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wipeout140 2008-06-27 12:52

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I did all installing as qwerty12 said in this post but am getting this problem like:

expect anything is all position in the corner of the screen when selecting right. This was on top of a diablo clean FW

Any Ideas???

lm2 2008-06-27 13:09

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Which post? This one, or this one?

(I won't be able to help you, but my guess those who can will want to know precisely what you did...)

wipeout140 2008-06-27 13:35

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 196603)
Which post? This one, or this one?

(I won't be able to help you, but my guess those who can will want to know precisely what you did...)

Sorry - Post - 194


1. Unzip this to your memory card:
2. Set the tablet into red pill mode:
3. Install the packages in this order:
  • libxrandr2_1.2.1-1_armel.deb
  • xserver-xomap_1.3.99.0~git20070321-0osso20074202_armel.modfied.deb
  • rotate-sb-plugin_0.1-1_armel.deb
  • kernel-diablo-flasher_2.6.21-200823maemo3_all.modfied.deb
4. Open up "X-Terminal" and run flash-and-reboot.
5. Enjoy.
I installed easyroot and did apt-get -f install to make sure it installed it said it going to install 3 things, i typed "y" installed them fine then typed "flash-and-reboot" it rebooted fine and statusbar icon was there i clicked it to try it out and screen quickly changed but but as you can see there is two status bars. One on the right does nothing and i have click on bottem left side of the screen to get access to status bar and icons e,g. Web, Personal Menu, Apps once am back normal, everything works normal. Also if it helps after all the installing and flash/restart and tested i put the tablet back to blue pill as hear that's best for updates

Do you think the best thing to do is reflash and try again?

Image (Nokia n810) Attached to show the problem - Sorry about quality i took it on my phone

Normally am good computers and i have some knowledge of linux as run net install of ubuntu

qwerty12 2008-06-27 15:11

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by wipeout140 (Post 196617)
Sorry - Post - 194

I installed easyroot and did apt-get -f install to make sure it installed it said it going to install 3 things, i typed "y" installed them fine then typed "flash-and-reboot" it rebooted fine and statusbar icon was there i clicked it to try it out and screen quickly changed but but as you can see there is two status bars. One on the right does nothing and i have click on bottem left side of the screen to get access to status bar and icons e,g. Web, Personal Menu, Apps once am back normal, everything works normal. Also if it helps after all the installing and flash/restart and tested i put the tablet back to blue pill as hear that's best for updates

Do you think the best thing to do is reflash and try again?

Image (Nokia n810) Attached to show the problem - Sorry about quality i took it on my phone

Normally am good computers and i have some knowledge of linux as run net install of ubuntu

Ok, that problem happens when the kernel isn't flashed properly.

You have fixed the apt-get problem, so do this (after making sure that the diablo maemo extras is enabled in application manager):

sudo gainroot
apt-get -f install

It may or may not reboot, it doesn't matter.

After that, reinstall my debs from here:

and run flash-and-reboot again.


Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 196581)
qwerty12, man, you blow me away! One question: So we're to implement rotation in diablo as described in your post, and then install the three debs you link to at the end of your sliderotate post?

Also, will installing sliderotate leave rotate status bar applets untouched?

Yep, exactly like that :) (although, just a note, sliderotate isn't
essential for rotation, I'm just providing it for convenience if anyone wants it)

Yes, I am using Diablo with the rotate status bar applet and sliderotate.

wipeout140 2008-06-27 15:45

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 196660)
Ok, that problem happens when the kernel isn't flashed properly.

You have fixed the apt-get problem, so do this:

sudo gainroot
apt-get -f install

It may or may not reboot, it doesn't matter.

After that, reinstall my debs from here:

and run flash-and-reboot again.

Thanks very much works perfectly its seems hacking/modding is your thing

Thanks Again

Greyghost 2008-06-27 16:03

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 196660)
Ok, that problem happens when the kernel isn't flashed properly.

You have fixed the apt-get problem, so do this:

sudo gainroot
apt-get -f install

It may or may not reboot, it doesn't matter.

After that, reinstall my debs from here:

and run flash-and-reboot again.

I want to add my thanks to qwerty12 for these files and for the excellent instructions.

I can confirm that the above apt-get step is necessary (but quite easy) and it worked! BRAVO! :D

Why do this? Because you can. Why do I need this? Because I want it. Woohoo!:)

matthewcb4 2008-06-27 16:19

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 196034)
Ok, here is prefered way of installing rotation into diablo.

Why? Because all these packages are from diablo, not from chinook. I recompiled all of these using diablo sources, libs & SDK.

And also, you are using a chinook kernel in diablo. Works but if you can have the diablo one (which is better, why not)

1. Unzip this to your memory card:
2. Set the tablet into red pill mode:
3. Install the packages in this order:
  • libxrandr2_1.2.1-1_armel.deb
  • xserver-xomap_1.3.99.0~git20070321-0osso20074202_armel.modfied.deb
  • rotate-sb-plugin_0.1-1_armel.deb
  • kernel-diablo-flasher_2.6.21-200823maemo3_all.modfied.deb
4. Open up "X-Terminal" and run flash-and-reboot.
5. Enjoy.

