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Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
If you can prove that N900 will get the MeeGo then my facts are wrong, until you can prove that my fact is wrong therefore you cannot say my facts are not the fact. The source is Nokia themselves never say or admit and also on MeeGo forum has nothing that related to N900 except the picture of N900 in the front page. Why would not NOKIA say it directly? well because they still want to make more money with the N900 and if they say that the N900 is just a testing beta and will never be Nokia intention to moving the beta to a full version OS then Nokia will never sell any more N900 nor developers would put their efforts into making software for it. So this way they are securing the market share for the N900 for the time being while waiting for the right moment and moves to say it out to the public when the time is right. That is when they got the New better improved N9XX series. Facts are hidden in their statement just like one of the forum member described above. |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
you got a good point of view but its really sad that however it bothers me thatiphone 2G can be updated to 3GS same software! and nokia will relsease an os version newer then maemo 5 in less than 1 year of N900 and not updatable screw that nokia we r really sick of ur service im considering apple in the future if that happens since iphone 3gs was nt bad and since its customer service is the best and they always keeps there customers happy with each release that one of the major reasons of apple success having only 1 gadget of mobile per year only... its a competitive market & nokia seems to screw wiz us again its nt only firmware also some hardware failures especially the micro usb port issues which are making me feel scared everytime i plug my device which is at least twice a day,sliding scratches,dead pixels,reboots,dead mic, and whats mostly funny that couple of days nokia uploaded a demo for maemo6 which we will probably nt use in the N900 and made our device stuck in a reboot loop and had 2 flash emmc image & firmware.. currently im happy with my device i loved maemo and the fact of the keyboard and microb & firefox browser and when meego is released iphone 4g released ill check if there's no updates no care from nokia then i might change back again to apple but will keep my N900 for tweeks since its really the best gadget i ever used but have some issues & all the issues are because of stupid nokia! and yea this post is by using the N900 damn i wish meego will be on this device :(
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Don't feel too sad bud. Just make the most of it out of our N900 for the time being and may be stick to it until you have enough cash to spend on the next device then move along heheh. I do hope Nokia changing their mind to port MeeGo to N900 though but so far no words of it being on the N900. |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
From my point of view, if the N900 will get Meego or not does not matter. Currently the N900 already has everything really useful I need. I can access all the sites that interest me via my 3G connection. I can hear my music, read my rss, view one or more videos on a trip with a great quality, use GPS to guide me in my town (here I do not need the navigation system, small town and I rarely travel very far :)). Almost everything I need my n810 already did, of course, but not with the same speed. From now on anything that comes to the N900 is profit. What I really need is a portrait mode. Anyway, that's my point of view.
The N900, even if Meego be released tomorrow, will not become a paperweight staff. At least not for me. :) |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
yes u r right thats totally what im going to do at least we gotta enjoy it to the max now right :) |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
ok i was readin all this topic now, i know i want the meego on my n900 as many of u, but i have questions will this mean that the n900 wont be having flash 10.1 in the future ?
and another thing is lets say n900 will be compatible with meego applications, so the only difference between n900 and meego device is what the interface. for me i only care about browsing and instant messaging. i dont really care about many apps since most of them are useless. but as a whole what will that affect the n900. will the browser wont get any updates ? will it be powerful enough to handle full browsin till next year ? |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I would really agree with Nokia if they are not able to port Meego to N900 due to hardware restrictions. That doesn't seem to be the case here cause atm N900 is their flagship device. As Apple has shown that all their customers get the software updates but some features wont be supported due to hardware limitations. So the lifeline of a device increases considerably along with these updates and the applications created for the operating system. So basically anyone who buys an Apple smartphone needn't worry about the software aspect side can be rest assured that future versions will be supported as long as the hardware supports it.
