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proprog 2015-09-12 21:33

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
FYI I've now managed to create a service that register as mediaplayer and uses oscp via tmp.

Works like a charm for local files (at least from gpodder). I haven't got urls to work though which would have been much better/easier. Will try some more tomorrow.

I can upload the service if anyone is interested. Just need to do some cleanup and also would like to get the urls to work first.

KotCzarny 2015-09-13 06:27

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
nice :) if you set debug=9 in ~/.oscp.conf it will create /tmp/oscp.log which could help you debugging things, just dont forget to set it back to 0 later as /tmp space is limited

Dongle Fongle 2015-09-13 15:15

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI

Originally Posted by proprog (Post 1482307)
FYI I've now managed to create a service that register as mediaplayer and uses oscp via tmp.

Works like a charm for local files (at least from gpodder). I haven't got urls to work though which would have been much better/easier. Will try some more tomorrow.

I can upload the service if anyone is interested. Just need to do some cleanup and also would like to get the urls to work first.

Would love to test this :)

proprog 2015-09-13 16:52

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
Quick update of progress. The http urls now works (don't ask what I had missed) but file urls are still not working.

My interpretation of the debug log is that the file url is appended to the current directory.

[669 9 4 remoted_parse: sock:-77 r_sock0:5 r_sock:-1 br:70 br0:71 bl0:5 b:LOAD2 file:///home/user/MyDocs/Podcasts/Brainy%20Gamer/bgpodcast38.mp3 bp:file:///home/user/MyDocs/Podcasts/Brainy%20Gamer/bgpodcast38.mp3]
[669 9 4 /home/user/MyDocs/.sounds/Christian Gabel/1900/file:///home/user/MyDocs/Podcasts/Brainy%20Gamer/bgpodcast38.mp3]

With local files the log looks like this and the music starts:

[1230 9 4 remoted_parse: sock:-77 r_sock0:5 r_sock:-1 br:61 br0:62 bl0:5 b:LOAD2 /home/user/MyDocs/Podcasts/Brainy Gamer/bgpodcast38.mp3 bp:/home/user/MyDocs/Podcasts/Brainy Gamer/bgpodcast38.mp3]
[1230 9 4 /home/user/MyDocs/Podcasts/Brainy Gamer/bgpodcast38.mp3]

As http now works the service is quite functional for my use cases and I will upload it after some cleanup.

KotCzarny 2015-09-13 17:49

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
hmm, that's because i didnt implement file:// urls. hum, gonna add parsing tomorrow, as im away from my build env (regular paths starting from / should work. current dir is added because code thinks its just relative path.)
note to self: urldecode local links

KotCzarny 2015-09-20 12:26

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.7-47) stable; urgency=low

* added support for file:// links in LOAD2

@proprog: could you test and report?

proprog 2015-09-21 09:39

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI

Originally Posted by KotCzarny (Post 1483086)
oscp (0.9.7-47) stable; urgency=low

* added support for file:// links in LOAD2

@proprog: could you test and report?

Tested now and file urls works.

My service is updated and now uses only urls.

KotCzarny 2015-10-21 08:53

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams, now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.7-48) stable; urgency=low

* updated to libsc68 3.0.0b (sndh modules)
* updated to libxmp 4.3.9
* fixed stopping on uninitialized midi library

KotCzarny 2015-10-30 20:08

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.7-49) stable; urgency=low

* on start clip is set to last playing position (even without autoplay)
* rootmenu /.. containing some shortcuts (last file, favs, etc. step toward internet stations browser)
* small bugfixes

KotCzarny 2015-11-02 14:45

Re: oscp - multiplatform player for (almost) any file format and network streams (using libav/ffmpeg and others), now with pygtk GUI
oscp (0.9.7-50) stable; urgency=low

* fixed namespace bug (inflate() from libxmp collided with libz and zziplib)

in other words, due to some changes in -49 i've triggered a bug where zip files caused segfault. luckily the bug is no more, yay!

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