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duesselschorsch 2016-04-22 18:41

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Today in the morning I had a strange phenomenon: The output of the left speaker was distorted, it nearly sounded like the dead speaker of my old Nexus 7 2012 (for which I ordered a 5$ replacement on Aliexpress, which isn't that easy for the Jolla tablet though). I rebootet the tablet, no change, when I covered the left speaker sound was ok, when I covered the right speaker it was distorted. I contacted care, they asked me to switch off- and on the tablet and try again and they basically wrote that they have little means to repair it. So I switched off the tablet and went to work. Coming back, I tried again, but now the speakers sounded ok. So it doesn't seem to be a broken speaker.
But: When I connected the tablet to the (HP TouchPad 2A) charger while playing music, the distortion came back, but only while charging. And not always. And not with other chargers.
I have a cheap chinese USB meter which shows me the voltage and current, and the HP charger is the only one (at least from my desk) which delivers more than 1.5A to the tablet.
So either there seems to be a problem with the high charging current or maybe the Jolla tablet just doesn't like the HP charger (which works perfectly fine otherwise). Anyway, I'll investigate further...


Halftux 2016-04-22 19:25

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by duesselschorsch (Post 1504205)
HP charger is the only one (at least from my desk) which delivers more than 1.5A to the tablet.

The tablet takes only as much current as needed, so you will have an bigger effect on the interference voltage, with supplies that could deliver more current as needed and this is normal for cheap switching power supplies.
That is why nobody will use a switching power supply for audio. The funny thing is that it is only on one channel. But I could be wrong and it has another reason.

llelectronics 2016-04-22 20:37

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

So either there seems to be a problem with the high charging current or maybe the Jolla tablet just doesn't like the HP charger (which works perfectly fine otherwise). Anyway, I'll investigate further...
Don't use this charger. If you might have read about my problems with the tablet and wifi it all started when charging with that HP Touchpads 2A charger. (and yes this works fine for other devices without a problem)
For now I for myself (after I also took the tablet apart today to fix my wifi error by taking a look and adjusting loose cables) only leave it on a normal charger (around 1A) and don't use it while charging.

So my fear that it might be a general problem with some electric components in the tablet is rising again.

szopin 2016-04-22 20:42

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Thanks for this thread guys!!! Been considering buying 2A charger, but old Nokians will do for now and gratz on the fix LLE, really glad it was happy ending

polarphone 2016-04-23 06:39

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by velox (Post 1503632)

Anuone tried the i486 build on another device than jolla tablet?

velox 2016-04-23 09:19

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1504171)
Hi. For anyone using patchmanager on their tablet can they confirm that the following paths are there. Thanks!



/usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 is there, but there's no qml folder in there. Same for the backup directory.

mosen 2016-04-25 11:53

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Whoop Whoop Whoop *zoidberg style*

Just recieved the Tablet and am very impressed :eek:
What in the world did Jolla do so wrong to be punished with not being able to bring this gem to market :confused:
Yes, this is a rhetorical question... I just can not believe it still...

I bought tommos Nexus 5 and will do a comparison video of N5 / Jolla Tablet and Jolla Phone this week.

One fast question, has anybody had a faulty lastucase?
Mine has two magnets snapped toghether in a place where i think there should be only the small flat one.
It came from the box like seen on the photo.

velox 2016-04-25 12:12

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1504371)
Whoop Whoop Whoop *zoidberg style*
One fast question, has anybody had a faulty lastucase?
Mine has two magnets snapped toghether in a place where i think there should be only the small flat one.
It came from the box like seen on the photo.

Mine definitely looks more… correctly assembled.

ggabriel 2016-04-25 12:35

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
For the charger discussion: I use IKEA's USB charger (Koppla) which works fine with the tablet, the phone, a Nokia speaker, bicycle lights, etc.. No disruptions at all and tablet charges faster than with 1A chargers.

Fellfrosch 2016-04-25 13:22

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1504371)

One fast question, has anybody had a faulty lastucase?
Mine has two magnets snapped toghether in a place where i think there should be only the small flat one.
It came from the box like seen on the photo.

Hi Mosen, my Lastu Case was in an even worse state.
There are three Magnets on the frontcover. On one side just one, on the other side two, which are side by side. If the wooden cover isn't glued well enough to the leather one of these magnets will come out an flip on the other one.

You can lift the wooden panel carefully from the leather, the glue is more like a double sided tape so you don't need new glue. Fix both magnets in their cavity an press the panel on it's place again. You need some power, when you press it together, otherwise it will not last very long.

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