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Kangal 2014-04-05 04:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I'm just disappointed that a decent fork of Android hasn't been made yet. MIUI was ambitious. CMod is only focused on running on devices in the first place.

It seems like the biggest software innovations on Android are happening from the likes of the OEMs, and cross - platform tools like VillainMOD and Xposed Module.

Where is the fork of AOSP where Google's services are stripped and the system ports a new kernel from Linux and utilises C++ (or better yet Qt) as the major framework.

Perhaps even adopting the RIM PlayBook OSv2.1.1-esque user interface written in Qt. Basically a Mer competitor that's got roots in Android and can support said Apps.

(just venting because my laptop just died and can't chroot the NOTE 3 without it, and that N900 is officially dead)

Dave999 2014-04-05 06:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
While you suggestions seems like a fun project it is containing lots of work and very little reward.

Kangal 2014-04-05 07:35

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1419963)
While you suggestions seems like a fun project it is containing lots of work and very little reward.

How so?
Porting an AOSP to an Android-based device is infinitely easier than porting Mer. Having an Android-fork with the Qt framework would mean I could enjoy the spoils of Linux on a portable machine (yes I know rpm's would need some modification) but it could be done.

The reward: Linux gone mainstream, unlike Android.

Dave999 2014-04-05 07:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Most things can be done but my previous post again.

debernardis 2014-05-10 08:32

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1419958)
(just venting because my laptop just died and can't chroot the NOTE 3 without it, and that N900 is officially dead)

If your device is already rooted, you don't need an external PC. Just install one of those apps that download the distro filesystem from the original repositories and setup the chroot.
You could try Linux Deploy:
which will install also X and/or VNC, and a number of window managers.

mscion 2014-05-10 13:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
This sounds real nice. I use Linux on Android but it can't, as far as I know, do sound. Does Linux Deploy handle sound?

Dave999 2014-05-10 14:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
My Gnote OG is dead. Even with different battery. Got it on release day. An ERA is over. :(

nokiabot 2014-05-10 15:36

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
you can always use it as a fancy tray

mscion 2014-05-12 11:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1424804)
My Gnote OG is dead. Even with different battery. Got it on release day. An ERA is over. :(

Your post had me worried. When I had made my group shot of phones my Gnote OG did not turn on. Further, it would not charge up. I figured it was probably a battery gone bad but then you said your phone would not start up, even with a replacement battery. So yesterday I decided to buy a new battery and fortunately it fired up and would complete the remaining charge. I really loved the dimensions of that device. The 2 and the 3 are not quite as wide but that mm or so makes a difference. I also was using a rom that was based on the Note 8 so it had a tablet feel to it. One thing that I especially liked was that I could open a floating app that could go full screen and back to floating window by pressing a tab in the corner of the window. Anyways, as I played with it, it kind of struck me how the response was not that different than my Jolla phone. I then checked out the specs and in many respects, despite the different screen size, they were about the same. My guess, if I was really forced to choose between the two I might pick the OG...

mscion 2014-05-15 14:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
If true I am a happy camper. Also, assuming aspect ratio is retained width would be at least equal to OGN which was my preference.

Dave999 2014-05-29 19:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Pigro 2014-07-07 22:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
wow! I stumbled back to the maemo forum for the 1st time in ages (looking to see if there was an openvpn server for n900) only to see my old SGN thread still going strong :-)

I still have my note (original model) as my daily driver - so my optimism was well-founded. I still also take my original n900 everywhere with me too (when I travel). It's still going strong on original h/w (eveen the dreaded USB). it is a great backup for the note and pairs nicely with by Bose soundlink mini for music too.

I like the sound of note 4 flexi-screen (if true, and especially if scrollable !!). might tempt me to go on the upgrade path again...

nice to be back here; even if just en passant, cheers all :-)

Kangal 2014-07-08 07:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I just found a neat trick with the NOTE 3, and how to get a working kickstand without having to use an attachment/case.

Seems so obvious now, and only took us 9 months to figure out lol.

sconf 2014-07-17 21:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Nice to see activity in this thread.

Any advice where and what to look for when updating Note 2? It is about a year since I rooted and updated it, I guess there is something newer than Android 4.1.2 for Note 2.

mscion 2014-07-17 22:58

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by sconf (Post 1433191)
Nice to see activity in this thread.

Any advice where and what to look for when updating Note 2? It is about a year since I rooted and updated it, I guess there is something newer than Android 4.1.2 for Note 2.

Check the xda threads for your version of the NOTE 2.

Dave999 2014-08-04 14:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Invites for IFA 2014. You can expect note 4 to be there :D

Edit...seems like they removed the page again and since you were too slow you do not deserve to read It ;) anyway, its sept 3rd.

Also, two hours later it's time for sony so it will be an epic day :D

Dave999 2014-08-21 16:34

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
True Or False...You never know.

nokiabot 2014-08-21 16:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
dont need to know :p

herpderp 2014-08-21 20:26

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Looking forward to the reveal on the 3rd!!!

debernardis 2014-08-25 08:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I will probably buy the Note 4, out of mere novelty seeking and reward dependence. Present device Note 2 will become a streaming device with tv output.

mscion 2014-08-25 13:21

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1436757)
I will probably buy the Note 4, out of mere novelty seeking and reward dependence. Present device Note 2 will become a streaming device with tv output.

Hi debernardis. Going from Note 2 to Note 4 should be a significant jump! Looking forward to it. Btw, tab pros are pretty nice. I often tether from my Note 3 to tab pro 8.4 cause my eyes get tired looking at the tiny 5.7" screen!

