New.
c. For web address, enter the following word (not followed by a space): matrix
d. Click Cancel, and choose Red Pill.
e. NOTE WELL: Red Pill Mode is considered dangerous to your NIT. If you don't know what you're doing, keep out of it except for this brief episode; and make sure you return to Blue Pill Mode when done.
B. Close Catalog window. Leave Application Manager open.
C. Open File Manager.
D. Navigate to, and open, clonegk, within Documents.
E. Click, or double-click, becomeroot. Install? OK. Not from Nokia, continue anyway? OK.
F. Return to File Manager, leaving Application Manager open. Install these files from clonegk in the following order: e2fslibs, libblkid, libcomerr, libss, libuuid, e2fsprogs.

6. Return to Blue Pill Mode.

A. In Application Manager on the NIT, from the pulldown menu, select Tools > Application catalogue.
B. Click New.
C. For web address, enter: matrix
D. Click Cancel; choose Blue Pill.
E. Close the Application Manager.
F. Close any other open apps.

7. Partition SD card.

A. If the SD card that you are going to use for dual-booting is not in your internal slot on the N800 (or in your sole slot in the N810), turn off your NIT and insert your SD card; then reboot.
B. Launch Xterm (Desktop Applications Icon > Utilities > Xterm). Type the following (except what is in brackets), clicking Enter (Return) after each line.

sudo gainroot
umount /media/mmc2 [someone with an N810 … is this mmc2? If not, please PM me and I'll make a change here]
sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0 -uM [note: that's a zero, not a capital letter O]
[you should now see a prompt that ends with mmcblk0p1 and a colon]
[the following is for an 8GB card; for a 2GB card use 1100 instead of 7100; for a 4GB card, use 3100; for a 16GB card, use 15100]
[If you want to understand this better, see this post.]
0,7100,0C [after entering this, the new prompt should end in p2]
,,, [that's right, you type three commas and click enter]
[leave blank, and press enter; this will be for p3]
[leave blank, and press enter; this will be for p4]
[you will be asked if you want to write this to disk; answer yes] y
reboot [at the # prompt, just type in the word "reboot" (no quotation marks) and wait a little bit ... your NIT will reboot]

8. Install the flasher

A.Upon rebooting, the NIT may say that you have an unformatted or corrupted card; that's OK, don't worry about it.
B. Disconnect from WiFi: On your NIT, go to the WiFi icon in the Status Indicator Area and disconnect from WiFi (if you aren't already disconnected).
C. Launch Xterm. Type the following (except what is in brackets), clicking Enter after each line.

sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/clonegk/ [your prompt should now end with clonegk #]
tar zxvf initfs_flasher.tgz
cd initfs_flasher/
[continue?] yes
[backup?] yes
[Remove extra stuff?] yes
[Install telnet?] yes
[install dropbear?] yes [then there is a pause for some seconds]
[ready for flashing?] yes
[press enter to reboot when it tells you to]

D. If you are given a choice of where to boot from, use your D-Pad to select Boot from Flash.

9. Flash for dual-booting

A.Upon rebooting, the NIT may say that you have an unformatted or corrupted card; don't worry about it.
B. Disconnect from WiF, if you aren't already disconnected.
C. Launch Xterm. Enter the following (except what is in brackets):

mkdir ~/bin
cp /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/clonegk/ ~/bin
cp /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/clonegk/tar ~/bin
cd ~/bin
chmod +x tar
sudo gainroot
./ wipe
[You may be asked if you want Ext2fs, do you want to continue ...]
YES [not just y, you have to type YES]
[Now watch in amazement as the NIT copies your system ... takes 5 minutes or so. Ends with: Committing updates and Unmounting filesystems ... Done ... then: /home/user/bin # ]
D. This time when your NIT starts up, select that you want to boot from Flash. (It may boot to Flash automatically without asking.)

10. The Finale, Formatting Your FAT Partition

A.Upon rebooting, the NIT may say that you have an unformatted or corrupted card; that's OK, don't worry about it.
B. Launch Xterm. Enter the following (except what is in brackets):

sudo gainroot
mkdosfs /dev/mmcblk0p1 [it will pause after a string of ###, then get back to a # prompt]
shutdown -r now

C. Watch for when you need to hold down the Menu key button. Select that you want to boot from the MMC.


*I hope soon to make this a Wiki, but having never made a wiki, I'd be glad if anyone else did this before me.

**This link will expire in 30 days. If someone has a more permanent place to keep it, please upload it there, PM me the URL, and I will edit this link. If I have done something illegal or otherwise wrong in posting these debs and other files in a place other than a repository, please notify me.

GeraldKo 2009-10-16 22:22

Re: HOW TO: Simplest and Complete Cloning of OS to MMC; Dual-Booting
John, I think the most important thing in the first two posts is to try Penguinbait's automated process instead of using my manual approach. You have probably learned more now than you would have if you had just gone the automated route, but you ought to try it now :)

In my sig below, go to Try Here First.

(It's been a long time; thanks for visiting!)

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