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volt 2012-07-31 15:23

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
If Nokia is to survive, they can't drop much further than they already did. I don't think a dollar fifty is the "right" price for a surviving Nokia. As such; I believe there's a chance to earn now. Downside is, it's not a safe investment at all.

That's why you have a chance at winning large, I guess. Seems to me Nokia has the cash to live till Windows Phone 8 Flops, chances are you can cash with profit before that.

But I'm nobody.

switch-hitter 2012-07-31 18:59

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Dividends are paid from retained profits, it has no impact on your profit and loss account in the current period whatsoever.

The profits being distributed to shareholders now will have been generated by sales of Symbian devices in previous financial years.

If Windows Phone continues to fail retained profits will be eaten away by losses, bank balances will rapidly diminish and dividends will just become a fond memory.

Lumiaman 2012-07-31 21:29

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by switch-hitter (Post 1245556)
Dividends are paid from retained profits, it has no impact on your profit and loss account in the current period whatsoever.

The profits being distributed to shareholders now will have been generated by sales of Symbian devices in previous financial years.

If Windows Phone continues to fail retained profits will be eaten away by losses, bank balances will rapidly diminish and dividends will just become a fond memory.

Do you take Prozac on a daily basis? Try speed, it works wonders:)

kojacker 2012-07-31 21:42

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
The stock has swung from being way undervalued at $1.63 to now over-valued (imo) at $2.41. My own feeling is that the stock is worth around $2.17 at this point. Two things are driving the price - the quarterly results showing Nokia had more reserves of cash than the market had expected, and more recently the sheer volume of trades is escalating the price. Today, for example, 92.1 million NOK shares traded (1.8 times its average daily volume).

switch-hitter 2012-07-31 21:46

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1245615)
Do you take Prozac on a daily basis? Try speed, it works wonders:)

stealthology 2012-08-01 03:32

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 1245625)
The stock has swung from being way undervalued at $1.63 to now over-valued (imo) at $2.41. My own feeling is that the stock is worth around $2.17 at this point. Two things are driving the price - the quarterly results showing Nokia had more reserves of cash than the market had expected, and more recently the sheer volume of trades is escalating the price. Today, for example, 92.1 million NOK shares traded (1.8 times its average daily volume).

Dude, a lot of people just realized NOK's chances of bankruptcy are extremely low after the news broke today regarding Optus (2nd largest carrier in Australia) selecting Nokia-Siemens to build out a huge 4G network there:

danramos 2012-08-01 03:36

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 1245625)
The stock has swung from being way undervalued at $1.63 to now over-valued (imo) at $2.41. My own feeling is that the stock is worth around $2.17 at this point. Two things are driving the price - the quarterly results showing Nokia had more reserves of cash than the market had expected, and more recently the sheer volume of trades is escalating the price. Today, for example, 92.1 million NOK shares traded (1.8 times its average daily volume).

I'm not sure that a bunch of insider purchases (if I'm to believe the recent posts) to help raise the stock value will help for very long. This sort of tactic only works for so long (and it doesn't help those investors dumping money into it, unless everyone else takes the bait and buys back in again). I suspect it'll drop back again down pretty soon.

specc 2012-08-01 08:01

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
Above 2 € now, and climbing. :D

mikecomputing 2012-08-01 08:47

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1245749)
I'm not sure that a bunch of insider purchases (if I'm to believe the recent posts) to help raise the stock value will help for very long. This sort of tactic only works for so long (and it doesn't help those investors dumping money into it, unless everyone else takes the bait and buys back in again). I suspect it'll drop back again down pretty soon.

shhh let micronokia fanboys buy alot and then loose them next week or so....

volt 2012-08-01 10:14

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

6 month view, NOK1V Helsinki, price in €.

If you bought a week ago, you could make a nice profit unless you sit too long.

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