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Brayo1971 2010-01-25 23:43

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
My best buddy who works for Nokia (Symbian) came up at the weekend and it was the first time he had seen a live N900. After 20 minutes of 'Ohhs'; 'hmmms' and 'wows' he announced he was officially depressed. Says it all really :-)

Taomyn 2010-01-26 14:28

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Best "wow" for me - being able to call my mother in Australia using Skype. Call quality was amazing and the cost was next to nothing.

Skype integration for me is the best thing about the N900, followed very closely by what most people have already added - multi-tasking, awesome browser, seamless connectivity between WiFi/3G.

Blackbeard 2010-01-26 14:34

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Stellarium was the first real wow.

One night I forgot my XP running and I was too lazy to get out of bed. I installed rdesktop, accessed the desktop remotely and shut the machine down. That was really nice :D

yogi900 2010-01-26 14:37

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
My wow moments - Some of you might have mentioned similar one..

1) Remote control of my sony TV.
2) Angry birds and Bounce evaluation - on TV out
3) watching youtube videos (Using TV out )
4) Skype and GTalk , - Always online status for me. (this is really WOW initially - but now I am forced to stay offline ...every now and then somebody pings me...).
5) Watching faces of other guys who do not have N900 is really WOW for me ....always..!!!

Waiting for USSD. Also not happy with media player as I can not control it with my handsfree.

quipper8 2010-01-26 14:41

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by Laughingstok (Post 494012)
I was at a bar on Saturday night drinking some beers watching a band, and my work called me. It was almost 11 PM. We had some problems with some middleware that was affecting our stores.

I hung up, popped open the phone, vpn'd into work, ssh'd into a couple of my boxes, cleaned up some files, restarted an application, logged into it via the browser to make sure all was well, logged off, closed the phone, drank more beer.


this is my life. To be fair though, lots of phones can do that.

Laughingstok 2010-01-26 14:43

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by quipper8 (Post 495577)
this is my life. To be fair though, lots of phones can do that.

Not with the ease/speed that I've done with the N900. I can write Perl scripts on the N900 to automate a lot of my work. :D

Alan_Peery 2010-01-27 15:23

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
There aren't quite as many 'wow' moments as there would be had I not already owned an N810. Since I have, it's often a glow of satisfaction as yet another app gets ported forward onto the N900 properly. FBReader for ebooks falls into that category. So does Digia @Scene, replacing mytube for offline YouTube video watching.

There are some things that are trying to steal 'wow' points from the iPod Touch or Symbian, as these were the first mobile device that had a good implementation of similar functionality:
mwtube -- live status of the London Underground
qtify -- spotify on the N900

Definite 'wow' points go to:
france24 -- for a nice online app for streaming video access (
maep -- a very fast GPS/map access app & reusable widget
osm2go -- editing OpenStreetmap maps on the go

eerde 2010-01-28 13:47

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
Well, I had a few WOW moments;
-Has a KDE look&feel to it ;)
-32+32GB of diskspace
-Maemo5 / Linux shell/console
-OK, also camera+vid quality
-Best browsing (now with FireFox beta !)
-Skype integrated, cristal clear calls between Holland-Russia

-I am most impressed with the speed of new apps that come to: extras-devel, sure I install them one-by-one and check how my system works, if OK, I keep the app. If not I trash it.

God 2010-01-28 13:59

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?
My only "wow" was when I saw it in the shop and it seemed a lot smaller than I thought it would be. That screen is way too small & the device is too thick. So I was just disappointed. The device may render well & can do a few things most can't do but still not a 2010 device.

eerde 2010-01-28 14:31

Re: What have been your 'wow' moments with the N900 so far?

Originally Posted by God (Post 499387)
My only "wow" was when I saw it in the shop and it seemed a lot smaller than I thought it would be. That screen is way too small & the device is too thick. So I was just disappointed. The device may render well & can do a few things most can't do but still not a 2010 device.

Wow, finally *God* is wrong ! :)

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