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totololo 2009-06-05 17:38

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Gargl !!!!
Could you mahe some pictures and post it here ? Please, pliiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzz

bezeen 2009-06-05 17:43

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
On the mer version of smartq7 the power button doesn't work, in xterm i cant use reboot, shutdown or poweroff:confused:

any tips?

tso 2009-06-05 17:49

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
no chance to do sudo halt?

bezeen 2009-06-05 17:56

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by tso (Post 294064)
no chance to do sudo halt?

jepp - worked...
not used to ubuntu - all this sudo (sudo reboot worked also...)

bezeen 2009-06-05 18:02

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

just started it up so no network...

Matan 2009-06-05 18:15

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 294062)
On the mer version of smartq7 the power button doesn't work, in xterm i cant use reboot, shutdown or poweroff:confused:

any tips?

You should be able to run reboot/poweroff as root. They actually do the same thing: poweroff if DC is connected and reboot if disconnected.

To get the power button to "work", you need to install the powerlaunch package and change the powered daemon a little to get it to work without dsme running. This way you get the menu on pressing power, but it does not really reboot if you select it.

bezeen 2009-06-05 18:56

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by totololo (Post 294061)
Gargl !!!!
Could you mahe some pictures and post it here ? Please, pliiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzz

Browse installable application and wifi connection:

searching shows the keyboard and midori

DannyBiker 2009-06-05 19:01

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
What would you guys think of a board devoted to these machines ? I see a lot of news blog's bottom pages discussions about the SmartQ 5/7 and beside from this great topic, there's no real place with centralized information for the owners or future buyers of them. At least in English...

I'm not trying to steal "audience" here, I'm just asking...:)

johnkzin 2009-06-05 19:14

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by DannyBiker (Post 294083)
What would you guys think of a board devoted to these machines ? I see a lot of news blog's bottom pages discussions about the SmartQ 5/7 and beside from this great topic, there's no real place with centralized information for the owners or future buyers of them. At least in English...

I'm not trying to steal "audience" here, I'm just asking...:)

I think it'd be interesting if was willing to host it as an actual section (devices forums for "Nokia N810", "Nokia N800", "Nokia 770", "Moses SmartQ 5", "Moses SmartQ 7", "Accessories", "Competitors", and "Buy&Sell"), since they are seeing interest from a sub-project (Mer).

But, if that wont fly, it would probably be a good idea to have an english language board devoted to them.

DannyBiker 2009-06-05 19:56

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Indead, I'll contact them to see if they think it's a good idea...;)

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