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BigBadGuber! 2010-09-22 17:08

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

Originally Posted by ME2g (Post 823557)
Posted this to the german N900 forum:


US Palm Pre users will get up during the next hours...

come on ya'all US is voting with ya

maemo5 2010-09-22 17:11

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
keep voting!!!!!!
תמשיכו להצביע!!!!
сохранить голосования!!!!!
الحفاظ على التصوي!!!!!!!
seguir votando!!!!!
(more lang's,one sentence)

rrdbala 2010-09-22 17:14

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
voted from USA

maemo5 2010-09-22 17:15

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
voted 8 times (8 PCs) from jerusalem :-)

alienhead 2010-09-22 17:18

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Done my part.

Changegames 2010-09-22 17:21

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
this thread makes me laugh so hard because were all getting workout and wanted to see our beloved n900 win...
btw me and my sis got n900 and voted too and posted it on FB... :D

elie-7 2010-09-22 17:22

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
voted (like 20 times now ) but if they are gonna wake up in the next few hours, than we should get an early lead its just 8:22 pm here .

Creamy Goodness 2010-09-22 17:37

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
dude ppl in the USA are awake a long time ago, it's lunch time there now...

SAABoy 2010-09-22 17:41

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Its sooo close!!! dont look, just keep pushing.

Dr.Marcial 2010-09-22 17:45

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
keep it up guys! im using my free day off to keep voting! we better win lol!

and even if we are multi-voting! its only fair the best phone win, and the n900 is by far the best phone here, so in all fairness, we aint cheating we are helping truth prevail! woot!!

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