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mautz 2016-11-06 03:55

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Why don't you undervolt the frequencies independently? I can undervolt 300Mhz frequency down to 650mV rockstable. This is by far the most important frequency to undervolt, because the phone (should) stay the most time at this frequency.

Which powertop version did you use? With 2.7 i get errors about missing functions in the kernel and i*m not in the mood to compile a new one right now...

The blu_active governor needs alot of tweaking to be more battery-friendly than conservative. In its default configuration it goes way to fast to the highest frequency and stays there too long. So, a few tweaks are needed...

minimec 2016-11-06 10:50

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1518112)
Which powertop version did you use? With 2.7 i get errors about missing functions in the kernel and i*m not in the mood to compile a new one right now...

Indeed I got this message too. Still I can use powertop and see no problem when the program is running. In addition I get that 'devfreq' message when stopping powertop.

PowerTOP v2.7 needs the kernel to support the 'perf' subsystem   
as well as support for trace points in the kernel:

"Devfreq not enabled"

If you cannot run powertop on your phone, maybe first try

rm /var/cache/powertop/saved_parameters.powertop

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1518112)
Why don't you undervolt the frequencies independently? I can undervolt 300Mhz frequency down to 650mV rockstable.

I simply did not know how far I can go, so I just started with the values mentioned above by deprecated. Now I tried 650mV @ 300Mhz... and my phone crashed on me after some time.

I will continue to test some frequencies and also hope that others will post their values here.

mautz 2016-11-06 13:02

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Powertop problem is solved.

Here's my current voltage table:

300mhz: 650 mV
422mhz: 690 mV
652mhz: 725 mV
729mhz: 735 mV
883mhz: 755 mV
960mhz: 765 mV
1036mhz: 775 mV
1190mhz: 810 mV
1267mhz: 820 mV
1497mhz: 855 mV
1574mhz: 870 mV
1728mhz: 900 mV
1958mhz: 945 mV
2265mhz: 1025 mV

But i'm not done yet. For testing the individual frequencies, just use the userspace governor an dset it to the desired cpu speed. Put load on the cpu and change the frequency. If the system crashes, you've gone too low, of course.

And you are right 'blu_active' uses more power than 'conservative'(around 250mw more). This was the governor i also always used.But it is less power hungry than the original 'interactive' governor(about 250mw less).

I'll try to add a another governor to the kernel which is based on conservative.

minimec 2016-11-06 21:06

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
I worked out some settings that I will test during the week on my 'daily runner' Nexus 5 (PVS 2 binned SoC.), using the new 'mautz-kernel'...

# Set CPU governor to 'conservative'

/bin/echo "conservative" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
# Voltage table: -100mV (300mhz+422mhz), -70mV (652mhz-1267mhz), -60mV (1497mhz-1728mhz), -50mV (1958mhz+2265mhz)

/bin/echo "675 675 725 735 755 765 775 795 805 850 865 895 945 1000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/UV_mV_table
# Set max GPU Clock from 450mhz to 320mhz

/bin/echo "320000000" > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk
# Set Simple GPU Governor (default: 5, 6000)

/bin/echo "4" > /sys/module/msm_kgsl_core/parameters/simple_laziness

/bin/echo "7000" > /sys/module/msm_kgsl_core/parameters/simple_ramp_threshold

mautz 2016-11-07 07:58

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Kernel Update:

New features:

Added CPU Governors:


A new governor from the cm branch and the slimrom project. This is a performance optimized governor and has been tuned a lot for newer devices such as the One Plus One.


A PegasusQ modified, less aggressive and more stable. A good compromise between performance and battery. In addition to the SoD is a prevention because it usually does not hotplug.


The Pegasusq / d is a multi-core based on the Ondemand governor and governor with integrated hot-plugging. It is quite stable and has the same battery life as ondemand. Ongoing processes in the queue, we know that multiple processes can run simultaneously on. These processes are active in an array, which is a field called "Run Queue" queue that is ongoing, with their priority values ​​arranged (priority will be used by the task scheduler, which then decides which process to run next).

To ensure that each process has its fair share of resources, each will run for a certain period and will eventually stop and then again placed in the queue until it is your turn again. If a program is terminated, so that others can run the program with the highest priority in the current queue is executed.


