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mbo 2012-08-01 10:24

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Nokia shares jump on talk of Lenovo interest

kevloral 2012-08-01 11:55

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Lenovo executive calls talks of interest in Nokia 'a joke'

Cue 2012-08-01 17:40

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by kevloral (Post 1245927)

Not as much of a joke as this Nokia nail polish

Nokia, you have dropped a long way from your top of the range business oriented smartphones. A long, long way.

mikecomputing 2012-08-01 21:08

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by Cue (Post 1246108)
Not as much of a joke as this Nokia nail polish

Nokia, you have dropped a long way from your top of the range business oriented smartphones. A long, long way.

MEEH, I liked my pink N9 until i saw this :(

Nokia IS doomed

Got damn let JollaMobile success! We need and european cool FOSS "based" company

specc 2012-08-02 07:00

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1246218)
MEEH, I liked my pink N9 until i saw this :(

Nokia IS doomed

Got damn let JollaMobile success! We need and european cool FOSS "based" company

Why anyone would want a mediocre locked down slate just because it runs a twisted fork of "mer" deep down is beyond me. Give me HW keyboard, lots of other HW juice and an OPEN OS than we are talking.

Until I get such a device, then WP it is (well WP and some Android stuff :) )

volt 2012-08-02 10:26

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
I honestly don't know why I keep following/feeding this thread, but here's the mid-day results (week view) from Helsinki (NOK1V, €)

As you can see, there was that spike with the rumors, however, when you overlook that Nokia still have that steady climb. We're back at mid June levels. Mind you, in mid June Nokia were seeing horrible numbers, these only look better because we know the late June/early July numbers, and because the climb is quite steady.

volt 2012-08-02 10:29

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
We can only hope that Jolla will live up to our expectations when it comes to openness. We know for a fact that they're more interested in selling to a broad audience than securing the position as "geekiest alternative". Luckily, they're looking to do that using geeky tools. But then, as did Apple when they built iOS, and as did Google when they built Android.

We don't know how open the platform will be until we see how locked-in the GUI and package management will be.

specc 2012-08-02 17:32

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
WP is the fastest growing smartphone platform. It grew 277% from last year. Global marketshare is now 3.2%, soon it will pass RIM :)

Go Nokia go go go :D

Dave999 2012-08-02 18:00

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
277% next year and the year after that...

Great investment.

MINKIN2 2012-08-02 18:07

Re: Let's talk Nokia stock!
277% from 0

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