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juiceme 2014-09-04 07:39

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
What this means is that probably the price of note3 is going to bottom.
Might get one of them if they fall real cheap and try to port SFOS to it, that could be nice...

------- edit -------

Yes, just checked it and there exists Cyanogenmod port for note3. This means that it's no brainer to port SFOS on the device. :D

mscion 2014-09-04 12:15

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1438183)
What this means is that probably the price of note3 is going to bottom.
Might get one of them if they fall real cheap and try to port SFOS to it, that could be nice...

------- edit -------

Yes, just checked it and there exists Cyanogenmod port for note3. This means that it's no brainer to port SFOS on the device. :D

This would be nice to try, especially if you can get Sailfish to recognize the spen. Remember that eight wonder of the world (aka N900) had not only a hwkb but a stylus which really came in handy at times. If you're not so interested in getting spen to work, I would also consider the OnePlus One if you are going to port SF as it has some better specs than the Galaxy Note 3. Also, it comes with Cyanogenmod out of the box.

debernardis 2014-09-04 12:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Testing once a day if Amazon starts selling it. Btw I'll take the vanilla version not the Edge.

Edit: on 2nd thought, I'm disappointed. No waterproof.

mscion 2014-09-04 14:55

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1438207)
Testing once a day if Amazon starts selling it. Btw I'll take the vanilla version not the Edge.

Edit: on 2nd thought, I'm disappointed. No waterproof.

Maybe you really want this...

endsormeans 2014-09-04 15:07

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Ah yes..
The Manly-Masculine-Manly-Man phone.
I believe Ron Burgundy (during a respite at his favourite waffle house) recently endorsed this new CAT offering.
Rumoured to be made by lumberjack gnomes from the wilds of Arizona...Land of the big trees.

it appears to drip testosterone ...
I believe it will beat up nearby smartphones if left alone with them.

debernardis 2014-09-04 16:54

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Nope, it only stands half an hour under one meter of water. It's a phone for pussies. Should be marked Hello Kitty

endsormeans 2014-09-04 17:04

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Hhahahaha :D

mscion 2014-09-04 17:50

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1438226)
Nope, it only stands half an hour under one meter of water. It's a phone for pussies. Should be marked Hello Kitty

Yes or Hello KittyKat. Actually, if you can wait a little the Nexus X sounds quite tempting. It will be running Android L out of the box,
have a 5.9 inch screen. ART should be running on it and have tons of support from developers. Might also be less expensive at about $600. Non expanable memory may make it doa for some - unless you are ok with 64GB!

Kangal 2014-09-05 08:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1438237)
Yes or Hello KittyKat. Actually, if you can wait a little the Nexus X sounds quite tempting. It will be running Android L out of the box,
have a 5.9 inch screen. ART should be running on it and have tons of support from developers. Might also be less expensive at about $600. Non expanable memory may make it doa for some - unless you are ok with 64GB!

I heard it was going to be called Nexus X, along side Moto X (2014).
And heard it was going to have a 5.6inch screen.
So if you round it, it is a 6 inch phone. I hope that's the case because the Moto X has slim bezels but not as thin as LG's or Sharp's. And the phone isn't thin either. So a 5.6inch Moto X would be slightly larger than Note 3... manageable!

But a 5.9inch Moto X would be closer in size to the HTC One MAX.
And that's too large for me to handle one-handedly or put into my tighter jean pockets.

To be honest, I was really divided between the Note 3 and LG G2. I think a 5.2inch screen with minimum bezel is really the sweet spot, at least for me. And I think the sweet spot for the majority of people is 4.7inch with minimum bezel.

But I went to N3 over G2 simply because of N3's leather-back, previous history, and because the Note 3 is more popular so it would get bigger backing by the community.


Yeah, no waterproofing.
Sucks that it is so, and its bigger too.

endsormeans 2014-09-05 10:09

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
To go with my brand new Sumsang Gallixy Nute Tabbe 4...
I am considering this preeemmium qualitie bluetoogh 4 haedseet...
which should keep me in constant communication with God....
knowing He/She uses it...
since it is "Almighty Compatible" ...

Definitely my deal of the day for quality on the go communication with "The Great Inscrutable"....
for the demanding, discerning consumer of today...
yours now for $24.79 (shipping included) courtesy of fleabay

hmm...ya know I pondered the whole "Sweat-proof" thing and I'm postulating that the "Being-of-Beings"
....must perspire through His/ Her/ Its ears....
makes sense if these suckers were made sweat-proof and almighty compatible....
Or maybe communication WITH the Almighty makes the LISTENER perspire through their ears!
AHA! That makes even more sense.
I still like the thought God sweats through his/ her ears though....


debernardis 2014-09-06 08:29

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Then one realizes that the all new phone which will cost 790 euros will do exactly the same things of the phone you have already fully paid, tweaked, and are accustomed to.

mscion 2014-09-06 09:32

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 1438401)
Then one realizes that the all new phone which will cost 790 euros will do exactly the same things of the phone you have already fully paid, tweaked, and are accustomed to.

