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tomislav 2016-08-15 10:42

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Can now sailfish port be installed on Nexus 5 with Cyanogenmod 12, 12.1 or 13

which is most stable and easiest to install

jellyroll 2016-08-15 10:52

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by tomislav (Post 1512620)
Can now sailfish port be installed on Nexus 5 with Cyanogenmod 12, 12.1 or 13

which is most stable and easiest to install

I use the CM12.1 build as my daily device. Bluetooth, video recording is working properly, the sensor issue and some other bugs are fixed.

juiceme 2016-08-15 11:48

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
I made my own port last weekend based on cm12.1 and I suppose any of the cyanogenmod bases is usable as well.

This is the first day I have been using it all the time and it looks fairly good except for the three issues I still have.
None of them are dealbreakers really, since GPS gets the location after some waiting, I can disconnect BT while taling on the phone and call recording is an option I don't need every day.

when I get those fixed it will be exactly like my sbj1 minus the TOH functionality.

juiceme 2016-08-15 11:52

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by jellyroll (Post 1512621)
the sensor issue and some other bugs are fixed.

Yeah, I had "the sensors issue" too, meaning that none of them was recognized at all (easily seen for example by aida64)
That was fixed by flashing the, however I was reluctant to do so since I had no proof of the identity of this package and it ails me to no end to install unknown binaries to my device...

I looked at the packet, and it contains both setting textfiles and library binaries. Does anyone know the origin/source of the libraries?

mautz 2016-08-15 11:59

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
The libraries are taken from another CM version for the Nexus or another phone. See here:

monkeyisland 2016-08-15 17:35

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
1 Attachment(s)
hi there i am testing also cm11 on 2.01.11 with the first sfdroid build.
I managed multirom also, but there ist also a horrible screen issue when i flashed the sfdroid under multirom any chance to get this fixed ?

after this the nexus wont boot into sailfish homescreen till i push two with three time on power button.:o

mautz 2016-08-15 19:14

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
This issue is fixed with the new cm12.1 port.

monkeyisland 2016-08-16 03:51

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
okay but under cm 11 sfdroid works in my opinion better.
so no chance to fix the issue under cm11?

BluesLee 2016-08-16 07:13

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by monkeyisland (Post 1512693)
okay but under cm 11 sfdroid works in my opinion better.
so no chance to fix the issue under cm11?

Check the snapshot version you have installed, see the installation wiki. If i remember correctly, there was a switch from snapshot M9 to snapshot M11 which solved the issue for me.

monkeyisland 2016-08-16 13:50

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1512700)
Check the snapshot version you have installed, see the installation wiki. If i remember correctly, there was a switch from snapshot M9 to snapshot M11 which solved the issue for me.

hi M11 is installed. :(

deprecated 2016-08-17 05:19

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Hi all,

Just picked up a (new in box!) Nexus 5 as it seemed to be the best route for a Sailfish daily driver. After much deliberation, contemplation and research, I have decided to abandon the modern two camp paradigm and focus solely on Sailfish.

That said, I'm about to start the process of installing. Am I correct in assuming that the cm121beta0 build doesn't function correctly, and I should use the cm121alpha1 build as indicated on the piratepad?

I don't care about sfdroid. I just want a working, slick device. I don't mind advanced sysadmin tasks and I'm not hoping for a bug-free existence.

If anyone could be so kind, I just want to know which build is the latest and greatest (and most functional). Also, is the latest?

Thanks for all of your hard work. I've always loved this community.

juiceme 2016-08-17 08:09

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
I have only experience on build based on cm12.1 and it works pretty well. No sfdroid on my device.

Current status of the issues I am having;


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1512598)
1.) GPS is very slow to lock on. The device sees a full constellation of satellites, however it takes almost 10 minutes before position data starts to flow. Really mystifying thing.

The root cause seems to be that device only works with GPS, not AGPS. (and AFAIK all other ports hace same issue)
Investigation ongoing, been debugging the GPS interface to find a way to inject ephemerals correctly.


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1512598)
2.) The voice call quality on my BT headset is poor, really noisy and clipping. Pretty odd as both cutespot and nettiradio output beautiful and clear sound...

Have not yet started investigation, this is a low-priority problem for me.


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1512598)
3.) The Call Recorder by @dpurgin did not work out-of-the-box. Seems I need to look into that a bit deeper.

Debugged with aid of @dpurgin, raised issue#54 for the problem on github.
Now it seems that the problem is centered on pulseaudio subsytem, probably interface setup of configuration.
Investigation ongoing.

mautz 2016-08-17 12:43

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1512760)
I have only experience on build based on cm12.1 and it works pretty well. No sfdroid on my device.

