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damagedspline 2012-05-07 18:18

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
@gianko I have made a new deb for you. you should read the new note

damagedspline 2012-05-07 18:35

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1203120)
the close app: yes or no — is not related to waze it think, i have those sometimes with twitter and other apps. i think it's just load CPU on start that's hy we get this error. So as i know the aim to rewrite whole thing to Qt and i bet it would be easier than to optimize and it would be more light than it is now. so just give it a time

I think it does come fom waze in a way. I hope that it will be solved when I'll finish the rewrite of the UI layer 3 versions from now.

@ginggs + @Schturman: thanks for the idea about the autobrightness, but I'm afraid that in the old waze code there is no such feature and in addition to that nokia did not add way in qmobility (as far as i could find) to set the brightness level manually (or disable autobrightness). This complicate things. Overcoming the waze lack of feature is easy (I can do a hidden setting to allow that), but finding a cross platform replacement to qtmobility is the hard part.
Maybe after I'll finish rewriting the UI layer I'll reconsider, but in the meanwhile i still have a lot of other todos :)

gianko 2012-05-07 21:53

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1203137)
@gianko I have made a new deb for you. you should read the new note

:D hurray! finally it works! at least we found the problem is linked with the address book. in fact, when i go to choose contacts to route, as suggested, it crashes with segmentation fault!

this are the last lines in the terminal

23:50:15.042 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 82, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
23:50:22.436 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 157 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 157]
23:50:22.445 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 124 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)
        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 124]
file:///opt/waze/qml/Contacts.qml:71: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: contactModel
Initilizing contacts manager
Contacts manager initilized, creating new contacts list model
Extracting contacts from contact manager
Segmentation fault

ginggs 2012-05-08 18:26

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1203149)
@ginggs + @Schturman: thanks for the idea about the autobrightness, but I'm afraid that in the old waze code there is no such feature and in addition to that nokia did not add way in qmobility (as far as i could find) to set the brightness level manually (or disable autobrightness).

I may just be unfamiliar with the terminology, but I don't intend to suggest autobrightness.

You currently have two settings for the back light; on - where Waze never switches to the stand-by screen, and off - where the display switches to the stand-by screen after the N9's display time-out value.

I'm suggesting a third back light option; auto - where if the N9 is charging, it behaves like the existing 'on' setting, and if the N9 is not charging, it behaves like the existing 'off' setting.


Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1203149)
Maybe after I'll finish rewriting the UI layer I'll reconsider, but in the meanwhile i still have a lot of other todos :)

You are doing a great job, thank you! :D

I have encountered another minor problem with v0.0.8; the program exits whenever I try and 'Ping' someone.

damagedspline 2012-05-08 19:40

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1203251)
:D hurray! finally it works! at least we found the problem is linked with the address book. in fact, when i go to choose contacts to route, as suggested, it crashes with segmentation fault!

Excellent! :)
I have made another test binary, trying to further isolate the issue:


Originally Posted by ginggs
You currently have two settings for the back light; on - where Waze never switches to the stand-by screen, and off - where the display switches to the stand-by screen after the N9's display time-out value.

That is possible. I will see if I can add it to v0.0.9. What Schturman suggested was to disable the auto-dimming where the brightness is changing according to the surrounding light level - a feature which qtmobility lacks.

gianko 2012-05-08 22:20

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
from terminal

00:15:32.091 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 80, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
00:15:39.390 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 157 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 157]
00:15:39.392 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 124 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)
        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 124]
00:15:43.945 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c, line 1801 SendMessage_MapDisplyed() - Skipping operation; Current coordinates where already sent...        [File: '../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c'; Line: 1801]
00:15:43.947 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c, line 967 RTNet_GPSPath(GPS-DISCONNECTION TAG) - Adding 0 points to packet. Range offset: 0        [File: '../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c'; Line: 967]
00:15:43.948 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c, line 988 RTNet_GPSPath() - Output command: 'GPSDisconnect
'        [File: '../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c'; Line: 988]
00:15:44.358 sInfo ---> ../waze/qt/, line 60 RNetworkSocket connected <33>        [File: '../waze/qt/'; Line: 60]
00:15:44.359 s..debug.. ../waze/websvc_trans/websvc_trans.c, line 1044 wst_Send( SOCKET: 33) - Sent 218 bytes        [File: '../waze/websvc_trans/websvc_trans.c'; Line: 1044]
00:15:44.359 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c, line 4924 in freeUpdteaMapCache - there are 0 problems in cache        [File: '../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c'; Line: 4924]
00:15:44.439 sInfo ---> ../waze/roadmap_power.c, line 113 Current battery level : 75. Threshold 1: 30. Threshold 2: 20        [File: '../waze/roadmap_power.c'; Line: 113]
Segmentation fault
~ $

