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gbrm 2014-04-26 11:39

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Thanks again. Think my problem is something to do with permissions to place something into usr/.../ios7... Folder... May be system restriction or something. Sorry, I am not tech savvy but have followed instructions to get to this stage.. Even opened terminal and got root access. And then no idea how to proceed on terminal to copy/paste into themes folder., the filebox appln is able to place into mydocs folder only I think... Thanks for your help again,

I don't have firebox root... Nothin exist in App Store. May be it's through another method?

DJJonosound 2014-04-26 11:53

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Ah if you don't have firebox root that is the issue :p
You need the root permissions that firebox root has to be able to edit the themes folder.

Do you have normal filebox installed?

Edit: Its filebox, not firebox. Stupid autocorrect.

gbrm 2014-04-26 11:57

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Yes, that's correct, I have filebox version 0.1.0.

Quest to find firebox root now...

gbrm 2014-04-26 11:59

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Found this

But no download link! bummer!... Do you know where I can get it?

lorenzo 2014-04-26 12:10

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by gbrm (Post 1422876)
Found this

But no download link! bummer!... Do you know where I can get it?

that's for fremantle, filebox for harmattan is on the store

gbrm 2014-04-26 12:14

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Thanks, I got my filebox from the store. But it does not give me root access permission??

DJJonosound 2014-04-26 12:51

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
You need to use a tweak from N9 quick tweak.
If I said firebox at all, I meant filebox. Autocorrect keeps changing things.
Download N9QT and then use tweak H 2. This will install a shortcut that lets you start filebox in root. Default password is rootme

gbrm 2014-04-26 23:51

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Thanks DJJonosound. I got the autocorrect error on filebox after one of your earlier posts, so luckily good there after some initial searches for firebox! :-)

Shall look to N9QT today and see how I go. I really like your theme work here, makes N9 that much better...

gbrm 2014-04-27 01:15

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Thanks mate. Got it working finally! Looks great!

DJJonosound 2014-04-27 01:54

Awesome, its awesome to see people all over the world using my work! :)

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