Current status of the issues I am having;

The root cause seems to be that device only works with GPS, not AGPS. (and AFAIK all other ports hace same issue)
Investigation ongoing, been debugging the GPS interface to find a way to inject ephemerals correctly.

It only took about 1-2 minutes for me after a fresh install a few days ago. Me and my Nexus were outside and i didn't notice much of a difference to my Jolla Phone with A-GPS.

mosen 2016-08-17 13:20

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
can confirm @Mautz.
For me it was under a minute outdoors to have satfix in modrana after fresh install/flash.

mautz 2016-08-17 14:42

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1512777)
can confirm @Mautz.
For me it was under a minute outdoors to have satfix in modrana after fresh install/flash.

Can confirm this. Tested the GPS again after my last post, it only took around 20 seconds to get a satfix outdoors.

nthn 2016-08-17 22:09

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
With AGPS on the Jolla phone it usually takes half a second, so I'd say that's a slightly noticeable difference. I do mind waiting for GPS signal, because if you're looking for a GPS signal, it's because you need it right there and then, otherwise you could just take a look at any old regular map.

deprecated 2016-08-18 01:09

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Just got this up and running on my Nexus 5, which was brand new in box. I only booted into android long enough to enable USB debugging so I could throw adb and fastboot commands at it.

Very happy with all of the hard work you all have done. Awesome!

mautz 2016-08-18 18:23

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Does anyone know who to root sfdroid? I tried to flash su via the recovery(i'm using Multirom) but that didn't work.

deprecated 2016-08-19 10:20

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
I've run into an issue:

I cannot get MMS to work, no matter which APN/MMSC I use. I'm on T-mobile US.

Is there anyone out there that has gotten this to work on our N5? I've tried,, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

abyzthomas 2016-08-19 13:08

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by deprecated (Post 1512972)
I've run into an issue:

I cannot get MMS to work, no matter which APN/MMSC I use. I'm on T-mobile US.

Is there anyone out there that has gotten this to work on our N5? I've tried,, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Set it to not download mms automatically and switch to 3g/2g and download the mms. It works most of the time. It does not work on 4g

deprecated 2016-08-19 16:02

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by abyzthomas (Post 1512978)
Set it to not download mms automatically and switch to 3g/2g and download the mms. It works most of the time. It does not work on 4g

Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a go. It's a minor inconvenience and not really a deal breaker for me. Still kind of annoying though. Anyone else have any experience in making this work more consistently?

tealc 2016-12-02 09:53

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Can anyone explain how to do a local backup of contacts, calendar etc on nexus 5?

I am perfectly fine with using ssh/rsync for backing up .vault to pc, but if I understand correctly you need to create a backup from settings->backup->create before the backup is stored in .vault. Correct?

The problem is that the backup menu requires either a SD card or a cloud storage provider to be able to create a backup. I am not a big fan of cloud storage so using dropbox or onedrive is not an option and since the nexus 5 doesn't have a SD card slot I am out of options for creating the backup.

I guess it would be possible to backup $HOME, but I would prefer a specific backup file which can be used to restore from the menu.

Edit: Using SFOS

minimec 2016-12-02 13:15

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by tealc (Post 1519815)
Can anyone explain how to do a local backup of contacts, calendar etc on nexus 5?

I refer to this post, I made some time ago, where I described my way to do backup/restore.

For Contacts/Calendar

devel-su pkcon install nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5-tools
devel-su -p vcardconverter --export contacts.vcf


pkcon install nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-tools
devel-su -p icalconverter export calendar.ics

In general I recommend using and following 'the other' Nexus 5 thread...

BluesLee 2016-12-02 13:43

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by tealc (Post 1519815)
Can anyone explain how to do a local backup of contacts, calendar etc on nexus 5?

I am perfectly fine with using ssh/rsync for backing up .vault to pc, but if I understand correctly you need to create a backup from settings->backup->create before the backup is stored in .vault. Correct?

The problem is that the backup menu requires either a SD card or a cloud storage provider to be able to create a backup. I am not a big fan of cloud storage so using dropbox or onedrive is not an option and since the nexus 5 doesn't have a SD card slot I am out of options for creating the backup.

I guess it would be possible to backup $HOME, but I would prefer a specific backup file which can be used to restore from the menu.

Edit: Using SFOS

minimec's methdod is the only solution for now, don't know how we can emulate an sd card. you can do complete sfos backups using multirom and tar or copy commands.

mautz 2016-12-03 09:52

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Wouldn't it be possible to change the mount scripts of the SDcard to mount an USB stick instead?

BluesLee 2016-12-03 11:09

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by mautz (Post 1519885)
Wouldn't it be possible to change the mount scripts of the SDcard to mount an USB stick instead?