Here is emjayes sliderotate (rotate with home, power key etc) with a quick modification not to offer to flash kernel:

Here is my rotate-sb-plugin mod (original by jott) to rotate the d-pad too.(Well, I say mine but the original idea is Benson's and pH5 helped me with execing a program in a .c and I just did the rest and packaged it up :)):

If packages are missing or/and you get something like:
Then try first:

Sorry that was my fault for posting!!! oops

lm2 2008-06-27 16:31

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by matthewcb4 (Post 196688)
I am getting this message when i try and install the kernal diablo flasher. Its says that it cant install because i dont have "fash-and-reboot" where can i get these?

This has been asked and answered in this thread.

...ADDING: see here for instructions on how to add diablo to your extras repo. If you already have Maemo Extras repo, just add "diablo" to the line for distribution.

lm2 2008-06-27 16:50

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 196499)
That one can be modified easily; just edit usr\lib\sliderotate\ and replace all "left" strings with "right" :p

I tried to do this and think I failed. I'm still rather new to linux, and stumbled upon this method. Should I use this the change all "left"s to "right"s?:


cd directorypath
for f in filespec
do mv $f $f.old
sed 's#findstring#replacestring#g' $f.old > $f
rm -f $f.old

Anyway, I tried that and it didn't seem to work. I know it's a lot to ask, but any way you can supply us with the modded .py file? Pretty please?

qwerty12 2008-06-27 17:02

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Sorry, I should have taken a better look, not all strings were meant to be replaced but I've replaced the ones that did need to be replaced and it rotates to the right. I'm sorry but I didn't have enough time to update the dpad mappings so I think they will be reversed :/, but you should be able to swap the dpadright and zoomright numbers around :)


#!/usr/bin/env python
import dbus,gobject,time,os
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
from gnome import gconf

def main():
        global slidestatus
        global dpad
        global zoom
        slidestatus = '/sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state'
        global client
        client = gconf.client_get_default()
        global locked
        locked = False
        bus = dbus.SystemBus()
        tklock = bus.get_object('','/com/nokia/mce/request')
        if not os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/powerlaunch"):
                if os.path.isfile(slidestatus): #Running on N810
                else:                                #Running on N800
        loop = gobject.MainLoop()

def lock(member_keyword):                                                                                                                                                                                     
        global locked
        if member_keyword == "locked":
                locked = True
        elif  member_keyword == "unlocked":
                locked = False

def rotate(new_orientation):
        orientation = client.get_string('/apps/rotate/orientation')
        rotatedpad = client.get_bool('/apps/rotate/rotatedpad')
        zoomtopgx = client.get_bool('/apps/rotate/zoomtopgx')
        dpadright='keycode 111 = Right\\\\nkeycode 113 = Up\\\\nkeycode 114 = Down\\\\nkeycode 116 = Left'
        dpadnormal='keycode 111 = Up\\\\nkeycode 113 = Left\\\\nkeycode 114 = Right\\\\nkeycode 116 = Down'
        zoomright='keycode 74 = Page_Up\\\\nkeycode 73 = Page_Down'
        zoomnormal='keycode 74 = F8\\\\nkeycode 73 = F7'
        if new_orientation == "power":
                if orientation == "right":
                        rotate='DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xrandr -o normal'
                        if rotatedpad:
                        if zoomtopgx:
                elif orientation == "normal":
                        rotate='DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xrandr -o right'
                        if rotatedpad:
                        if zoomtopgx:
        elif new_orientation == "closed":
                        rotate='DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xrandr -o %s' % (orientation)
                        if orientation == "right":
                                if rotatedpad:
                                if zoomtopgx:
                        elif orientation == "normal":
                                if rotatedpad:
                                if zoomtopgx:
        elif new_orientation == "open":
                        rotate='DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xrandr -o normal'
        if os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/xmodmap"):
                moddpad='echo -e %s |DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xmodmap -' % (dpad)
                modzoom='echo -e %s |DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xmodmap -' % (zoom)

def slide(id,obj):
        f = open(slidestatus,'r')
        status =
        useclosed = client.get_bool('/apps/rotate/useclosed')
        useopen = client.get_bool('/apps/rotate/useopen')
        if status == "closed\n" and useclosed:
                new_orientation = "closed"
        elif status == "open\n" and useopen:
                new_orientation = "open"

def home():
        usehome = client.get_bool('/apps/rotate/usehome')
        if not locked and usehome:
                new_orientation = "power"

def power(id,obj):
        usepower = client.get_bool('/apps/rotate/usepower')
        if not locked and usepower:
                new_orientation = "power"

if __name__ == "__main__":

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