ps: when i started waze i got an alert message saying "maybe we found a bug. report? i clicked yes

MiCRoPhoBIC 2012-05-08 22:56

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by ginggs (Post 1203675)
I have encountered another minor problem with v0.0.8; the program exits whenever I try and 'Ping' someone.

I have the same problem. Every click on the 'Ping' or 'Reply' (on Ping) button - the program just quits.

damagedspline 2012-05-10 16:11

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1203751)
from terminal

00:15:32.091 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 80, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
00:15:39.390 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 157 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 157]
00:15:39.392 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 124 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)
        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 124]
00:15:43.945 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c, line 1801 SendMessage_MapDisplyed() - Skipping operation; Current coordinates where already sent...        [File: '../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c'; Line: 1801]
00:15:43.947 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c, line 967 RTNet_GPSPath(GPS-DISCONNECTION TAG) - Adding 0 points to packet. Range offset: 0        [File: '../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c'; Line: 967]
00:15:43.948 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c, line 988 RTNet_GPSPath() - Output command: 'GPSDisconnect
'        [File: '../waze/Realtime/RealtimeNet.c'; Line: 988]
00:15:44.358 sInfo ---> ../waze/qt/, line 60 RNetworkSocket connected <33>        [File: '../waze/qt/'; Line: 60]
00:15:44.359 s..debug.. ../waze/websvc_trans/websvc_trans.c, line 1044 wst_Send( SOCKET: 33) - Sent 218 bytes        [File: '../waze/websvc_trans/websvc_trans.c'; Line: 1044]
00:15:44.359 s..debug.. ../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c, line 4924 in freeUpdteaMapCache - there are 0 problems in cache        [File: '../waze/Realtime/Realtime.c'; Line: 4924]
00:15:44.439 sInfo ---> ../waze/roadmap_power.c, line 113 Current battery level : 75. Threshold 1: 30. Threshold 2: 20        [File: '../waze/roadmap_power.c'; Line: 113]
Segmentation fault
~ $

ps: when i started waze i got an alert message saying "maybe we found a bug. report? i clicked yes

That did not had the expected results... I have made a new deb for you:

btw, when you click the "send" logs - that information is send to the waze team, and I dont have access to it. Sadly, the waze code get a config update request on each start which will reset to their send URL even if I set it to be my own. Maybe if they will get enough of these packets, they will decide to assist me in my efforts...

gianko 2012-05-12 14:08

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

16:08:07.135 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 66, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
16:08:07.195 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 67, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
16:08:12.848 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 157 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 157]
16:08:12.857 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 124 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)
        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 124]
Illegal instruction

maybe the problem is some empty name in phonebook? like (null) (null) ?

damagedspline 2012-05-12 21:22

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950

Originally Posted by gianko (Post 1205691)

16:08:07.135 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 66, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
16:08:07.195 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_res.c, line 309 Placing the resource at Slot: 67, Flags: 1,          [File: '../waze/roadmap_res.c'; Line: 309]
16:08:12.848 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 157 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 157]
16:08:12.857 s..debug.. ../waze/roadmap_analytics.c, line 124 STAT SEARCH_ADDRESS_BOOK (null),(null)
        [File: '../waze/roadmap_analytics.c'; Line: 124]
Illegal instruction

maybe the problem is some empty name in phonebook? like (null) (null) ?

:/ the issue was that QContactManager was not initialized properly, so it was not valid. Looks like it is still the issue. This might be a bug in QtMobility. I will keep investigating...

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