This is already done by kimmoli, called 'USBStick utils' on openrepos. Personally i have big issues as usb sticks directly freeze my Nexus 5 and i have to connect to a charger, otherwise i can't reboot. This issue is not related to the os.

mautz 2016-12-03 16:14

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Ah, i'll give it a try. Thanks for the tip!

claustn 2016-12-03 17:00

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1519889)
This is already done by kimmoli, called 'USBStick utils' on openrepos. Personally i have big issues as usb sticks directly freeze my Nexus 5 and i have to connect to a charger, otherwise i can't reboot. This issue is not related to the os.

I tried to install it, but if i plug in an usb stick with the cable adapter nothing happens. Sailfish over CM 12.

BluesLee 2016-12-03 17:39

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by claustn (Post 1519921)
I tried to install it, but if i plug in an usb stick with the cable adapter nothing happens. Sailfish over CM 12.

What should happen? If i remember correctly, you could choose the usb stick from filemanager etc or directly cd to the mountpoint.

mautz 2016-12-03 18:18

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
The stick gets mounted in the /media directory.

juiceme 2016-12-07 07:36

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Yesterday something pretty odd happened to my Nexus5/SFOS;
The device shut down as I lost power due to forgetting that I had a half-way dry battery and left home without a charger.

After recharging and booting the device I find out that sensors are no longer working... :eek:
Noticed it immediately as orientation stays portrait all the time and when I checked the whole sensory array with Messwerk I noticed that none of the bunch work... :(

So, any suggestions how should I investigate this further, or should I just try to reflash on top of the system and hope it helps the situation?

Oh, and I am on currently.

Unfortunately I have no logs from the state where sensors did work, but here's what's in the logs currently when I reboot the device:


[    0.444614] ocmem: Client sensors (id: 6) not allowed to use OCMEM
[    6.515775] systemd[1]: sensorfwd.service has a D-Bus service name specified, but is not of type dbus. Ignoring.
[  14.841211] msm_sensor_config:1751 sensor state 1
[  14.908185] msm_sensor_config:1779 sensor state 0
[  15.028778] msm_sensor_config:1751 sensor state 1
[  15.049161] msm_sensor_config_mt9m114b:1340 [CMD_POLLING] success (cnt=2)
[  15.075190] msm_sensor_config_mt9m114b:1340 [CMD_POLLING] success (cnt=2)
[  15.141793] msm_sensor_config_mt9m114b:1340 [CMD_POLLING] success (cnt=9)
[  15.287215] msm_sensor_config:1779 sensor state 0


Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish DSME[686]: thermal sensor generic: No thermal config files found
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish systemd[1]: Starting Sensor daemon for sensor framework...
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[716]: Created a daemon
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 5
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "alsadaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'alsadaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "alssensor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: "alssensor instantiation failed"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "sensor has not been instantiated"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish systemd[1]: Started Sensor daemon for sensor framework.
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 8
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "proximityadaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'proximityadaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "proximitysensor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: "proximitysensor instantiation failed"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "sensor has not been instantiated"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'alssensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 1
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "accelerometeradaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'accelerometeradaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::propertyChanged(const QString&) to AccelerometerChain::propertyChanged(const QString&)
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::propertyChanged(const QString&) to AccelerometerChain::propertyChanged(const QString&)
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "orientationchain" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "orientationsensor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: "orientationsensor instantiation failed"
Dec 07 09:11:05 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "sensor has not been instantiated"
Dec 07 09:11:09 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'orientationsensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:11:09 Sailfish lipstick[939]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "orientationsensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:11:09 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'orientationsensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:11:09 Sailfish lipstick[939]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "orientationsensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:11:09 Sailfish lipstick[939]: [W] LipstickCompositor::LipstickCompositor:93 - Could not start the orientation sensor
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish [1351]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 2
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "magnetometeradaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Attempting to define invalid default data rate:  50
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'magnetometeradaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::propertyChanged(const QString&) to MagCalibrationChain::propertyChanged(const QString&)
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::propertyChanged(const QString&) to MagCalibrationChain::propertyChanged(const QString&)
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "magnetometersensor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: "magnetometersensor instantiation failed"
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "sensor has not been instantiated"
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish [1351]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "magnetometersensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'magnetometersensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:12:07 Sailfish [1351]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "magnetometersensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'alssensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "alssensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'alssensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "alssensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'proximitysensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "proximitysensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'proximitysensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:12:48 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "proximitysensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 4
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "gyroscopeadaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Attempting to define invalid default data rate:  50
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'gyroscopeadaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "gyroscopesensor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: "gyroscopesensor instantiation failed"
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "sensor has not been instantiated"
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "gyroscopesensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'gyroscopesensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:12:55 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "gyroscopesensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "accelerometersensor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: "accelerometersensor instantiation failed"
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "sensor has not been instantiated"
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "accelerometersensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "requested sensor id 'accelerometersensor' not registered"
Dec 07 09:13:00 Sailfish [1646]: [D] SensorManagerInterface::interface:78 - Requested sensor id ' "accelerometersensor" ' interface not granted
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 3
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "orientationadaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'orientationadaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "compasschain" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "compasschain" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Unable to use compass for z-axis rotation.
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Attempting to define invalid default data rate:  100
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometerchain" ' by session ' 7 ':  50
Dec 07 09:13:07 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::deactivate:58 - Sensor stopped
Dec 07 09:13:09 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::activate:36 - Sensor started
Dec 07 09:13:09 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometerchain" ' by session ' 7 ':  50
Dec 07 09:13:13 Sailfish [1646]: [D] Sensor::deactivate:58 - Sensor stopped

