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dj_steve 2010-03-06 13:32

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I will have to check that. I'm still having issues getting my own kernel to even load.. how is everyone compiling the kernels here ? None of mine boot

bdogg64 2010-03-06 13:59

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 557828)
I will have to check that. I'm still having issues getting my own kernel to even load.. how is everyone compiling the kernels here ? None of mine boot

I downloaded the kernel from the maemo 5 sdk, which gave me kernel_2.6.28.orig.tar.gz and kernel_2.6.28-20094102.3+0m5.diff

After extracting the kernel and patching it with the diff file I had a working kernel. From there I patched it with the android kernel patches.

Your situation is a little different from mine since your using the n810 with a mainline kernel. Maybe the original nitdroid_kernel.config will give you an idea of which one to use.

dj_steve 2010-03-06 14:09

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
yep looked at the config its based off 2.6.28. It has loadable module support so may be able to load modules to the kernel that way

jutley 2010-03-06 14:25

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
ok i am a new n900 user willing to test anything on my device i supose i got to fill the 48 gb with you think we can have a stable release of android on n900 soon? allways dreamed of android running on nseries tablets as i have had them all n900 being my current device.the main thing that i think is if it happens it should be a easy installation this will ensure instalation to the masses good luck i will be watching very close.

janezek 2010-03-06 15:12

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
i am trying to get all sort of os-s on my n900 just to shut the f up my iphone friends and their constant response "it doesnt even have native mms support" (dont know why this is so important!?)

i am looking at those instruction for android and got scared :) i dont even know where to get bootmenu (cant find files in the garage)

anybody want to help the noobie? :)

dj_steve 2010-03-06 15:19

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
ill leave a howto up to bdogg. as for getting a workingos etc running well thats going to take work.

has anyone got access to a full technical data doc for the n8x0 and n900 tablets showing what chips do what so i can try and find kernel modules for them/android edits

jutley 2010-03-06 15:57

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
can we have a working and not working list in each devices as updates come out make it look clean and easy to keep track of.and a easy to understand guide for instalations so even noobs can find it easy to follow.

dj_steve 2010-03-06 15:58

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP) has a fairly well organized list of what is and is not workin :)


this looks like it may be useful > my current error <3>soc_camera: version magic '2.6.32 preempt mod_unload ARMv6 ' should be '2.6.28-nitdroid preempt mod_unload ARMv6 '

that error is what i expected to get and easyily fixed (ignore the modulei was just compiling a small module as test(for the n8x0 camera) ) so im tryign to compile sound subsystem now as module see if i can import it to a running kernel

bdogg64 2010-03-06 17:12

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by dj_steve (Post 557922) has a fairly well organized list of what is and is not workin :)


this looks like it may be useful > my current error <3>soc_camera: version magic '2.6.32 preempt mod_unload ARMv6 ' should be '2.6.28-nitdroid preempt mod_unload ARMv6 '

that error is what i expected to get and easyily fixed (ignore the modulei was just compiling a small module as test(for the n8x0 camera) ) so im tryign to compile sound subsystem now as module see if i can import it to a running kernel

Here is a page I used that has very good references for the N900.

dj_steve 2010-03-06 17:13

Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)

Originally Posted by bdogg64 (Post 557980)
Here is a page I used that has very good references for the N900.

sweet cheers :) also think i may of found half the problem with BT on the n8x0 too.......

hci_h4p hci_h4p: firmware: requesting bc4fw.bin

that firmware doesn seem to exist anywherre though :S

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