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conny 2009-12-20 16:30

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by ehab (Post 434973)
When i press authenticate after entering it tells me after a while "Could not connect to host" but i can enter this url in the browser and login.

Could you please start Conboy from the command line, then try again and send the output to me. It could help me figuring out, what's happening.

ehab 2009-12-21 00:33

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
INFO: DBus said orientation is: landscape
Request token url:
Authenticate url :
Access token url :
Reply: Expired timestamp: given 1261351535 and now 1261354892 has a greater difference than threshold 900
ERROR: Reply could not be parsed
INFO: Accelerometers disabled

conny 2009-12-21 06:33

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by ehab (Post 435894)
INFO: DBus said orientation is: landscape
Request token url:
Authenticate url :
Access token url :
Reply: Expired timestamp: given 1261351535 and now 1261354892 has a greater difference than threshold 900
ERROR: Reply could not be parsed
INFO: Accelerometers disabled

That sounds like the clock on your tablet is out of sync with the ubuntu one clock. Can you make sure that your tablets clock is set correctly? It seems to lagging about 56 minutes. Could that be?

fpp 2009-12-21 11:25

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
This morning an update showed up in App Manager (0.6.2) and completed without errors. Only now I can't find Conboy in the "Others" menu, and my desktop shortcut is gone...

Is this my App manager acting up, or is there a problem with this version (I do have Extras testing + devel enabled :-) ?

conny 2009-12-21 11:30

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Conboy 0.6.2 is meant to be the next stable release. It basically the last conboy-unstable, but renamed. It's currently on it's way to extras-testing, so you probably still got it from extras-devel.
Please try to completely uninstall all versions of conboy or conboy-unstable and reinstall it. Let me know if that brings your icon back.

Ah and it should be optified now. And the same version is also available for Chinook and Diablo.

fpp 2009-12-21 12:19

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
What I did in the meantime is uninstall 0.6.2, disable Extras testing and devel, and reinstall 0.5.8 from plain Extras. This gave me back the Conboy icon in Others, I just had to re-create my desktop shortcut.

I'll try 0.6.2 again when it's in Testing, right now I just needed my Xmas shopping notes back, quick :-)

mivoligo 2009-12-21 12:39

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 436253)
Please try to completely uninstall all versions of conboy or conboy-unstable and reinstall it. Let me know if that brings your icon back.

I just did so and the icon is back. :)

Unfortunately, I can't authenticate with Ubuntu One. After I add device on the Ubuntu One website, I see only white screen of the browser. I don't receive any confirmation from the website.

conny 2009-12-21 12:58

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by mivoligo (Post 436317)
I just did so and the icon is back. :)

Unfortunately, I can't authenticate with Ubuntu One. After I add device on the Ubuntu One website, I see only white screen of the browser. I don't receive any confirmation from the website.

Could you please execute the following command in xterm and post the result (if any)?

grep conboy /usr/share/applications/uri-action-defaults.list

Thanks :)

mivoligo 2009-12-21 13:01

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I get:



mivoligo 2009-12-21 13:11

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
This is how it all looks when I start Conboy from X term:


~ $ conboy
Starting conboy, Version 0.6.2
INFO: Looking for plugins in: /usr/lib/conboy
INFO: Loading plugin description: /usr/lib/conboy/conboy_storage_xml.plugin
INFO: Loading library: /usr/lib/conboy/
INFO: Loading 1 notes took 24627 micro seconds
INFO: Accelerometers enabled
INFO: DBus said orientation is: landscape
Request token url:
Authenticate url :
Access token url :
Reply: oauth_token_secret=sjVbf7jkMd5v2zQfkWTf6McblCrbjCzdZfZ2l92HvgvHdjnZjHsCRJNnQp9XCtMTnZNv223kFFqftSHZ&oauth_token=h0M5Gw91tSMkc6SLcFNn&oauth_callback_confirmed=true
key:    'h0M5Gw91tSMkc6SLcFNn'
secret: 'sjVbf7jkMd5v2zQfkWTf6McblCrbjCzdZfZ2l92HvgvHdjnZjHsCRJNnQp9XCtMTnZNv223kFFqftSHZ'
Opening browser with URL: ><
INFO: Accelerometers disabled
INFO: Accelerometers enabled
INFO: Accelerometers disabled
INFO: Accelerometers enabled
INFO: Accelerometers disabled

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