Just wondering. Anybody speak Italian...

debernardis 2014-09-06 10:04

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Basically he says:
- white is better
- not waterproof, what a pity
- multitasking, Android L style
- larger font on screen
- he likes Gmail last version
- note edge not good for left handed people
- not comfortable for small screen gesture
- swipe in and out window for menu back and home buttons
- display of vanilla version slightly better than edge version, white slightly brighter, and more space for photos
- he wouldn't but coming from note 3 (actually he says he will but just because he's a geek. also says that coming from note 2 it could be an advancement)

debernardis 2014-09-06 15:26

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Dave999 2014-09-08 15:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
If you going fore note 4. Add $199 and get this..

It's a done deal?

mscion 2014-09-08 18:13

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1438589)
If you going fore note 4. Add $199 and get this..

It's a done deal?

Depends on if you want to spend about $900 for the Note 4. Ouch!

endsormeans 2014-09-08 18:24

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
interesting.....noticed the oculus a while ago...pretty cool, versatile for smartphone usage...I've played around with VR goggles, glasses, gloves, haptics and the I got an idea what I feel comfy with .

Me ....I been saving my pennies for my next gadget purchase in the VR category....and this is what I'm aiming to buy. Works with smartphone or comp.
Don't need your device to hand to speak.
Not interested in the recharging aspect of the commercial model...more interested in the devel model...

wicked cool.

endsormeans 2014-09-08 19:51

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1438598)
Depends on if you want to spend about $900 for the Note 4. Ouch!

Hmmm...that doesn't look like a happy face giving the news on the price... :D

hmmm...Nope...not for me at that price with little diff compared to the note 3....they are smartening up and doing big iphone type hype for little real delivery...(terrible advertising though)....just like iphone....brilliant.

hmmm again.... :D one told them that the neo is the device to spend that kind of money on....

Kangal 2014-09-08 22:30

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I liked how the Original Note was equal to the Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Nexus in terms of pricing. It was roughly $600-650, given availability.

The Note 2 didn't improve much over its predecessor, and remained close in price.

The Note 3 was a drastic improvement over the Note 2. However, its price was increased to roughly $700 or $750 if you were unlucky.

Now Samsung is pricing the Note 4 even higher!!
Its offering the latest flagship for a whopping $800!

And what I think about that?
Well, you do get more phone for less price compared to an iPhone. But the iPhone is at least a great designed product, and has a much better SDK which yields better quality Apps. Has as good quality parts, much better customer support, feels and looks more premium and has much better support (hardware and software) by third-party vendors.

But getting something like a Brand New 32GB Black N9005 is more bang for your buck than a shiny Note 4.
And even better is to get something like the OnePlus One, 64GB for $350.

So if you were to argue that Android/Note 4's advantages over the iPhone are valid to put it on-par in terms of value-for-money... then I could tell you, you could purchase three OnePlus One (64GB) models for the price of a single Note 4 or iPhone.

And its a device which is as good as the alternatives... well, almost.

endsormeans 2014-09-08 23:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
You never cease to wow...
Gotta admit 1 +1 is pretty wow...
Kah-pa-ow wow in fact
...that is a pretty slick device for the price...
even has microsd slot
too bad about the embedded battery...but not quite a deal breaker.
Pretty nice ...very impressed..
Fact is...
If I wasn't fixated on the neo...and had no other choice past the gurgle or foxonfire phones...
I'd be hunting down a decent android...

Kangal 2014-09-09 07:48

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Thanks endo!

Actually the OnePlus One (OPO) doesn't have a removable battery, a removable storage/microSD and certain LTE bands.

However, there is the Oppo Find 7 which does have it. Its actually the same device from the same company, just has a different label. But that one is more expensive, it actually costs the same ($500) as a NOTE 3, since the recent price drop. So its worth buying N3 instead of F7 if those missing features are that important to you.

Dave999 2014-09-14 14:21

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Poeple have always laught at your big phone for a few years before they finally understand. Noone laughing at 5,3 inch device today. Now we are laughing at all the laughers :D we were always ahead of the rest of the world...

mscion 2014-09-14 20:49

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1439209)

Poeple have always laught at your big phone for a few years before they finally understand. Noone laughing at 5,3 inch device today. Now we are laughing at all the laughers :D we were always ahead of the rest of the world...

There are many nice improvements made with the Note 4 but I am disappointed in that the screen was not made a little larger. Around 5.9 inches would have been perfect for me. I'd rather have the larger screen than , say 515 ppi. So now I'm not sure about replacing my Note 3... at least with the Note 4.

mscion 2014-09-15 18:08

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Wow! A ridiculously high price!

Any takers?

Dave999 2014-09-15 18:19

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1439324)
Wow! A ridiculously high price!

Any takers?

