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Karel Jansens 2006-07-11 15:40

I installed the latest version of Maemo Mapper for 2005 ITOS, just to play with it a bit. I tried it for an afternoon, managed to get some maps but, as I don't have a GPS receiver yet, decided I could do without it for the time. So I uninstalled the program, but all the map files are still in the cache!

How do I get rid of those memory munchers? And, more importantly, why were they not deleted when the program was uninstalled? This is not very user-friendly behaviour.

penguinbait 2006-07-11 16:04

That kind of depends on the user
While this may seem like a limitation to you I see it as a feature I am glad exists. When I download maps, I dont want them deleted because I decided for some reason to reinstall. If you install xterm you can delete these files easily. Since your running linux maybe its time to learn how to access the command line :eek:

I am extremely grateful to GNUITE for creating and providing for free an awesome tool we can all use.

once you get in xterm run "rm -rf /usr/home/apps/maemo-mapper"


Originally Posted by Karel Jansens
I installed the latest version of Maemo Mapper for 2005 ITOS, just to play with it a bit. I tried it for an afternoon, managed to get some maps but, as I don't have a GPS receiver yet, decided I could do without it for the time. So I uninstalled the program, but all the map files are still in the cache!

How do I get rid of those memory munchers? And, more importantly, why were they not deleted when the program was uninstalled? This is not very user-friendly behaviour.

Karel Jansens 2006-07-11 16:53


Originally Posted by penguinbait
While this may seem like a limitation to you I see it as a feature I am glad exists. When I download maps, I dont want them deleted because I decided for some reason to reinstall. If you install xterm you can delete these files easily. Since your running linux maybe its time to learn how to access the command line :eek:

I am extremely grateful to GNUITE for creating and providing for free an awesome tool we can all use.

once you get in xterm run "rm -rf /usr/home/apps/maemo-mapper"

I think that has to be rm -rf /home/user/apps/maemo-mapper

But thanks for the tip: I installed Osso-Xterm and got rid of the leftovers (apparently Midnight Commander only works on root-enabled 2005 ITOS, which I haven't done, so it's indeed time to brush up on those long-forgotten CLI-skills).

I still think it's wrong: on a non-modified 770, the user has no access to those directories. It might have been better to use a default directory that is accessible from the (admittedly lame) built-in filemanager.

penguinbait 2006-07-11 17:20

OK you got me, user/home home/user you get the drift. You can also make a link to root so you can access everything from filemanager if you prefer.

ln -s / /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/ROOT

I personally do not know why you would want one of these without shell access, its a must have.



Originally Posted by Karel Jansens
I think that has to be rm -rf /home/user/apps/maemo-mapper

But thanks for the tip: I installed Osso-Xterm and got rid of the leftovers (apparently Midnight Commander only works on root-enabled 2005 ITOS, which I haven't done, so it's indeed time to brush up on those long-forgotten CLI-skills).

I still think it's wrong: on a non-modified 770, the user has no access to those directories. It might have been better to use a default directory that is accessible from the (admittedly lame) built-in filemanager.

Karel Jansens 2006-07-11 18:29


Originally Posted by penguinbait
OK you got me, user/home home/user you get the drift. You can also make a link to root so you can access everything from filemanager if you prefer.

ln -s / /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/ROOT

I personally do not know why you would want one of these without shell access, its a must have.


I agree, but they are sold without. :confused:

gnuite 2006-07-11 22:11


Originally Posted by Karel Jansens
I still think it's wrong: on a non-modified 770, the user has no access to those directories. It might have been better to use a default directory that is accessible from the (admittedly lame) built-in filemanager.

This is a good point. I've considered changing the default map directory to somewhere accessible to the file browser, but I don't know where to choose.

"/home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Maemo Mapper" ?

Anybody have any suggestions?

fpp 2006-07-11 22:53

Maemo Mapper Maps ?
Dowloaded Maps ?
M&M&M's , :-)

cybe 2006-07-11 23:59

Tried out some GPX route plotting apps on the web today, but Maemo Mapper didn't want to load the .gpx files for some reason =(

Here's a nice app that uses Google Maps:

gnuite 2006-07-12 00:45


Originally Posted by cybe
Tried out some GPX route plotting apps on the web today, but Maemo Mapper didn't want to load the .gpx files for some reason =(

Here's a nice app that uses Google Maps:

Maemo Mapper uses the "trk" tag, not the "rte" tag, so it can't parse routes generated by the above URL (or any other tools that use "rte" instead of "trk"). That may change in the future, but for now, "trk" is all that Maemo Mapper understands.

guy2100 2006-08-15 18:57

I think if pairing functionality is added to maemo mapper , these mysterious BT drop outs will go away.

And somebody please tell me does the dropput happens with all receivers or not. Does iBlue GPS receiver also face the same problem of GPS positioning not updating itself and one has to reset the 770.?!


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