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mmlado 2010-02-19 16:30

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by ogre (Post 536600)
Nokia doesn't have a mindset of updating phone OS on existing models- just bug patches to the existing OS.

It wouldn't be an issue, I'm happy with Maemo 5, but the problem is that there are many bugs that won't be fixed in the existing OS. Those, famous, marked as "Fixed in Harmattan".

aikon800 2010-02-19 17:01

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
The question I have in mind is that I know that Nokia and Moblin are working on a combined OS for their devices, but is the approach more like windows mobile 7, that companies can't customized the UI the Os is only one and runs the same on all hand held devices. Because LG is bringing MeeGo smartphone as well, so do Nokia & LG and in future others have the same UI(OS) but only the hardware differentiates, Is that rue or all Nokia and Moblin hard work will be shared by others..???

Tex14 2010-02-19 17:08

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 533907)
so you are the fool. that is the point. IMO it is the most stupid thing to do: spend your money to a device that you think it isn't worth the money but possibly is in the future.

You should be banned for calling people fools and being so rude

Rob1n 2010-02-19 18:31

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by aikon800 (Post 536863)
The question I have in mind is that I know that Nokia and Moblin are working on a combined OS for their devices, but is the approach more like windows mobile 7, that companies can't customized the UI the Os is only one and runs the same on all hand held devices. Because LG is bringing MeeGo smartphone as well, so do Nokia & LG and in future others have the same UI(OS) but only the hardware differentiates, Is that rue or all Nokia and Moblin hard work will be shared by others..???

MeeGo will provide a reference UI (presumably Qt based), but vendors can modify it or create their own.

Frappacino 2010-02-20 01:28

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Tex14 (Post 536875)
You should be banned for calling people fools and being so rude

ignore him, there are rabid fanboys on both sides of the fence

the ironic thing is that one of the selling points of the phone is its opennesss and community, both of which ONLY provide benefits IN THE FUTURE, and it is the community which current disatisfied n900 users fear will move on mostly to meego. that and the "fixed in hartleman" stuff of course. fact of the matter is, many of us dont know what meego will be (read ari's blog, he doesnt know 100% either) but what we DO care is that we are left with a dead end phone cause everyone has rushed off to this new thing

but fanboys will be fanboys

at the end of the day, nokia only listens to $$$, sell/return your n900 and buy another phone and tell your friends the same

sachin007 2010-02-20 01:57

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I am sure most of the crucial bugs will be taken care off by nokia in the next firmware updates. Another thing to remember is that harmattan/maemo 6 are going to be based on omap3 which is the same hardware as n900 so i assume 95% of the changes to harmattan will be somehow applied to n900. Ofcourse the crucial thing is that the n900 does not support capacitative multitiouch so that may be the biggest obstacle to harmattan on n900.

Most of maemo 5 is already very nice. Some of the features missing are in regular phone department which nokia is king anyway. It just takes some time to get them all into this new platform.

Just enjoy your n900.... because no matter how much you guys complain we know that there is nothing near to n900 when it comes to a portable mobile computer.

I just wish the next device comes with a bigger screen. .... somewhere around 5 inches would be perfect.

gerbick 2010-02-20 02:12

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 537654)
I am sure most of the crucial bugs will be taken care off by nokia in the next firmware updates.

I'm a betting man. I doubt they will fix any crucial bugs. My faith has to be earned, Nokia's done pretty much everything to lose my faith.


Another thing to remember is that harmattan/maemo 6 are going to be based on omap3 which is the same hardware as n900 so i assume 95% of the changes to harmattan will be somehow applied to n900. Ofcourse the crucial thing is that the n900 does not support capacitative multitiouch so that may be the biggest obstacle to harmattan on n900.
You can assume all day. But until they announce it, it's just that... assumptions. I'm not arguing what you're saying, I actually agree... I just don't share the same amount of faith they will back port. Nor do I think that people will be as receptive because it might mean that "Maemo 6 is a fork" of MeeGo only (paraphrase).


Most of maemo 5 is already very nice.
Indeed. It is quite nice. But it's not yet complete - some features in this level are missing, some things still not fixed.


Some of the features missing are in regular phone department which nokia is king anyway. It just takes some time to get them all into this new platform.
But do they have a reason to do it now? I see none.


Just enjoy your n900...
Here we agree 100%.


I just wish the next device comes with a bigger screen. .... somewhere around 5 inches would be perfect.
Add longer support, and we agree 100% here too.

maxximuscool 2010-02-20 02:24

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by snubmoggy (Post 536795)
I havent read the whole thread so apologies if this has already been picked upon but...

Has anyone noticed the the N900 is on the home page of

I know it is just marketing, but it is interesting that they would use the N900 if Meego isnt going to be available for it??

Well because N900 can Run QT4.6 base software, that make N900 in the same pack as MeeGo in software compatible.

This is like Ubuntu and Yellow Dog Linux and Red Hat Linux. All are linux and all are using the same core kernal and libraries but different compilation of software.





FACTS... so MANY facts...

geohsia 2010-02-20 02:34

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by snubmoggy (Post 536795)
I know it is just marketing, but it is interesting that they would use the N900 if Meego isnt going to be available for it??

Nokia isn't stupid. They're not going to put an iPhone or a Nexus one. The N900 was their only choice. There is no hidden meaning or coded message.

gerbick 2010-02-20 02:49

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 537680)




FACTS... so MANY facts...

Care to show your sources? Those facts aren't... facts quite yet.

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