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volt 2012-07-24 14:08

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
i don't know what specc's agenda is, but he clearly has one. Manipulation of random numbers, stats from nowhere and straight out fabrications. If it's trolling for amusement or just to stirr up some FOD, I don't know and I leave it to others to find out. It has not the slightest thing to do with truth.

I am following cue's example and doing the sensible thing. Ignore list.

volt 2012-07-24 14:27

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
NOK has had a bumpy few days since the 16th, jumping up and down. It appears they're not falling at the regular speed, it's been more or less going up and down in the same range for most of July. 1.63 to over 1.90 and back.

Currently 1.78 but hardly a flat graph. I guess this is a good trend compared to the steady falling.

specc 2012-07-24 14:48

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by volt (Post 1242234)
i don't know what specc's agenda is, but he clearly has one. Manipulation of random numbers, stats from nowhere and straight out fabrications. If it's trolling for amusement or just to stirr up some FOD, I don't know and I leave it to others to find out. It has not the slightest thing to do with truth.

I am following cue's example and doing the sensible thing. Ignore list.

So available statistics and basic left hand correlations are "random numbers and manipulation" ? LOL :D You guys :) Who's got an agenda?

SamGan 2012-07-24 15:20

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by volt (Post 1242242)
NOK has had a bumpy few days since the 16th, jumping up and down. It appears they're not falling at the regular speed, it's been more or less going up and down in the same range for most of July. 1.63 to over 1.90 and back.

Currently 1.78 but hardly a flat graph. I guess this is a good trend compared to the steady falling.

These up and down gyrations don't mean a thing. Nokia's share price is so low now that the stock is subject to speculative play and even price manipulation.

daperl 2012-07-24 15:47

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by specc (Post 1242039)
The market share of WP in Europe is 2-30%, with great variations around the continent. Finland is the highest (and by some develish mechanism your or not wrong suggesting that marketing has not boosted the share there, it is due to loyal Finns). Elsewhere marketing has definitely boosted the share from nothing to something. 6 M Lumias.


Originally Posted by specc (Post 1242194)
This is no magic. In Finland people get a new phone every 18 months. Each month 1/18 of the population buys a phone, roughly 5%. The lumia has been out for 4 -5 months. This means 20-25% has purchased a new phone while the lumia has been around. Now, 1/3 of that is around 8%, which is what statcounter shows. 1/3 of all the new phones is of course roughly 30%.

It all adds up, but you are either too stupid to see it, or too lazy too found out by yourself. The same goes fir Volt. IMO you are simple clouded by , I don't know what exactly. Too bad you put me on ignore, you won't know the truth :D

It's disappointing that you're still here, but whatever. Regardless, you should leave the definition and meaning of numbers to others, 'cause you suck at it. While leaving out some of the bottom feeders, here's the Finnish picture by OS:

Attachment 27491

Oh look! People in Finland swapping a Nokia phone for a Nokia phone! Who would have guessed! Now, drill into that dense, trolling skull of yours that the average percentage of new phone purchases does not equal the average market share. And by the way, the average Finnish WP market share from February to June is 6.24%, not 8%, so your bogus number of 30% would actually be 22.5% [.0624 / (5/18)]. But once again, for the people playing at home: 6.24% != 30%.

And nice try cherry picking the small, proud country of origin. Very meaningful.

specc 2012-07-24 17:07

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 1242269)
It's disappointing that you're still here, but whatever. Regardless, you should leave the definition and meaning of numbers to others, 'cause you suck at it. While leaving out some of the bottom feeders, here's the Finnish picture by OS:

Attachment 27491

Oh look! People in Finland swapping a Nokia phone for a Nokia phone! Who would have guessed! Now, drill into that dense, trolling skull of yours that the average percentage of new phone purchases does not equal the average market share. And by the way, the average Finnish WP market share from February to June is 6.24%, not 8%, so your bogus number of 30% would actually be 22.5% [.0624 / (5/18)]. But once again, for the people playing at home: 6.24% != 30%.

And nice try cherry picking the small, proud country of origin. Very meaningful.

ABC of market share vs user base for daperl:


Install base or install user base is a measure of the number of units of a particular type of system—usually a computing platform—actually in use, as opposed to market share, which only reflects sales over a particular period. Although, the install base number is often created using the number of units that have been sold within a particular period. It isn't necessarily restricted to just systems, as it can also be products in general. Because installed base includes machines that may have been in use for many years, it is usually a higher figure than market share. Many people see it as a more reliable indicator of a platform's popularity.

Installed base is not the same as the total number of units sold at any given moment in time (cumulative sales numbers), since some of those units will typically be out of use because they have broken, gone missing, or been made obsolete.

gerbick 2012-07-24 17:08

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Oh... I get what you're doing now.

Rauha 2012-07-24 17:12

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Lies, damned lies, statistics, web statistics.

Reading too much into web counters. For example, I would be willing to bet quite a lot that S40 has considerably higher marketshare in Finland than in that figure. There's really no reliable single data point for web traffic. Can be highly skewed due to many purposes. Even Nokia itself doesn't use those figures in corporate propaganda. Mynokiablog using those webstats based on a single source just shows how desperate Nokiafanbois are becoming. They are starting to make Applefanbois look like rational scientific minds. As Nokia sinks, its fans start looking like a cargocult.

daperl 2012-07-24 17:57

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Whoops, looks like someone didn't get the point. So once again, the ABC's of inequality for ericsson:

6.24% != 30%

Cue 2012-07-24 19:27

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 1242332)
Whoops, looks like someone didn't get the point. So once again, the ABC's of inequality for ericsson:

6.24% != 30%

Must say, it's pretty pointless adding somebody to your ignore list because you see their reply in other peoples quoted posts. Even highlighted in red. Add to that the fact that almost everyone is talking about speccs posts and it makes it hard to follow the thread.

Seems he called somebody stupid along the way. After talking about personal insults that's hypocrisy at its best.

He has treated the data from the 1 carrier over 1 month as an average for previous ones for the entire nation and despite every effort to tell him about the poor reliability of doing so it seems he will not get the drift. Why he wants to use several bad estimates to try and match another empirical value is beyond me too. Perhaps he thinks the increased margin of error will help his cause.

You will have a hard time knocking any sense in to him. So please stop replying to his posts, it will make this thread easier to follow for others.

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