But with Nokia...No no no.. they just want to mess around with the N900 owners by not taking a stand regarding the whole Maemo6/Meego issue. Just cause they made a deal with Intel doesn't mean that they are not answerable to n900 owners and the developers for Maemo platform. Its an expectancy of any customer that whatever device they invest in should atleast be supported for a couple of years with a 3rd party application support. I agree with what Steve Jobs said. " Its not the phone that will be successful in the smartphone market but it is the apps that are on the phone that will make it successful". I completely disagree with people who are saying that whether N900 gets Meego or Maemo6 doesnt matter and the device should be enjoyed as it is. That can happen for a short period of time but once Meego is released and if it doesnt come to N900 and when developers dont support Maemo then you will think about N900 being a very bad investment. If Nokia gives valid reasons of not supporting the device then I can understand but N900 being a very capable phone(except capacitive touch) If Nokia doesn't support it as they dont have resources or they are too lazy to support it then it is totally my bad luck that I got this phone. atm Windows 7 does look good. I will wait till the end of the year and see how Microsoft progresses with W7 |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
As for the second half of your post, well it's a good thing we have QT then. There's the app support, regardless of what OS your running. Though it'll have its fair share of initial bugs. |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Have Nokia ever claimed that the N900 will not get MeeGo/Harmattan? Or that it will, for that matter? Nope, hence that can go either way. You may claim that it's safe to assume that it won't judging by previous experiences with Nokia, but an assumption is not, and cannot be a fact. As for all those FUD naysayers, especially those claiming that N900 is somehow a dead-end device for which Nokia doesn't care, nor will care now when there is a new kid on the block called MeeGo, here are some real facts: 1. Nokia still rolls out N900s from their factories, so the userbase is actually growing. 2. After a month and a half of the device in the wild, we had a first minor update, a week later a major one, then couple weeks later another minor one, and another major one is coming in the next couple of weeks. If that indicates unsupported and abbandoned device, I wish all my gadgets are that much abbandoned, unsupported and dead-end. And since people here love to compare the support level to Apple's or Google's, care to mention one of 'their' devices that has such support? For f. sake, it took Apple a year to publish the first major update to make the iPhone do something my phones were doing for years - installing 3rd party apps. And another year for the next major update that brought a feature which every smartphone had since the 2002, if not earlier - copy/paste. And they still don't have the most fundamental feature of them all - multitasking. In my book the biggest difference between a smartphone and a dumb/feature phone is multitasking. 3. Name me one other pocketable device that can do what N900 can do out of the box. 4. There is no MeeGo device out there, in fact even the core reference platform for it does not exist. And Nokia openly claims that you should get N900 if you wish to jump on the MeeGo train. That says two things - they indeed value the N900, and that N900 will be at core level compatible with MeeGo even if it doesn't get he MeeGo itself. 5. For f. sake, you've purchased an open-source(ish) device so that you don't hold all your eggs in one basket, namely so that Nokia is NOT the one and only in charge of what will become of your device, now practice that privilege! N900 is out there and it is NOW, what the future will hold for it and how the things will develop we cannot know, I don't think that even Nokia themselves have a very clear idea on that one. If you keep looking in the future ignoring the present you will never get a new device, as the next one wil probably be better, faster, with broader support... that's the nature of technical progress. If there is a device out there on the market that better suits your needs, you should've bought it instead of the N900; or you should sell/throw away your N900 and get that device. If you don't want to deal with the inherent uncertainty of the Maemo/MeeGo platform, you should also sell your N900 and wait a couple of years to see where it's heading. Do whatever you like but please, for the love of your favorite imagnary friend, stop spreading the FUD! Now, quit bi.chin' and get out of my kitchen! ;) Painstakingly typed on my N900 |
Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Nokia has decided not to throw away their investment in Maemo 6 but the implied direction is Meego, the platform which you mention does not yet exist. If the Maemo 5 issues were being pushed off to Maemo 6 how soon ( and I know this is speculation) will Maemo 6 issues be pushed off to Meego. The issue is that Maemo 5 and Harmattan are legacy and from a packaging and ui point of view may not be consistent with Meego. Now some argue it's all Linux what's the big deal and QT is write once and run anywhere, but we've heard that before right? We know that UI needs to be tweaked for QT even though it "technically" runs. Same goes for the Linux. Just because it compiles doesn't mean the UI framework is the same nor the packaging. Though it's not like re-writing everything all over again the fact is when the N900 is the only device with Maemo 5 (presumately there will be more than one device running Harmattan though in reality we don't know that either) will Nokia and the developers want to spend time with Maemo 5 for a small ROI? Wouldn't they want to work on OS'es that hit multiple devices that presumably has more customers and bigger footprint? We're now even further down the totem pole. The fact is (if I may use that word) if we bumped up to Harmattan we enter the larger pool and will have support and also give Harmattan a bigger user / developer base. Ultimately isn't that a win for everyone? Otherwise once Harmattan releases I think you'll see a sharp drop in activity regarding releases for Maemo 5. Why spend resources on the old platform when you have a current platform to fix bugs for a newer platform to plan for? Very different than the Apple approach. Yes, you argue that it took them forever and really, they did take forever. The fact is though the benefits of that are that early generations benefit from future generations. Isn't that a good thing? Isn't that a model that should be applauded? Quote:
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