Dave999 2014-08-25 16:53

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Lets Build some HYPE!

mscion 2014-08-25 18:21

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1436795)

At this point I need facts. Not hype!

Dave999 2014-08-25 18:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1436801)
At this point I need facts. Not hype!


Note 4...Same shiit differerat CPU :D

mscion 2014-08-25 19:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1436805)

Note 4...Same shiit differerat CPU :D

Hopefully not true but for now I cannot dispute that!

If the Note 4 is disappointing I may go small for phone and just tether
to a bigger device for browsing and such. Really like my tab pro 8.4. Btw, cut and paste works fine on it!

Dave999 2014-08-25 20:54

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1436807)
Hopefully not true but for now I cannot dispute that!

If the Note 4 is disappointing I may go small for phone and just tether
to a bigger device for browsing and such. Really like my tab pro 8.4. Btw, cut and paste works fine on it!

Are you ready to note??

mscion 2014-08-26 14:34

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1436811)
Are you ready to note??

Looking forward to a Note worthy moment!

endsormeans 2014-08-26 15:02

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Noted :D :p

Kangal 2014-08-27 13:05

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Not expecting anything beyond the curve, if you've observed the patterns.

Tick: iPhone 4 > SGS2 > OG Note
Tock: iPhone 4S > SGS3 > Note 2
Tick: iPhone 5 > SGS4 > Note 3
Tock: iPhone 5S > SGS5 > Note 4
... wait for the next "Tick"...
TICK: iPhone 6 > SGS6 > Note 5

So yeah I believe:
LG's made 2 great phones (G2 and G3).
Motorola's made only 3 good phones (Atrix 4G, Droid 3, Moto G).
Apple's made 3 great phones (3GS+ i4 + i5).
Samsung's made 4 great phones (SGS2, NOTE, SGS4, NOTE3).
HTC makes a lot of great phones but most are flawed. The really innovative one's in history I believe are TyTNII, TouchPRO, HD2, One X 4G.
--no Google phones or Nokia's included in this list--

(And these phones had great designs HTC HD7, HTC Arrive, HTC Legend, Motorola RAZR, Motorola CLIQ, LG G Flex).
#end rant

endsormeans 2014-08-27 14:28

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Kangal my good sir...
I'm sorry to say....
you failed epically...
That was a poor poor rant...
Felt like... that was no rant at all...
If that was a rant ...everybody should rant more often :D

It was intelligent, sharp, enlightening and informative.
Very good breakdown on devices....
especially good for noobs or inquisitve people wishing to look into quality alternate phones ...for whatever the reason.

Dave999 2014-08-27 15:37

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hype of the day
[Ready to Note?] Mark Hunter's Love Note:
[Ready to Note?] Marta Pozzan’s Love Note:

mscion 2014-08-28 11:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I think Samsung should hire another ad company or at least provide a barf bag. I'm waiting for

[Ready to Note?] Dave999's Love Note: http://{please fill in}

Nice wall paper...,d.b2U&cad=rja

Dave999 2014-08-31 13:43

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1437211)
I think Samsung should hire another ad company or at least provide a barf bag. I'm waiting for

[Ready to Note?] Dave999's Love Note: http://{please fill in}

Nice wall paper...,d.b2U&cad=rja

Here you can see note 4. Believe it or not. It's black with four squares. :D

debernardis 2014-09-03 18:42

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
You saw them, don't you.

Dave999 2014-09-03 18:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1438143)
You saw them, don't you.

They came, they saw, they conquered. I have to say this is the best release from Samsung in quite a while.

abubakar 2014-09-03 22:40

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
check out note edge:

note 4:

mscion 2014-09-03 22:56

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Well, If you like the Note concept and you are coming from the Note 2 it would appear to be a significant improvement. From a Note 3 it may not be as big a jump up but still may be worth it. I'm tempted but I've got a month to come to my senses!

Dave999 2014-09-04 06:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Still. The first note is the note I like best so far. It was a little wow at first pick up. Too bad it died :(

Kangal 2014-09-04 07:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1438180)
Still. The first note is the note I like best so far. It was a little wow at first pick up. Too bad it died :(

The first Note was sooo good because it had all the right ingredients baked in, and there was nothing like it.

There was no device with a battery that big.
No device with a screen that big.
No device with comparable screen tech.
No device with a comparable processor.
It was thin, powerful, feature-packed, and beautiful.

Let's just recap its competition; iPhone 4S, SGS2, Moto RAZR, G2x... pathetic.
The Gnex was literally the only other option, and that device hasn't aged well unlike the OG Note.

Kangal 2014-09-04 07:29

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1438168)
Well, If you like the Note concept and you are coming from the Note 2 it would appear to be a significant improvement. From a Note 3 it may not be as big a jump up but still may be worth it. I'm tempted but I've got a month to come to my senses!

What the Note 4 is better than the Note 3....
2.5D glass.
Real metal sides.
Better side buttons.
No faux-stitching on back.
The selfie-camera is heaps heaps better.
16MP camera is slightly better than previous 13MP.
microUSB (fast-charging) > Samsung-lame-microUSB-3.0

Things that don't really matter....
Fingerprint reader.
Heart rate monitor.
Lame software gimmicks
3200 vs 3220 mAh battery

What the Note 3 is better than the Note 4...
Note 3 is smaller
1080p>QHD (less demanding, more battery life, equally impressive displays)
New processor is more thirsty, but won't achieve better real-world performance

If I had to choose, I'd choose Note 4 simply because of the aesthetics... but I'm not really happy that the new device is larger and suffers from more thirstier processor and display. I wished it didn't have those extra gimmicky features/sensors. I do believe there's beauty in simplicity.

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