It will go down to 550-600 Euro pretty fast which is an OK Price for a top of the line device. But I think I pass right now since I wait for a Tizen or Ubuntu device. But maybe get one in December if no Tizen, jolla or Ubuntu shows its ugly face.

endsormeans 2014-09-15 18:23

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Same here...
See what Teasin' and Fee-Fie-Fofuntu will offer up.
Note 4 Price doesn't gel with the benefits for me...
Pass too.

mscion 2014-09-15 18:38

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
The problem I have with switching devices is that while some phone might seem fantastic with some nice features I like, say 5.9 inch screen, I may lose some other features like the spen, ability to have floating resizable windows, removable battery, ability add memory and, in addition, great support from developers. I guess there are always trade offs and there is no perfect phone. So for now I will stay with Note 3 until I see something very compelling to buy.

endsormeans 2014-09-15 18:52

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note good sir...
You are being one very astute maemoian.

mscion 2014-09-15 23:05

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
1 Attachment(s)
" good sir...
You are being one very astute maemoian."

Hey! I resemble that remark!

endsormeans 2014-09-15 23:15

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Lookie at mscion's selfie!
Now we have proof of smartphone residual low freq. radiation!

mscion 2014-09-16 11:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1439375)
Lookie at mscion's selfie!
Now we have proof of smartphone residual low freq. radiation!

Umm.... Actually, that photo was taken long before the residual low freq. radiation had taken effect.... But, well, you know, beauty is only skin deep (and in the eye of the beholder of course!). I was hoping you might notice the nice layout and functionality of my call screen.... Also long distance reception is quite good on T-mobile!

Dave999 2014-09-16 15:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1439391)
Umm.... Actually, that photo was taken long before the residual low freq. radiation had taken effect.... But, well, you know, beauty is only skin deep (and in the eye of the beholder of course!). I was hoping you might notice the nice layout and functionality of my call screen.... Also long distance reception is quite good on T-mobile!

I think that image is an excellent excellent selfie of a person using android, iOS or least in the eyes of TMO user ;)

I have always felt like ET here :D

mscion 2014-09-19 02:11

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I once remember Dave999 commenting that electronics are cheaper in the US. It appears he is right based on this article:

GN4 can be had for about $700 to $750. Can subtract another $200 if you trade in any smart phone (maybe this offer is good elsewhere as well)!

endsormeans 2014-09-19 03:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Is it really cheaper? even after currency exchange and import fees?
Or do you mean the prices are good in comparison...because really ....everything is relative...their economy is rough, the average joe doesn't know if they'll be employed next week / month / year...let alone go further in debt...unpaid bills or lose their home (been down across the border since the econo dived?...alotta communities have huge swathes of abandoned homes)...and wages for the average american are abysmal ......a point of ref. for example.....min. wage is mitey low in the U.S....always has been. what everyone else sees as low prices are purely relative.
Anytime there are low prices...anywhere...there is a price for that..and it is in lower wages to accommodate that lower price.

Kangal 2014-09-19 06:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
I think it is cheaper, and despite US having a lower average salary... they have a much lower average expenditure.

So all-in-all, they have it good. Unless you value privacy or you are a stereotype (in particular of Middle Eastern descent).

mscion 2014-09-19 13:45

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Is the offer of $200 for smart phone trade in good outside US?

Ok, If I decide to go for the Note 4, which phone should I trade in to get the $200.

N900 (I have two), OGN, GN2, GN3, Jolla phone?

Kangal 2014-09-20 11:01

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Are the N900 functional, and do you use them anymore?
Maybe get rid of one of them.

What about the Jolla, use that often or is it collecting dust?
Otherwise, trade in the OG NOTE.

...I think its limited to USA only, but if you be polite and ask who knows !

daperl 2014-09-20 13:44

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
If anyone kept their free Lumia 800, T-Mobile will give you $23 for it.

Dave999 2014-09-21 06:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1439719)
Is the offer of $200 for smart phone trade in good outside US?

Ok, If I decide to go for the Note 4, which phone should I trade in to get the $200.

N900 (I have two), OGN, GN2, GN3, Jolla phone?

Trade in jolla. Its the least useful device I have ever met, and i have just faced a major issue With mine. You can't get a new battery without buying the whole Phone for 349 eUR. Im both dissapointed and a bit mad actully.

endsormeans 2014-09-21 17:57

Re: Samsung Galaxy Note
Holy Crap Dave!
Yea..I'd be dumping any device if I was told I had to buy a whole new phone...JUST for the batt. One of the joys of the built in batt....which is one more reason I like a removable batt.
Lost my support in half a heartbeat...not even a whole heartbeat of time.
Yea...I'd be mitey steamed too dave.
Just my opinion...but I think sanity dictates that dumping the least supported device makes very smart sense ...regardless who makes it.
If it were your shoes...under the same circumstances....the Jolla would be gone.
Feel for you man...

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