Lionheart is a conservative-based governor which is based on samsung's update3 source.
The tunables (such as the thresholds and sampling rate) were changed so the governor behaves more like the performance one, at the cost of battery as the scaling is very aggressive.


The ZZmoove Governor by ZaneZam is optimized for low power consumption when the screen off, with particular attention to the limitation of consumption applications in the background with the screen off, such as listening to music. The unique feature with ZZmoove is that it has predefined profiles and allows profile switching. This governor is still a WIP as the developer is constantly giving updates!
In short:
So what you can expect now from this thingy is a battery-friendly behaving hotplug conservative governor which
uses a frequency lookup table for faster upscaling (so called "smooth scaling") So this is more a energy-safer than a performer.

ZZmoove profiles

1.for Default (set governor defaults)
2.for Yank Battery -> old untouched setting (a very good battery/performance balanced setting DEV-NOTE: highly recommended!)
3.for Yank Battery Extreme -> old untouched setting (like yank battery but focus on battery saving)
4.for ZaneZam Battery -> old untouched setting (a more 'harsh' setting strictly focused on battery saving DEV-NOTE: might give some lags!)
5.for ZaneZam Battery Plus -> NEW! reworked 'faster' battery setting (DEV-NOTE: recommended too!  )
6.for ZaneZam Optimized -> old untouched setting (balanced setting with no focus in any direction DEV-NOTE: relict from back in the days, even though some people still like it!)
7.for ZaneZam Moderate -> NEW! setting based on 'zzopt' which has mainly (but not strictly only!) 2 cores online
8.for ZaneZam Performance -> old untouched setting (all you can get from zzmoove in terms of performance but still has the fast down scaling/hotplugging behaving)
9.for ZaneZam InZane -> NEW! based on performance with new auto fast scaling active. a new experience!
10.for ZaneZam Gaming -> NEW! based on performance with new scaling block enabled to avoid cpu overheating during gameplay
11.for ZaneZam Relax -> NEW! based on moderate (except hotplug settings) with relaxed sleep settings (to react audio/bluetooth/wakeup issues)
(since version 0.9 beta4: cpu temperature threshold of 65°C enabled if exynos4 cpu temperature reading support was compiled with the governor)

The governor profile can be changed by 'echoing' the corresponding number into /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/zzmoove/profile_number

This time i compiled two different flashable Zips.

This ZIP has blu_plug governor included and this one NOT.

Because i haven't found a way to disable the blu_plug governor, i made the ZIP without it, if you want to try out ZZmooves own hotplugging driver.
If you want to use ZZmoove with blu_plug, you should disable hotplugging in ZZmooves settings.

Sources have been updated.

Thanks to all the people whose original work i have added and of course all the people who made SFOS possible on the N5.

Have fun.

I'm going to add some more features to the kernel, if you have any wishes, please let me know.

minimec 2016-11-07 12:51

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1518220)
This time i compiled two different flashable Zips.

This ZIP has blu_plug governor included and this one NOT.

Could it be, that you posted a wrong It seems that the 'zzmove' governor is not included in the kernel just downloaded and tested.

mautz 2016-11-07 15:38

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
CPU or Hotplug governor, or both?

minimec 2016-11-07 16:20

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1518254)
CPU or Hotplug governor, or both?

I would say both...

Here is what I tried:

I wanted to check the default settings of the "zzmoove" cpu governor, but '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/zzmoove/' doesn't exist.

I then simply tried to set the governor with 'echo "zzmoove" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'. That resulted in an error.

Last I tried 'find / -name "*zzmoove*' as root. Nothing is found.

mautz 2016-11-07 17:42

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview
Could you please download and flash it again? I downloaded tge zip, flashed it and zzmoove is working. If you still have problems we can sort them out on IRC later.

minimec 2016-11-07 19:46

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 Nexus 5 CM12.1 Alpha1 | Sfdroid Pre-Alpha/Early Preview

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1518258)
Could you please download and flash it again? I downloaded tge zip, flashed it and zzmoove is working. If you still have problems we can sort them out on IRC later.

I may have been distracted by the "update hell" I had, upgrading to "Aurajoki". It took ages and I had to restart the upgrade process three times... ;)

Indeed the 'zzmoove' governor is available. The clue is, that you have to activate the governor first. Then, and only then the "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/zzmoove/profile_number" file will be available.

Still... I prefer the "conservative" governor.

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