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colm.smyth 2011-04-16 09:42

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
The developer of TwimGo and Kasvopus has said he will probably work on a Foursquare client next in QML so lets hope so


Originally Posted by geojoking (Post 988304)
I checked out the Developer site of FourSquare and it seems that they launched a new API for FourSquare apps and the old API will be phased out starting August this year.

Since BarrioSquare was developed a while ago it's pretty straightforward to assume it uses the v1 API, which means the app will not work starting August 2011.

If I had the skills to develop an app I would honestly do so. But I studied economics and accounting, so I have no I idea how software engeneering works.

But I've seen that recently, using QML and Qt, a whole range of new and exciting apps have been developed, such as cuteTube-QML and Kasvopus...

Since FourSquare is very popular nowadays, I think it'd be GREAT if someone could develop a new application. It would make me, and the rest of 4SQ users so happy...

geojoking 2011-04-16 10:29

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
Today's international FourSquare day. It'd be great to at least have some hope. :)

Speaking of hope, d'you think FourSquare will develop a native app for MeeGo ?

rm53 2011-04-18 18:16

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
a bit off-topic, but... seems to be defunct:
"NOTICE: This domain name expired on 04/17/2011 and is pending renewal or deletion."

so I backed up to Barriosquare, and now I read this will not work after August 2011? Oh oh...

geojoking 2011-04-18 19:16

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
It's not a sure thing. I just think it uses the old API and if it does, it will stop working. It's such a pity no one continued the development for this app. There are a lot of new features that we are lacking...

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