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kojacker 2012-07-26 18:54

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Stock just hit $2, seems a long time since we seen that :) I noticed this from NASDAQ in the past half hour - Bulls take long-term shot at Nokia


optionMONSTER's Heat Seeker tracking program detected the purchase of about 50,000 January 2014 5 calls for $0.33 to $0.36 against open interest of 38,664 contracts. It accounted for more than half the volume in the mobile stock so far today.

The investor is now positioned to make money if NOK climbs over the next 18 months. He or she may prefer using options over regular shares because they can generate significant leverage and reduce the amount of capital needed to profit from a rebound.

For instance, those calls have a delta of 0.28. If NOK climbs $1, or about 50 percent, those calls will almost double in value. If the stock doubles to $4, they could more than quadruple in value. (See our Education section)

NOK is up 6.25 percent to $1.96 in afternoon trading. The once-mighty cell-phone maker is down more than 90 percent since late 2007 as it struggles to find relevance in a world dominated by iPhones and Android devices. Earnings have been consistently poor, but some value investors may like its ample cash reserves and the fact it trades for less than book value.

Overall option volume in the stock is almost triple the daily average so far in the session, with calls outnumbering puts by 5 to 1.

volt 2012-07-26 20:35

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Maybe now's the time to invest :B
Watch that dead horse bounce!

Wait, why is it just today being written news about Nokia scrapping Meltemi? I thought that was common knowledge last month. You know, when the people working on it got fired...

specc 2012-07-26 20:52

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 1243424)
Stock just hit $2, seems a long time since we seen that :) I noticed this from NASDAQ in the past half hour - Bulls take long-term shot at Nokia

My thoughts go to the short-sighted clowns selling Nokia at this point LOL :D Probably mostly traders anyway.

Lumiaman 2012-07-26 20:53

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by switch-hitter (Post 1243411)
Having nothing is better than having the clap.

You are just jealous that NOKIA will succeed. Go to the RIM board where you belong

danramos 2012-07-26 23:34

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by volt (Post 1243271)
It's the Sony Corporation as a whole that hasn't kicked that fella from his top position. And Sony has one consumer related scandal pretty much every year. Their new boss of bosses is the same person that was responsible when PSN leaked passwords over and over and over again. That's how they reward lack of respect for their customers data. Also, they're one of the biggest DRM pushers and are playing lobby hardball like few others.

Sony has several areas where they are best. They've always had products with as stylish (yet different) design as Apple. But with it's Evil Within, I am not buying anything Sony again.

I am but one person, and people will have different experiences and have read different stories and have different priorities, so other people may consider other companies more evil.

I'm kind of sorry to have to admit that I'm with Volt on this. Ever since the merger, Sony began having a LOT of infighting between the legacy divisions and the new content provider (movies and music) divisions... and the content provider divisions almost always ended up winning and slanted anti-consumer with heavy and dangerous DRM schemes. It's never been the same company ever since.

Classic Sony was the company that won the court case against a movie studio to prove that VCR's have a large non-infringing use. Modern Sony is the company that pushed SOPA and insists on proprietary, draconian DRM and works against the public good and often against its very own artists.

I stopped buying Sony altogether since the rootkit fiasco back in the mid-2000's and I've not really looked back ever since. The one exceptional case now IS the cell phone division's surprising willingness to open their systems--but I'm not sure if I makes me willing enough to start buying their products again. I'd need to see that sort of turn-around company-wide before I might change my brand faithfulness again. Once you lose me, you really have to work to get my attention back--there's a LOT of good brands that have filled the void in the meantime and you have to be better than them, not just as good.

Relevance to Nokia? Once you've lost your customers you need to be better, not worse--not even as-good. I don't see it for Nokia anymore--not at this rate.


Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1243390)
I think NOKIA is in a much bettern position than RIM. RIM truly has nothing. NADA. Zilch. Nicht

That's right. Second-worst is better than worst. Good boy. I might have some dog treats around here for you somewhere.


Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1243475)
You are just jealous that NOKIA will succeed. Go to the RIM board where you belong

Give that man a RIM-shot 'cause I feel like there's got to be a joke in there somewhere!

Rugoz 2012-07-27 02:32

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
I don't care what nokia does. As a business case they're still interesting of course, but otherwise they lost me.

Cue 2012-07-27 03:01

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1243536)
Classic Sony was the company that won the court case against a movie studio to prove that VCR's have a large non-infringing use. Modern Sony is the company that pushed SOPA and insists on proprietary, draconian DRM and works against the public good and often against its very own artists.

I'm sure you went and watched Michael Bays Transformers and The Dark Knight though Dan. Take your example of SOPA, Sony dropped SOPA support after the draft bill. Yet all other content providers did not (nor any of their subsidiaries). Universal, Time-Warner, Viacom all backed it till the end.

Even with that still in mind people have no problem watching these content providers films, yet they will think twice about buying an electronic device from an unrelated subsidiary of a company who actually dropped SOPA support.

I just find it bizarre personally, especially when that unrelated subsidiary is quite independent. Although I tend to not hold grudges against any company so I may never understand it fully, I think a lot of people have not let that from the rootkit fiasco go. This despite the fact that they recalled all CDs from stores and exchanged all customer copies for versions which are completely DRM free. They are all DRM free now too so I don't see what's draconian.

specc 2012-07-27 06:24

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 1243567)
I don't care what nokia does. As a business case they're still interesting of course, but otherwise they lost me.

Infidel !!! ;) You are right of course, but it's not only Nokia. Compared with a few years back, the situation today is about choosing something that doesn't suck too much. It used to be choosing something that really is cool.

For something too be really cool, a necessity is HW keyboard, FM tx, SD card, top CPU and so on. Such a device doesn't exist any more. The 808 is close, PureView definitely is cool. But it's a EOL product. So the only thing worth waiting for is a Lumia Pureview running WP8. Otherwise you might as well give up and get a SGS3, or worse an iPhone. If the modern definition of a smartphone suits you, then you cannot get anything better than the SGS3 today. If that's too expensive, or too large, then a Sony is unbeatable. Excellent devices, what is wrong is the concept of a smartphone has changed.

So, I will wait for a Lumia PureView announcement, and if that disappoints for some reason, then the 808 it is. For now I'm quite happy with my Lumia 800, the N9 is already more than half way into the drawer. Compared with the rest of the smartphone landscape that is as inspiring as a foggy marshland, the Lumias are much better devices than they (in general) are given credit for.

Back to the stocks. Today will be a somewhat interesting day.

volt 2012-07-27 09:20

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Lunchtime updates from Europe:

NOK1V (Helsinki, price in Euros)

Day so far:

Month view shows a positive development for the last week:

Looks like the value will be fairly equal at the start and end of July.

Rauha 2012-07-27 16:13

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Nokia and labour unions ended negotiations at Salo factory today. Everyone fired, but unions manage to get that Nokia Bridge program extended to blue collar staff as well.

Last Nokia made in Finland shipped on wendsday. The factory will continue packaging phones made elsewhere until autumn when the final closure will take place.

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