mautz 2016-12-07 09:46

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Have you tried restarting the sensors service?

systemctl restart sensorsfwd
Or reinstall sensorsfix.

juiceme 2016-12-07 10:11

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Thanks, It seems to be running but there's errors associated with it;


[root@Sailfish nemo]#
[root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl status sensorfwd
sensorfwd.service - Sensor daemon for sensor framework
  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sensorfwd.service; disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-12-07 09:11:05 EET; 2h 49min ago
  Process: 716 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sensorfwd -c=/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf -d --log-level=warning --no-magnetometer-bg-calibration (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 730 (sensorfwd)
  CGroup: /system.slice/sensorfwd.service
          └─730 /usr/sbin/sensorfwd -c=/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf -d --log-level=warning --no-magnetometer-bg-calibration

Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: int HybrisManager::handleForType(int) No sensor of type: 3
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "orientationadaptor" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: SensorManagerError:  "adaptor 'orientationadaptor' can not be started"
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "compasschain" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Node ' "compasschain" ' state changed to invalid
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Unable to use compass for z-axis rotation.
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Attempting to define invalid default data rate:  100
Dec 07 09:13:04 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometerchain" ' by session ' 7 ':  50
Dec 07 09:13:09 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometerchain" ' by session ' 7 ':  50
Dec 07 09:22:19 Sailfish sensorfwd[730]: Invalid interval requested for node ' "accelerometerchain" ' by session ' 8 ':  50
[root@Sailfish nemo]#

Indeed, restarting the sensorfwd daemon helped!


[root@Sailfish nemo]#
[root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl restart sensorfwd
[root@Sailfish nemo]#
[root@Sailfish nemo]#
[root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl status sensorfwd
sensorfwd.service - Sensor daemon for sensor framework
  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sensorfwd.service; disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-12-07 12:02:45 EET; 4s ago
  Process: 13869 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sensorfwd -c=/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf -d --log-level=warning --no-magnetometer-bg-calibration (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 13870 (sensorfwd)
  CGroup: /system.slice/sensorfwd.service
          └─13870 /usr/sbin/sensorfwd -c=/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf -d --log-level=warning --no-magnetometer-bg-calibration

Dec 07 12:02:45 Sailfish systemd[1]: Starting Sensor daemon for sensor framework...
Dec 07 12:02:45 Sailfish sensorfwd[13869]: [SocketHandler]: Unlinked stale socket "/var/run/sensord.sock"
Dec 07 12:02:45 Sailfish sensorfwd[13869]: Created a daemon
Dec 07 12:02:45 Sailfish systemd[1]: Started Sensor daemon for sensor framework.
[root@Sailfish nemo]#

Now Messwerk also finds life with all the sensors, however screen rotation didn't work until I restarted lipstick :)

dubliner 2016-12-27 09:33

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
Just wondering, do you keep restarting sensorfwd after each and every reboot? Or have you found a more persistent solution?

juiceme 2016-12-27 11:22

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by dubliner (Post 1521089)
Just wondering, do you keep restarting sensorfwd after each and every reboot? Or have you found a more persistent solution?

I only ever had this problem once, after that it has been just fine.

matemana 2017-03-05 07:53

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by dubliner (Post 1521089)
Just wondering, do you keep restarting sensorfwd after each and every reboot? Or have you found a more persistent solution?

I have this problem too, after i flashed i had to restart sensors on every reboot, so i made service for it.

Also i have a problem with wifi, it forgets password and i have to enter it on every reboot. Please answer if you have the same problem with wifi.

claustn 2017-03-05 09:12

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
I don't have this problem, with sensorfix flashed and your same Sailfish image

n950 2018-12-03 20:34

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5

On Nexus 5x 4gb RAM.
Is sailfish OS work with 4gb RAM motherboard?
How to install sfos on multiboot?
Is it possible to install Android app on sfos Nexus 5x? How to?

Thank you

mautz 2018-12-12 12:51

Re: SailfishOS 2.0 on Nexus 5
For Nexus 5x look here:

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