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arcticrobot 2010-08-06 15:17

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by Spotfist (Post 777762)
What a load of rubbish! Seriously it seems like not one question was asked by a nokia phone owner!

There were a lot of questions regarding Maemo/Meego, possibility to upgrade phones to newer OS versions and so on. This guy completely ignored them. Transcript shows only answered questions. The most important, in my opinion, was: Will I be able to upgrade N8 to Sym^4? Ignored!

arcticrobot 2010-08-06 15:22

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by neotalk (Post 777597)
would of been nice to see the n900 being mentioned....but really what else did you expect? Nokia is not going to commit itself to something it cannot/wont deliver.

It has been mentioned many times, retweeted by other users and completely ignored by Niklas. Heres an example:
__SubZero__ @niklasatnokia Hello. As a N900 owner I want to know wheter you will continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

You can see all by yourself going to if you got account and searching for #niklas. Good luck digging through that digital junk.

Jack6428 2010-08-06 18:01

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by arcticrobot (Post 777912)
It has been mentioned many times, retweeted by other users and completely ignored by Niklas. Heres an example:
__SubZero__ @niklasatnokia Hello. As a N900 owner I want to know wheter you will continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

You can see all by yourself going to if you got account and searching for #niklas. Good luck digging through that digital junk.

Coincidentally, the tweet you quoted was from me. I asked him the same question, only formulated differently, over 8 times! No response. Here is a chronological list (from oldest to newest) of what I wrote:

@NiklasatNokia: Greetings. I own the Nokia N900 since launch and I have 2 questions. 1) Can we expect another major fw update (PR1.3) soon?

@NiklasatNokia: 2) Why has Nokia failed so much with the marketing of the N900 and its OviStore? Silence, minimum promotion, many delays...

@NiklasatNokia:Hello.I own the N900 since launch and see it as your best product.Can we expect another major fw update (PR1.3) soon? #Niklas

@NiklasatNokia: Greetings. 19M downloads for Maemo5 on Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia Greetings. 19M downloads for Maemo5 on Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia: Stop avoiding questions regarding the Nokia N900! Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia Will you continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia Hello. As a N900 owner I want to know wheter you will continue to support the N900 with new firmware updates? #niklas

@NiklasatNokia: Thank you Mr. Niklas today for nothing. Avoiding most of the questions is for Nokia surely a very good approach. Well done!

@nokia: Why has Mr. Niklas yesterday ignored every question regarding the N900 and Maemo 5? Is this how should a head of marketing behave?

@nokia: !!!

As you can see, I tweeted alot of stuff, but nobody replied. Why? I don't know, but my guess is that both Niklas and Nokia are incapable ignorant idiots. And I wouldn't mind telling something simliar to the guy in his face, he deserves it, as everyone in the marketing and sales department and maemo department in Nokia.

arcticrobot 2010-08-06 20:38

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by Jack6428 (Post 778064)
As you can see, I tweeted alot of stuff, but nobody replied. Why? I don't know, but my guess is that both Niklas and Nokia are incapable ignorant idiots. And I wouldn't mind telling something simliar to the guy in his face, he deserves it, as everyone in the marketing and sales department and maemo department in Nokia.

I didn't mention N900 and Maemo because we all already know that Maemo is discontinued product and I would rather prefer Nokia to focus on upcoming Meego and leave Maemo to community. However, this guy totally ignored questions about the Sym3 to Sym4 upgradeability of the N8 - the phone he 'proudly' uses himself. So he can brag about "I use N8 and I LOVE IT" and totally ignore question "Will N8 get Sym^4 update in the future".

longcat 2010-08-06 21:13

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Well, it won't, be upgraded. N8 is just eyecandy with it's supreme HD camera and etc. Just to keep some customers before they launch sym^4 and meego.

un-named_user 2010-08-06 21:45

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Err.. Did someone notice the comment posted to the Network World story.

Nokia Response
By ChrisatNokia on Fri, 08/06/2010 - 1:16pm

Total Disclosure - I'm Chris from the Nokia Communications team. Niklas (or someone from Nokia) will be responding to as many of the questions over the next several days - and we will do our best to get to all of them. There were hundreds of questions and he couldn't get to all of them.

At this point I don't care for any answers. Its already clear for the most part where the N900 is going.

But I'm going to be watching which questions they finally do come up with answers for and which ones get left out because of the "too many to answer" excuse from Nokia :D

Rauha 2010-08-06 23:10

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Just in case anybody has missed it on Engadget, here is link to new interview:

Spoiler: He doesn't say anything about N900 in it either

volt 2010-08-07 01:10

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
Doesn't mean it's not interesting, though.

...stuff we learned this morning during our captivating chat with Niklas Savander:

"a tablet isn't happening anytime soon."

Edit: after reading all of that, I've got the feeling that MeeGo phones are about to get more expensive.


And, oh dear oh dear how i have trouble tolerating iNgadget's bias.
"and losing daily (in mindshare, at least) to the Apples"

On a less propagandic blog, any blog that wants to appear semi-objective, really, you'd talk about facts instead of... mindshare. Yes, we get it, iNgadget, you really, really have no room to share in your mind for any other religion.

Look at this, numbers from North America, correction, the US, Apples core market:

Nokia shouldn't waste a minute to worry about Apple. They should worry about Everybody Else Selling Android. Or better yet, not worry about anybody, but just complete the full-OS-on-cell-phone project without swapping course two times between every model. And if they finished that, maybe they could send a sixpack of them to USA to double their percentage there.

droll 2010-08-07 01:12

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter
you know, maybe this niklas guy doesn't know a thing about the N900. that could explain his lack of answers on the topic.

nilchak 2010-08-07 01:26

Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 777355)
If I am curious about something I typically just use Google. Not the fastest method, but I'm not about to try and do a search on every possible individual forum, wiki, popular social network, bordello, cat house, and anything else that may or may not contain the information I need/want.

And I'm certainly not going to try and maintain an account on all of them. Then again.. I don't particularly care about what Lady Gaga has to say about her latest outfit, or what Pink's opinion of Proposition 8 is.. (Yup, I looked up Pink's latest tweet just to be a smart ***. At least, I think it's her latest.. or even her... or hell I don't know with all the ****ing @this and #that and .. meh. Don't care to learn the interface or new "lingo" either.)

You are confusing technology with the user content that you normally see being used in that technology platform.

Its like saying I don't like the internet because its mostly used for porn.

And again twitter is also used for news and all as well - so its not just for keeping up with Pink (which is what you tried).

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