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Matan 2010-08-25 00:18

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 797060)
This means it's done. You can set the integer through the gconf key as he stated

The "new" package is on his web space;

Matan - does this include whichever patches/fixes that dealt with location Answer/Decline buttons glitching?


What MohammadAG did is take the latest version from Nokia's repository. I don't know if this version includes experimental changes that are not well tested, so I do not wish to distribute it.

If you have a specific problem, and can point to a specific patch (or a few patches) that solve them, I can look at them and include them if they seem safe.

Look at the repository here:

tig3r81 2010-08-26 16:07

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
hi matan I have download the last modified-hildon-desktop from your repo but I can't modify the kinetic scrolling.can you post the string to use in xterminal for modified the parameter decel-rate???? thank's and sorry to my worst english

TiagoTiago 2010-08-27 01:31

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
too many pages for me right now, has anyone figured out how to make it be a 3x3 grid with eight directional swiping?

inzimam 2010-09-04 11:25

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
,does this mean that mohammad's does not allow us to have multiple home screens? im confused

MaddogG 2010-10-08 23:39

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Hi! I would like to try to apply this patch (two-column and single-column task switcher) to Modified Hildon Desktop, but I can't find sources for modified-hildon-desktop_2.1_armel on your repo...are they available to public?

Matan 2010-10-08 23:45

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
The source package for modified-hildon-desktop is hildon-desktop. This information is available in the packaging system.

The source tarball is at:

MaddogG 2010-10-09 07:41

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 836844)
The source package for modified-hildon-desktop is hildon-desktop. This information is available in the packaging system.

The source tarball is at:

Thank you!

Edit: I did it...

etuoyo 2010-10-09 08:00

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 799611)
too many pages for me right now, has anyone figured out how to make it be a 3x3 grid with eight directional swiping?

Nicolai has just created a widget which is just as useful as this. The widget allows you to put widgets on your desktops which jump to any desktop. So you can have 9 desktops and put 8 widgets on each desktop which when clicked will take you to the desktop selected. Of cos unlike the grid system it means you take up desktop space with the widgets but if you are using 9 desktops surely this gives you enough space for the widgets and all your other stuff.

Waiting for Nokia to fix my N900 so have not tried it out but those that have had said it works excellently.

geneven 2010-10-09 08:10

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !
2 Attachment(s)
To repeat what I said elsewhere, Live Wallpaper works great with 9 desktops. It has a checkbox that allows you to put the same desktop on all Views. It has to be the fastest way to put backgrounds on all Views. I use Berlin and have my shortcuts artistically arranged on each page. I'll try to post a screenshot.

MaddogG 2010-10-09 08:41

Re: [How To] Have up to 9 home screens on N900 !

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 797060)
This means it's done. You can set the integer through the gconf key as he stated

I tried it, and it seems to work! :D
This is the command I used:

gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/decel_rate -t int 99

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